/ / Lower unit: features of performance, exercises and recommendations of professionals

The lower unit: features of the implementation, exercises and recommendations of professionals

The lower unit refers to the baseexercises. And not those who perform mostly men who dream of a big back - this exercise will suit both the male half of the gym and the female. During its execution does not occur a large increase in the volume of muscle mass. It is rather a tonic, working to tighten the muscles. So, what is the traction of the lower unit, the features of its implementation and the impact on the body - we find out in this article.

What muscles work?

The main goal of the exercise is to increase the strength and power of the back, to give a V-shaped torso with wide shoulders and the illusion of a narrow waist. At runtime, work:

  1. All muscles are antagonists of the back.
  2. The extensors of the spine.
  3. The bottom and middle of the trapezoid.
  4. The broadest muscle of the back.
  5. Big and small round muscles.
  6. Triceps and biceps.
  7. Forearm
  8. Diamond-shaped muscles.
  9. Rear deltas.
  10. Stabilizers - big gluteus and adductor.

The benefits of exercise

With the correct technique, the obvious advantages of the exercise are highlighted:

  • Strengthening the muscular back frame.
  • Creating a correct posture and straight back.
  • The development of a beautiful shape of the back in the form of the letter V.
  • Convenient and clear technology.
  • Safety when compared with free weight exercises.
  • Several variants of execution for high-quality study of all muscles.

Thrust of the lower block

Technique of execution

Any exercise begins with the correct starting point. Let's start with it.

Training:Set the necessary weight on the simulator, fix the V-shaped handle. Sit on the bench facing the machine. Grasp the handle with your hands - palms facing each other. The arms are extended, the back is straight. This is the starting position.

Step 1:When the back position is stationary, it is necessary to bend the arms on the exhale by pulling the handle of the simulator to the belt until it touches. Hands hold as close as possible to the body, the movement occurs along the legs. Linger in this position for 1-2 seconds.

thrust of the lower unit to the belt

Step 2: With a breath, return the hands to the starting position.

Step 3: Perform the required number of repetitions.

Athletes errors

Exercise just seems so easy, in factIn fact, athletes often make mistakes while performing it, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of training. Exercise "thrust of the lower unit to the belt" often causes such errors:

  1. Straightened loin. It should not be straight - the pelvis is retracted, and the chest is arched forward.
  2. Straight or strongly bent legs.The correct setting of the legs is important - they are slightly bent and the feet are tightly attached to the stand. If the legs are straight, the lever will be far away from the athlete, and it will be difficult for him to keep the lower back curved. And, on the contrary, when strongly bent the lever is too close, and the exercise will be ineffective.
  3. Emphasis on biceps.Many athletes do the exercise, pulling the weight towards themselves due to the tension of the arms. It is important to catch the moment when the lower block thrust happens precisely with the tension of the back muscles, and fix on it.
  4. Гуляющий торс – вперед и назад.Reject torso can only experienced athletes who use cheating when working with large weights. Exercise should be done with a straight back, but with a relaxed loin - so the muscles stretch better and their growth is accelerated.

thrust lower unit features

It is not recommended to perform the exercise after the deadlift, as the complex will create too much strain on the spine. It may cause injury.

Execution subtleties

Performing the exercise with all the subtleties recommended by experienced bodybuilders, you are guaranteed to achieve a good result. We divide the exercise into 2 segments - thrust and weight return.

Traction from the starting position.The lower block should be carried out not at the expense of the arm muscles, but during the work of the broadest muscles of the back - this effect is achieved by isolating the back elbows and compressing the shoulder blades. At the end point, you need to bring the shoulder blades together, strain all the muscles of the back and fix this position for 1-2 seconds. The legs can not be fully straightened - they should be slightly bent and spring when tightening the block. Elbows during thrust should be as close as possible to the body.

traction lower exercise

Return weight.The second part of the exercise is carried out smoothly. You can not sharply throw the handle. Experienced athletes who have already come to run with large weights, can slightly deflect the body back. The straps can help with holding a large weight - wrap the handles with them.

It is important to carry out traction with insurance.For exercises on simulators it is a rarity, but a competent helper is needed here - not to insure on large weights. He will look after the correctness of the technique.

Classic horizontal thrust

Experienced bodybuilders claim that classic traction is the most effective. When performing it, the following rules must be observed:

  • The projectile grip is medium with the palms facing each other.
  • The legs rest on the support of the entire foot, and not just the toe or heel. Feet should be clearly fixed on the front platform.
  • Elbows and knees slightly bent, back straight, lower back bends. To load occurred on the broadest muscles, the shoulder blades are brought together.
  • In the first part of the execution, the projectile attracts itself with shoulders and mixing blades together. Hands work only at the end point, when it is necessary to fully reduce the shoulder blades and pull the weight to the stomach.

In the second part of the exercise, the torso is slightly bent forward, the back remains straight, and the shoulders come forward.

when the lower block with a wide grip

Concerning the breathing technique, expert opinionsdivided - some believe that the breath is needed on the effort, and exhalation - on the return of weight. Others are sure of the opposite. We recommend to try both techniques and choose the one that suits you.

Exercise variations

In addition to the classic form of exercise, its variations also exist:

  • traction with one hand;
  • thrust with a rope handle;
  • thrust wide straight grip;
  • thrust wide reverse grip.

Самой распространенной разновидностью является thrust lower block wide grip. It is performed using a wide handle. When the lower block with a wide grip load is emphasized on the upper part of the trapezoid and rhomboid muscles, as well as on the rear deltas. If, with a narrow grip, the load on the biceps is emphasized with an increased amplitude, then on a wide grip the biceps load less intensively, but the exercise amplitude decreases. Comprehensive exercise with various ways of holding the handle will allow you to work out all the muscles of the back.

thrust upper and lower units sitting appliances

The athlete chooses which grip is suitableto him. The main thing is to feel at what points the back muscles tense up the most, and stick to them. For training it is important to choose a program, classes for which are guaranteed to give results. For example, for the development of the back muscles, the list includes the thrust of the upper and lower blocks sitting. The techniques of these two exercises are not particularly different, but their integrated implementation will help make the back powerful and beautiful.

How to gain weight?

Each athlete chooses weight for hisphysical form. But to make progress, the load must be constantly increased. In order to avoid spinal injuries, this should be done smoothly. The optimal solution would be a block trainer with a step of 1.5-2 kg. In order for the load to be effective, the weight must be such that the athlete can make 6-8 repetitions of 4-5 sets.

Remember that in any variation of execution thrustlower block - exercises isolating, and you should not get involved in large weights. The main thing here is to work well on the technique. To increase the load, you can, for example, reduce the rest time between sets.