Blessed are those happy people who do notremember about some special rules or diets and can eat all that is only sold on the shelves, without fear of recovering. But for all the others, not gifted with such a wonderful constitution and the ability to absorb all that is delicious, without increasing in volumes, there are several sweets that can be eaten in reasonable quantities without fear for the figure. One of these carbohydrate treats is marshmallow.
How many calories in marshmallow - simple or withadditives? A hundred grams of the product contains more than 300 kcal. However, 100 grams of marshmallow - it's quite a lot, so that a large amount compensates for calorie content. In this regard, marshmallows are much better than chocolate. Of course, they remain sweet, which should not be eaten all the time, but sometimes you can afford a couple of pieces.
The composition of sweets directly affects the properties andhow many calories in marshmallow. The manufacturing process is, in principle, quite simple. First a special puree is made, fruit or berry. The next step is mixing the mashed potatoes with a certain amount of sugar and egg whites. The last step is the addition of gelatin, pectin or agar. In this case, each of these gelatinous substances is characterized by various useful properties and affects how many calories in marshmallow. Another marshmallow is rich in organic acids and iron.

Pectin is made from apples, ripe watermelons ordelicious sugar beet. This is a very useful substance, cleansing the body, removing toxins, harmful metals, reducing the level of sugar, cholesterol in the blood. Zephyr, prepared with the addition of pectin, has an airy, light consistency and barely perceptible sourness. As for agar, it is extracted from algae, and therefore it contains a lot of iron, iodine and potassium. Zephyr with it more dense, not so airy, and has no sourness. Gelatin is a product of animal origin, it stands out from cartilage and tendons. That is why it is useful in the fragility of bones, when healing cracks and fractures. Such a delicacy is worth eating little by little, without hesitation, how many calories in one marshmallow. However, in this marshmallow can be felt a slight taste of meat.

The main advantage of marshmallows:in this remarkable sweetness there are no fats, as, for example, in chocolate and its derivatives. Such sweets as marshmallows, marmalade and pastille consist only of carbohydrates alone. But you need to remember how many calories in marshmallow in chocolate: after all the addition of chocolate to any useful sweets only adds calories. Although this is certainly insanely delicious. By the way, a simple marshmallow should also not be consumed without any measure.
It should be remembered not only how many calories inmarshmallow, but also to distinguish its taste. Vanilla and plain white marshmallows are useful and harmless. But the marshmallow pink, currant can cause the baby allergies, if it is used by a nursing mother. Therefore, you need to be very careful with the marshmallow, as with any sweets. But with all its small drawbacks, this is undoubtedly one of the most useful treats. Marshmallow is associated with almost any diet, just do not overdo it.