/ How many calories burn a bar in 1 minute? Several Exercise Options

How many calories burn the bar in 1 minute? Several Exercise Options

How many calories burn the bar in 1 minute?Perhaps, this issue has become one of the most popular among female representatives. What is this exercise? Why does every person who is interested in sports dream to master it?

how many calories burn the bar in 1 minute

Short description of the exercise

Before you talk about how many calories burn a bar in 1 minute, it's worth describing what this exercise is. It is performed as follows:

  1. It is recommended to prepare the surface in advance. It is best if a rubber mat is used as a rubber mat. Any non-slip material is also suitable.
  2. Further it is required to stand on two main supports - hands and feet - in such a way that the whole body is a single straight line.
  3. Now you should stand in that position for a certain period.

During the exercise, it is important to monitor breathing. It should be smooth and smooth. Otherwise, there will be no effect from it.

 how many calories burn 1 minute of the bar

Benefits of Exercise

Why do many women care about how many calories burn 1 minute of the bar? The fact is that this exercise is of great benefit to the human body.

  1. It quickly burns subcutaneous fat.
  2. Improves posture.
  3. Forms beautiful muscles in the buttocks and abdomen.
  4. Strengthens the back, shoulder joint and legs.
  5. Trains will power.

It is also worth noting that this exercise can be performed by absolutely any person, for this purpose sports training, inventory and an additional place in the house are not necessary.

Standard Plank

Beginners are advised to first tryperform the simplest standard exercise. For the first time it may seem like an eternity of just 1 minute of the bar. How many calories can be burned during this period? Experienced instructors argue that in one hour of such a complex action, from 250 to 300 calories are burned. However, it is hardly possible to find a person who would have decided on such an experiment. Therefore, in 60 seconds a person can spend about 5 calories.

how many calories does the bar use per minute

In the standard bar, all the load falls on the palms and toes. For its implementation, it is necessary to keep your feet together, do not bend your knees and maximally strain the gluteus muscle.

Standard bar with additional force

For many, five calories per minute canseem a weak result. If you want to burn more, you need to significantly increase the load. It is recommended to do this using dumbbells. For women and new men, there is enough sports equipment weighing from 1.5 to 3 kilograms. If there is none, then you can use filled plastic bottles, sand cuffs or any other load.

how many calories burn exercise strap in 1 minute

Now we need to make a standard exercise,leaning on the feet and fists, in which the load is compressed. You should raise one arm in such a way that the elbow fold represents a right angle. In this position, you need to stand for 30 seconds. Then you should change the position.

Such an exercise is the first time to perform fullyit is quite difficult, a long training will be required. Separately it is worth noting how many calories a bar consumes in 1 minute, if you do it with additional load. The result will be stunning, For such a minimum period of time, you can burn up to 12 calories. This is almost twice as much as when performing the most complex power exercises.

 1 minute strap how many calories

Planck with resistance

The most difficult for many athletes is the bar with resistance. It is performed as follows:

  • It is recommended to occupy the standard position, focusing on two supports.
  • On the floor under the level of the knees you need to distribute the thread, tape or towel folded into a bundle.
  • Now one by one, you have to try to get over this obstacle at a fast pace.

A big role is played by the benefit, rather than bycalories burn exercise bar in 1 minute. If you do it every day, then in a month you will have a beautiful press, a thin waist and tight buttocks.

A few exercises that burn the maximum number of calories

There are several types of exercises thatonly the most experienced athletes will be able to come to power. How many calories burns the bar in 1 minute, which requires maximum effort? Experienced instructors argue that this figure ranges from 15 to 30.

It is required to stay for a certain time,leaning only on one arm and leg. The body should turn sideways. The upper arm is recommended to be sent behind the head, this will additionally stretch the waist muscles.

Two hands can also lean on the floor, while the legs will need to be placed on a fitness ball, a step or low furniture.

Instead of palms, you can also lean on the arms bent in the elbows, this will even more train the body.

Dependence of calories on weight

All of the above answers to the question of whether,how many calories burn the bar in 1 minute, touch people of standard composition, that is, those whose body mass index is from 18.5 to 25. Young athletes with a lack of weight will spend less energy, and obese people, on the contrary, lose weight faster. All this is due to the fact that the larger the weight, the more the body has to load when performing each action.

Exercise bar is one of the most effectiveexercise, which is part of the training program for almost all sports centers. Thanks to him all muscle groups are worked out. At first glance it may seem complicated, and even, it would seem, such a small period of time as one minute, it is almost impossible to stand in it. It is recommended to perform it starting from 10 seconds, gradually increasing the time, and after 10 days this task will be feasible.