The best geyners: reviews

Gainer is specialized foodadditive that helps accelerate weight gain. With its help, it increases both muscle and fat tissue. With the help of certain feeding systems, the fat mass can later be reduced, and the muscle mass can be left in a larger volume.

Weight gainer

Reviews of this product indicate a high degree of effectiveness of the additive. Almost any person who needs mass recruitment can take it, while increasing their own weight.

Most often such a product is taken by ectomorphs -people of lean physique, having difficulty with nutrition or a high level of metabolism. Adding two meals of this supplement to the main food, they contribute to the increase in caloric intake and weight gain, judging by the numerous reviews. Gainers for thin people are much more suitable than for those who are inclined to fullness.

Who is contraindicated?

This kind of sports nutrition is the least.suitable for people who are overweight. They can play sports without resorting to this supplement. Due to their own fat reserves, they are able to fully engage in power and other sports.

Popular Gainers

Gainers - the second most popular additive afterprotein. It is distinguished by a large amount of carbohydrates in the composition and a low percentage of protein. One of the most popular geyners in the world is Sirious Mass from ON. Available in the following volumes: 1 350 g, 2.7 kg and 5.4 kg. It includes (per 100 g):

  • The energy value is 375 kcal.
  • Fats are two grams.
  • Cholesterol - 25 mg.
  • Protein - 14 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 75 g.
  • Creatine - a half.
  • Glutamine - 100 mg.
  • The complex of vitamins and minerals is not more than a gram.
Sirius mass from the optimum

Product popularity is due to the fact that heis produced by one of the most advertised companies in the sports nutrition market. Special advantages over competitors have no additive, except for a complex of vitamins. In composition, this is a classic geener. Reviews say about the weight gain of about three kilograms per month. It is considered one of the best in price and quality.

Sports supplement BSN True Mass

The company BSN was bought by ON, but behind the products the previous style of decoration was fixed. A special advantage is the product Tue Mass, which is served as a high protein massager.

Genevner from BSN

Reviews about it are almost completely positive,since this sports supplement contains more protein than similar products. Due to this, the value of the mixture increases, accordingly, the athlete will be able to reach a larger body volume in a short time.

Heiner composition (100 g):

  • Protein - 30 g.
  • Fat - 10 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 55 g.
  • The remaining substances are 5 g.

It is this heiner that goes well with creatine,because with this component increases the strength of muscles, as they are abundantly supplied with proteins and carbohydrates. It is considered one of the best geynerov - good reviews confirm this.

Gainer for weight gain is not recommended for people with high levels of subcutaneous fat or prone to fatness. For these people, it is preferable to use protein or creatine.

Pro Gainer from ON

Another product from the company ON, which pleases athletes with its composition. This mixture in 100 grams contains the following components:

  • Protein - 37 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 58 g.
  • Fats - 5 g.

The remaining components are less than one percent.

Optima geyner

About this product most often leave feedbackgirls. Gainer from this company contains the highest amount of protein, so it was chosen by the fair sex. He perfectly nourishes the body during and after training, adding muscle volume, but does not contribute to the typing of excess fat.

Such a product is considered the best relative to components, but often has an inflated price.


The company whose name is indicated in thesubtitle, has created really magnificent product - Super Mass Gainer. It is good not only for its basic composition, but also for additional microelements that improve the assimilation of the product. During the reception of a full portion of the mixture, more than 95 percent of the components will be absorbed. In products of other firms, this figure is only 90 percent.

The composition of the product (one serving):

  • The energy value is 1,300 kcal.
  • Carbohydrates - 250 g.
  • Protein - 50 g
  • Fat - 10 g.
  • Creatine - 1 g.
  • Vitamin and mineral mix - less than a gram.

Also in the composition there is a mixture of enzymes that increase the bioavailability of nutrients.

Gainer from Dimitays

Proceeding from the above, it is possible to makeconclusion that this is one of the best geyner for recruitment. Reviews about it also confirm this idea, because the composition of the product is good because all components are absorbed to the maximum extent.

How to choose the best gainer?

Many people, faced with the choice of sports nutrition can not decide, because they are poorly versed in this difficult issue.

But in fact there are several parameters that a good gainer should correspond to:

  • ReviewsIf there are very few reviews about the selected Gayner, then it is better not to consider this product. It is possible that this is a new company whose products do not quite meet the necessary standards of sports nutrition. Reviews about it can be fake, registered. It is better to choose products with responses that are on the site for at least a year. Then about the product you can make a fair opinion.
  • The presence of protein.If the protein in the geyner less than five percent, then this product is useless, and sometimes dangerous for the body. In this case, 90% of the mixture will be simple carbohydrates, that is, sugar, and for an organism, an increased amount of sugar is very harmful - this affects the operation of all its systems. It can also lead to diabetes, problems with the production and absorption of insulin.
  • The presence of vitamins and supplements for absorption.If there are vitamins in the Gayner, then it means that the company is trying to provide the athlete's body with the necessary trace elements as much as possible. Also in the composition of the product are important additives in the form of protease, lipase and amylase, which will allow you to absorb a larger amount of food.
weight training


Judging by the reviews, gainer for weight gain thinpeople are best suited among the variety of sports nutrition. It is extremely difficult for ectomorphs to gain additional mass, so this supplement is a salvation for them. The advantages of a weight gainer are that it provides the body with both proteins and carbohydrates, which are important during intense workouts.

In the photo posted in the article, ectomorph has a thin physique.

Ectomorph and others

Sometimes in the composition of the geyner there is an additive - creatine. It increases strength and endurance. This option is even better suited for ectomorph.

Ectomorphs can consume a lot of food, according to theirown reviews. Geynera same add to their diet from 400 to 1 500 kcal per day. This will move the weight off the ground. After all, for a set of muscle mass is a high calorie surplus. Do not hope that hard work with mediocre nutrition will help you. It's not like that at all. Nutrition - 70% success in weight gain.

The best home gainer

If finances do not allow the purchase of finishedproduct, you can make a similar mixture at home by yourself. The main thing is the proportions. The source of carbohydrates can serve as a banana. As a source of protein, you can take cottage cheese or raw eggs. But the second option is not recommended, because there is always the risk of eating an infected product.

Components for making home geyner:

  • Cottage cheese - 200 g
  • Milk - 400 ml.
  • Bananas (without peel) - 400 g
  • Blender submersible.

Cooking method:

  • Pour out cottage cheese and bananas in one plate and pour 200 ml of milk. Mix thoroughly until smooth.
  • Pour the rest of the milk and beat again.
  • If the mixture is thick, you can add water or milk.
A mixture of milk, banana and cottage cheese

This mixture will contain sufficientthe amount of protein to gain weight, a lot of carbohydrates to restore energy. You will prepare a gainer, the reviews of which will be only positive, since it will be able to perform not only the main function, but also be used as a product for a full meal. This is the best gainer in all respects: from the price to the quality, because only natural ingredients are used for its preparation.