/ / How did Luba lose her weight from the Interns? We know the answer!

How Luba from "Interns" lost weight? We know the answer!

For decades, many womenwondering how to get rid of hated kilograms at the waist. Indeed, such a serious problem has always attracted interest. So, some prefer to rely solely on themselves, experimenting with diets. Others resort to the help of modern medicine, using all sorts of operations on liposuction and reducing the volume of the stomach. Others follow the example of the stars who managed to cope with this problem. In this article we will talk about how Luba from the Interns has lost weight. Judging by the latest photos, this woman really managed to get a dream figure.

how lost any of the interns

How lost Lyuba from "Interns"? A bit of background

As the actress Svetlana Permyakova herself admits, withchildhood, she did not differ much thinness. Moreover, after pregnancy, a woman could not get in shape. Every day its sides were rounded, and the butt and legs "grew" in breadth literally by the hour. It was then that the actress decided to put herself in shape. At first, she refused fatty and spicy food and began to visit the gym daily. However, the weight of all "stood" in place, so it was the turn of hard diets. Svetlana had to forget about sweet, flour, bread and meat. The daily diet consisted of kefir and vegetables, but all efforts were in vain.

any of the interns lost weight
Lyuba from "Interns" lost on coffee?

Как известно, все усилия в нашей жизни бывают rewarded. Once the actress found information that green coffee with ginger helps to get rid of extra centimeters at the waist. However, it was not a publicized drink, but a special kind of coffee and so-called Argentine ginger. The actress read the reviews and decided to take this step.

How did Luba from the "Interns" lose weight? Photo and result

Actually, actress Svetlana PermyakovaI bought this unusual drink and began to use it daily. The result, as we know, did not take long to wait: just a week later, she noted that her complexion had improved, her sides tightened, but there was nothing to say about the stomach. Of course, such a pleasant change forced to continue this "diet". By the end of the second week she managed to get rid of six kilograms. Of course, the actress continued to actively engage in sports, and the pounds meanwhile all melted. After 1.5 months, Svetlana said goodbye to 26 kg. Now the Internet and all sorts of magazines are literally full of her photos with a thin waist and pumped booty. That's the whole secret about how thin Lyuba from the "Interns". Now the actress advises this miraculous recipe to all her friends.

Luba from interns lost photo


So, in this article we talked about howlost Luba from the "Interns". Believe this "diet" or not - it's up to you. However, today an increasing number of women prefer not to exhaust themselves with hunger and exercises in the gym, but simply to drink delicious and healthy coffee. It should be noted that now you can find the most diverse and at the same time unimaginable recipes and the results of the recently popular coffee diet.