/ / Compression socks (for men): indications for use, sizes and contraindications

Golfs compression (for men): indications for use, sizes and contraindications

Compression knee socks are one of the measures aimed aton the prevention and prevention of varicose manifestations. From the Latin language the word "varicose" is translated as "swelling" and is characterized by violations of blood circulation of the lower limbs. This pathology is common in both men and women. The disease develops as a result of a decrease in the elasticity of the blood vessels of the lower extremities. Stretched walls provoke stagnation of the venous blood flow, which leads to edema of the legs, pain, severity, and subsequently to the formation of blood clots.

knee-length socks

Statistics state that women inare more susceptible to the disease. About 250 thousand people living in Russia die each year from this disease. The simplest way to prevent disease is using knitwear with compression properties. To it carry: stockings, stockings, golfs. Of course, few representatives of the strong half of humanity will agree to wear pantyhose and stockings, but compression knee socks for men will be the best choice for the violation of blood flow in the legs. This product can also be used by athletes to maintain the muscles in a normal state during training.

Features of compression linen

For the purpose of therapeutic prophylaxis of venouschanges in the network of pharmacy kiosks you can buy compression socks for men and women. It is this kind of therapeutic knitwear that helps to reduce pain and discomfort in varicose veins.

Medical knitwear, supporting the walls of blood vessels, does not allow:

  • their stretching;
  • normalizes vascular tone;
  • contributes to a more complete outflow of lymph;
  • Excludes puffiness and pain in the lower extremities.

compression stockings for men

If after a working day they are buzzing, swelling of their legs, it's time to think about purchasing such a jersey.

How to choose a product

Before you decide on a specificgoods, you should consult a specialist on vessels, which will determine the need for wearing such a jersey. The choice of such products in pharmacies as well as in sports stores is quite large, while few know that there are certain parameters on which compression socks are selected. The classes with which the product is indicated correspond with the degree of compression effect.

Appointments of medical knitwear

Compression lingerie can be used for several purposes:

  • preventive;
  • sports;
  • curative.

Wearing preventive knitwear will prevent the development of complications with veins, its fabric on the foot is made of ordinary material. It is recommended to wear this product periodically.

compression stockings sizes

Men's compression socks, used fortherapeutic purposes, you need to wear constantly. Their wearing is prescribed by the doctor, revealing the venous changes in the limbs. These knee socks are made of compacted material. When used, they help to keep the blood vessels of the legs toned, creating a certain pressure in the shin part.

Compression socks (men's) are used insports. They are suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle, traveling and spending a lot of time on their feet. The design of the products is distinguished by the brightness of the color scheme. Golf compressing (male and female) is often used by tourists during hikes, athletes and climbers. Made of products of material that is characterized by strength and elasticity. The effect of compression is evenly distributed over the entire shin.

Determine the size and effect of supporting the foot

Golfs, compression (for men and women)are a means of therapeutic effect, and properly sized to help achieve the desired therapeutic effect. Before you buy a knitwear, at home, remove the foot measurement, using the usual centimeter. Measure the ankle circumference in the area slightly above the bone, the shank girth in its widest place, the length of the foot. Employees of the pharmacy, based on measurements, will help to choose the right product. Choose only such compression golfs, the sizes of which exactly fit you. Otherwise, they will not perform their therapeutic functions.

socks, compression, for men, 2 class

For example, a product labeled "Knee sockscompression mens (2 class) ", indicates that the knitwear has a compression pressure of 23-32 mmHg and is necessary for the obvious manifestations of varicose veins with pronounced external changes in the veins. The product is accompanied by an instruction on how to properly wear it. Pay attention, from what material the product is made, this indicator will affect the long-term service of the acquisition. Linen, made of nylon, microfiber, lycra and cotton, will be used for a long time and will not require special care.


Problems with the veins on the legs may occur inat any age, unfortunately, this disease "gets younger" every year. But there are a number of contraindications to wearing such underwear. It is strictly forbidden to people who have a disease:

  • osteoarthritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • endarteritis;
  • thromboangiitis.

compression leggings classes

Only after consultation with a doctor, it is allowed to wear compression socks (male and female) with manifestations:

  • eczema;
  • open wounds;
  • if there are inflammations on the skin;
  • heart failure;
  • with signs of septic change;
  • with hypersensitivity.

Terms of Use

Initially, you will need to learn how to properly put on linen, but subsequently acquired skills will help to deal with this easily and simply.

  • To wear knitwear should be in the morning when lying down.
  • Legs should be dry and free from obvious defects (wounds, scuffs, calluses).
  • Do not stretch the product, it is better to choose the tactics of the "snake skin", gradually pulling the stocking or golf, collected in an accordion.

If the size of the product is chosen exactly, wearing compression knitwear will not bring any additional inconvenience.