Gainer is a nutrient mixture.In its composition there are proteins, simple carbohydrates. Also in the mixture there was a place for carbohydrates, which are characterized by a low glycemic index. They tend to slow splitting and the constant supply of energy to the body.
Basics You Need to Know
Before you figure out how to takeGeiner to gain weight, you should analyze some of the basics. In the composition of the classic mixture of proteins should be less than about three times carbohydrates. They contribute to the growth of muscle mass. Carbohydrates are needed to replenish energy reserves after the end of the training process. Everything else needs extra energy, which is extracted from nutrients. It will be spent on increasing muscle.
Additional elements of sports nutrition
Жиры, которые находятся в составе гейнера, quite often do not carry the benefits. Producers of sportpit try to minimize their number, replacing saturated types of fat with unsaturated. In addition, digestive enzymes are added. This is required so that the sports mix is better absorbed. As additional elements in the composition of the geyner may be vitamins and minerals. Sports nutrition of this type is enriched with glutamine, creatine and amino acids. So, gainer - how to take it?
What you need to focus on?
В первую очередь следует правильно подойти к the choice of the mixture. In this business it is required to be guided by individual needs. In that case, if the proportion of fat in the body is high enough, then you should choose a concentrate, characterized by a high content of proteins compared with carbohydrates. The latter contribute to the recruitment of extra pounds. This is especially evident if the training is not intense enough. In that case, if there is overweight, it is best to buy protein shakes, rather than a gainer.
If a novice athlete is thinphysique and rapid metabolism, the choice should be made in favor of the substance in which a high amount of carbohydrates. The large caloric content of the drink will help make the reception of a gainer most effective in the matter of gaining muscle mass.
What should not be forgotten?
Particular attention should be paid to proteincomposition. In that case, if carbohydrates used in sports nutrition, often have good quality, then proteins can not always benefit the body. The cost of the sports nutrition itself will largely depend on the quality of this building element.
Gainer is a perfectly balanced foodadditive. However, manufacturers are not always able to take into account the individual characteristics inherent in each athlete. In this regard, before you begin taking a geyner to gain muscle mass, you should decide whether you need supplements and vitamins in the mixture. Creatine for muscle gain can be purchased separately. Vitamins will be superfluous in the event that the novice athlete takes the appropriate course prescribed by the attending physician.
Reception effect
What should be the dosage of a geyner?It should be understood that this mixture is a dry nutrient concentrate. Before taking it must be diluted, bringing to a homogeneous consistency. In this case, you can use water or milk. On the packaging of sports nutrition written specific portions of the products needed for a single dose. However, they are not in all situations objective. Each individual manufacturer is trying to increase the turnover of its product. Too high a dose is not capable of causing harm to the body. However, the effect of this will be little. This is due to the fact that the amount of protein absorbed by the body is limited. For example, 300 grams of the mixture will not bring more benefits compared with the optimal portion of 150 grams.
How much should I take?
The calculation of one portion should be madeindividually, taking into account the peculiarities of organisms. Take into account the required weight, level of sports training, the need for calories, a schedule with the intensity of the training process. After the optimal ratio of proteins to carbohydrates per serving is found, one should begin to take on a gainer. How to use it? First of all, the mixture should be diluted in an amount that will be equal to one third of the calculated dosage. Portions should be increased gradually, while watching the result. If the effect is not visible, the dosage should be increased. If you will gain weight gain, you will need to limit the intake, using this drink only before training.
Time to use a gainer
How to take sports nutrition? Answering this question, you should deal with the time of admission.
- Use before exercise.If the reception of a geyner is carried out immediately before the start of the training process (30 minutes before its beginning), then a supply of energy will be obtained. Accordingly, increase the intensity of muscle growth. In addition, another source of energy will provide additional nutrition to the tissues. In addition, in such a situation it will be better to digest protein.
- Reception at the end of the training process.If you take a gainer after a workout, then the body will get protein. This element is applied from the point of view of building material for muscles. Carbohydrates will also be produced. They will give extra calories, which will later be used to ensure the process of synthesis.
One and a half hours aftertraining with power types of exercises is completed, the protein-carbohydrate window will be formed. In this regard, the nutrients will begin to digest more actively. Muscle fibers can not be left without additional power in this situation. Otherwise, their exhaustion will start, not growth. To prevent this, you must use a gainer. How to take it correctly is almost understandable. It should be noted that immediately after exercise (thirty minutes have not yet passed) the use of this substance is not recommended. The body needs time to calm it down.
What else should you know about gainer?
Как правильно принимать это спортивное питание, already clear. It should be noted that they can replace the usual food intake. If there is a shortage of time for cooking, then a gainer will be an excellent option. Particularly relevant issue is for those athletes who are characterized by asthenic physique with a lack of muscle mass. You can also supplement the diet with a geyner if there is a need for a quick weight gain. Sports nutrition can be taken at night. Due to this, it is possible to increase the caloric intake in the event of a lack of proteins with carbohydrates. But again, this advice is most relevant to lean athletes who have a fast metabolism. It should be remembered that during sleep, the consumption of carbohydrates relative to energy processes is minimized. However, they are deposited in the form of fat. Should take into account the daily need for calories. In addition, it is necessary to introduce sports nutrition gradually. Only in this way will the digestive system get used to Heiner. If everything is done correctly, then in a week you can celebrate the first results. There will be an increase in strength with endurance, muscles will begin to grow.
Why should I eat sports nutrition?
Summarizing all the above, you should list the main advantages of this sports nutrition.
- Gainer helps meet the requirementsrelatively large amount of calories. This kind of need is a problem common to many men. Sports nutrition helps to simplify its solution. Especially when you consider that today there are a large number of mixtures available.
- Due to the special form of fat, you can stay more slim. In the gainer there is a special type of edible fats. They will help keep the shape in optimal condition in the process of building muscle.
- There is a huge amount of food options.taken after exercise and daily. You can find the sports nutrition that is best suited for use closer in time to the training process. There are also gainers who can replace the meal or supplement it.
- Sports supplement can satisfycreatine requirements in the most efficient way. How to take a gainer with creatine? Just like a simple sports mix. In the presence of creatine in sports nutrition, the need for protein powder is eliminated. In addition, it will not need to buy separately. Creatine is considered an excellent addition to the most sports mixture.
- Another reason for the use of a geyner is the rapid recovery of the body.