/ / How to take a gainer without bringing harm to the body?

How to take a geyner without harming the body?

Today there are many differentpower engineers, but most of them do not give the expected result. The thing is that a beginner athlete can not properly choose the sports nutrition, which will benefit and the desired result.

How is the choice of energy?It's pretty simple. If you are a beginner athlete or just want to tighten your muscles, increase muscle mass, make your body prominent, then it is best to use a gainer. Of course, they differ from each other, and each is used to achieve different goals. Having chosen the necessary gainer, the composition of the elements of which is best suited to complete your body, begin to study hard. But do not forget that choosing the best weight gainer for mass gain is only half the battle, but knowing how to take a weight gainer and in what doses is the path to success.

As a rule, sports nutrition includeslarge amounts of carbohydrates and protein. If we talk about proteins, they make up 20-45% per dose in the gainers, the rest of the sports nutrition consists of carbohydrates, vitamins and various additives containing creatine or amino acids.

If you know how to take a gainer, so as not toharm to health, then you can also experience the effect of "carbohydrate accumulation" - a state of the body in which all the muscles of the body after a hard workout do not get tired, and the body itself is able to assimilate much more carbohydrates than under normal load.

It is necessary to distinguish gainers, because eachcontains in its composition different carbohydrates. If you want to increase the weight, then the best weight gainer will be the one based on the mixture of carbohydrates with high capacity of glycemic components. How to take a gainer, indicated in the special instructions, which is contained in the package. Weight gain is due to a strong increase in the amount of sugar in the blood. Weight gainers containing carbohydrates with a small amount of glycemic substances are used to gain dry muscle mass. This effect is achieved due to a slight increase in the amount of sugar in the blood, but it persists for a long time.

Следует обратить внимание на тот факт, что далеко Not everyone is encouraged to take gainers, especially those who are inclined to be overweight. How to take a gainer in such circumstances is also indicated in the instructions, the main thing is constant monitoring. In the case of non-compliance with the proper intake of sports nutrition, instead of muscles you can get a good layer of fat. Those who have a thin physique - there is nothing to fear.

Do not forget that a gainer is notcomplex replacement of healthy food, and the addition of healthy trace elements, therefore, a special effect without healthy food will not succeed. The amount of the mixture taken at one time should not exceed 100 - 150 grams, because the body will not be able to absorb all the useful elements that come out after a while in a natural way. To receive the powder, you need to whip it with a blender or a mixer with milk, and drink after the meal.

After breakfast, sports nutrition will give chargeenergy, an hour later, you can begin to diligent training. The result will not keep you waiting long. After physical exertion, take the mixture again to restore the strength you spent. Sometimes a gainer is taken as an additional food, sometimes when there is no opportunity to eat healthy food to recuperate.

Гейнер не только способствует развитию мышц, increase in body weight, but also gives a surge of energy for the whole day. And remember that the proper use of sports nutrition will not harm your health, only excessive doses can lead to obesity of the whole body.