/ Exercises on the rear delta. Traction on the rear delta

Exercises on the rear delta. Traction on the rear delta

Broad shoulders are extremely important to everyone.bodybuilder who wants to have a massive and harmoniously developed body. Only one muscle, the deltoid muscle, “is engaged” in the formation of the shoulder, and the posterior delta of the shoulder is formed with the help of trapezoidal muscles. Next, we will describe in more detail about the features of training, as well as about the best exercises for the back of the delta shoulder.

rear delta exercises

Reasons for active shoulder training

Большинство культуристов уделяют тренировкам этой muscle groups are quite close attention, since their study allows us to emphasize the biceps and triceps, to make the hands visually thicker, more prominent and more aesthetic. This fact simply forces to train the deltoid muscles of absolutely all athletes who wish to achieve excellent results in this sport. The second important reason for the need for such training is the high level of injury to the shoulder joint, as it participates in a huge number of very different exercises. Intense shoulder training can significantly strengthen the ligaments, thus protecting the deltoid from serious injuries.

Features of training

Often the shoulders are poorly pumpable.Why it happens? The fact that the deltoid is arranged in a rather complicated way. It has 3 muscle bundles: anterior, middle and posterior. It will not be difficult to assume that there is no such exercise that would evenly load all the heads. That is why for high-quality shoulder training it is necessary to include diverse movements that would be directed to all departments of the deltoid. It should be noted that in any exercise is extremely important is the correct position of the body. Of course, to achieve maximum results, you must perform both basic and isolating exercises. For beginners, it is enough to perform 2 exercises per workout, for more advanced ones 3 or more. The number of sets is 3-4 by 8-12 reps per approach.

Basic exercises

As we mentioned, the brachial muscle is prettypicky in terms of hypertrophy and increase of power indicators. In principle, for its high-quality study, the beginners will have three exercises that are basic for this muscle group:

  • Army bench press
  • Dumbbell bench press / barbell sitting / standing.
  • Arm Arnold.

These techniques are rightly recognized as the best for the study of the deltoid, and therefore it is they who in the shortest possible time are able to increase strength and muscle volume.

Further, we will tell you in more detail about which exercises on the rear deltas are best performed for their maximum development.

back shoulder delta exercises

Interesting scientific experiments

Norwegian scientists after numerousexperiments have concluded that athletes are much better sitting presses than standing. The most difficult was the bench press with dumbbells. Nevertheless, it was these exercises (standing presses) that most strongly stimulated the growth of the deltoid ones. It is worth noting that the front bunch of shoulders succumbed to the best growth. The dumbbell bench press, in turn, involved the front head much more than the barbell bench press, but the middle and rear barrels were about the same (at the middle level). Finally, sitting up on a 30% weaker affected the back of the head, rather than the same standing.

Isolation exercises on the rear delta

It’s not a secret to anyone to achievemaximum relief and aesthetics must perform insulating movement. We also note the fact that most of the basic exercises most heavily loads the medial head, and therefore it is not necessary to focus on it. But here the back bunch almost always lags behind, because of which the use of purposeful exercises is quite important. The back delta, the photo of which you can see below, "loves" traction exercises, which we will now tell you in more detail. Of course, the Mahi are also useful, but a more detailed analysis on this topic can be found at the end of the article.

back delta photo

Reverse breeding in the simulator Peck-Deck

How to pump up the rear delta?Of course, you need to regularly conduct strength training. One of the best exercises on the back beam is the above movement, which is desirable to perform at each workout. In addition to the excellent development of the posterior head, this movement affects the work of most of the back muscles. Finally, the exercise will allow you to strengthen the rotator muscles of the shoulder, the strength of which directly affects the stability of the shoulder joint to a certain volume of loads. The execution technique is as follows:

  • First adjust the position of the arms, as well asheight of the chair in the simulator. Ideal would be a situation in which the width between the arms will be equal to the width of the shoulders. It is important that the arms are parallel to the floor. Chest firmly pressed to the back of the seat, back a little bend in the lower back, and keep your arms fully extended, holding the handles with a neutral grip.
  • Next, lightly dilute the handle, so that the load began to rise from the stops.
  • We take a breath and, holding the breath for a moment, maximally straining the back beams and upper sections of the back, spreading the handles as far back as possible.
  • In the upper point of the movement, when our hands are quite retracted, we make a short pause, even more straining the back head. Then exhale and return to the starting position.
  • When we reach the lowest point, we make an instant pause and proceed to the next repetition.

shoulder muscle

Traction dumbbell lying on his stomach

We continue to talk about which exercises on the rear deltas are the best. The technique of the next movement can be viewed below:

  • We lay down on the bench simulator belly down.
  • Take the dumbbells.
  • While inhaling, raise the dumbbells up to the level of the chest. We spread our elbows to the sides, keeping them bent at an angle of 90 degrees at the top of the movement.
  • On the exhale, lower the dumbbell down. Repeat the exercise several times.

This thrust to the rear delta must be present in the training programs.

Breeding dumbbells to the side in the slope

The last exercise in our list, which has a great effect on the development of the rear deltas. The technique is as follows:

  • We take dumbbells front grip.
  • We lean forward so that the torso is parallel to the floor. Keep your back level, slightly arched in the lower back.
  • Hands firmly fixed in the elbows, which should remain straight until the very end of the approach. At the beginning of the run, you can bend them a bit to make it easier.
  • Strain the rear beams and trapezoid, gently pushing the dumbbells around, then we try to raise them as high as possible.
  • We only move hands vertically through the shoulders.
  • At the top point, keep your elbows just above the level of your back.
  • Gently lower the dumbbells to the starting position, making a brief pause in order to start the next repetition.

how to pump the rear delta

Exercise deltoid

You can not write a universal program for all, but the tips below will help you achieve success.

Training complex №1

  1. Raising hands with dumbbells on the sides while sitting - 3 x 10.
  2. Thrust to the chin - 3 x 12.
  3. Press from behind the head in Smith's simulator - 2 x 8.

Training complex №2

  1. Thrust rod to the chin - 3 x 10.
  2. Arm Arnold - 3 x 8.
  3. Mahi - 2 x 12.

Training complex №3

  1. Stand dumbbell standing - 3 x 8.
  2. Raising hands with dumbbells on the sides sitting on the incl. bench - 3 x 10.
  3. Thrust dumbbell to the chin - 2 x 12.

How to pump up the rear delta? For maximum effect, exercise can be combined with exercises for the legs or back. Do not forget also about the regime and proper diet.

thrust to the rear delta

Traction against the moves

При выполнении махов мы можем легко травмировать deltoids, as they have a rather specific structure. You know that the brachial muscle performs the most difficult task, engaging in work in many exercises on the upper body. The rear bunch of deltas, the developmental exercises of which we described above, are quite easily injured. Nevertheless, the training of this muscle group is extremely important for both beginners and professionals. Remember also that the rear delta to some extent involved in pumping the chest and back.

So thrust or swing? Of course, the first.The fact is that traction provides you with a rapid increase in muscle mass and strength indicators, in contrast to the strides, whose specialization is the "clogging" of muscles, as well as drawing their relief. You can also progress quite quickly in loads of loads, but you will not be able to take on large weights during flight exercises. Finally, the latter, even with the slightest violations in the technique, can lead to injury, which certainly does not happen during the rigging. So why then make a swing at all? It's simple: they allow you to “maximize” a bunch of deltas, as well as develop endurance.

back bunch delta exercise


The deltas are pretty gentle muscles,damage which is very simple. The rear deltas, as a rule, are lagging behind in development, since in many cases it is weakly loaded in this or that exercise, in contrast to the medial and anterior heads. We have described the best exercises on the rear deltas, as well as several effective and at the same time extremely simple training programs that will surely make you stronger and more massive. Good luck in training!