Let's start with the test. Puff and yeast.The latter consists of components that are somewhat different in calories, the study of which gives an answer to the question of how many calories are in pizza. This dish in everyday life is called Italian pizza, and thin dough is usually taken for its basis. However, in some pizzerias used and lush. From this we can conclude that the thickness depends on the dough, and by examining its percentage in the product, you can easily determine how many calories are in a slice of pizza. For example, in a hundred grams of puff pastry about 454 calories, and yeast - about 244 kilocalories. On average, this dish contains quite a lot of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Next, you should find out what products are included in the pizza.
Consider the option of puff pastry, in whichMayonnaise (200 g), ketchup (100 g), Sausage sausage (200 g), boiled sausage (150 g), cheese (300 g), four eggs, cabbage (200 g) and onions (70 g) are included . Knowing the caloric content of all components, we will be able to find out how many calories in a pizza, more precisely, in one piece (100 g) - 323 kilocalories.

When buying a frozen product please payattention to the packaging, where it should be written - "pizza", the calories are listed below. Mostly good and high quality contains about 300 kilocalories. Often it happens that sometimes a person does not want to wait long, he tends to eat a fast food dish in a street fast food. In this case, you should always pay attention to the calorie content of the pizza, and the 300 mark is considered the norm.

Pizza consumption is a joyful thing for the stomachand taste buds, which is what her reputation tells us. But when dieting it is necessary to carefully monitor the amount of the consumed product. Pie from thin dough contains less calories than puff. Keeping track of how many calories are in a pizza makes it possible to determine whether you need to increase energy costs if you are on a diet. Knowing the calorie content of this tasty product, you can achieve an optimal result, be sure that your figure is in order, and the satisfaction of hunger did not hurt her. Remember, frequent eating pizza will not recommend you to any nutritionist, as this is harmful to your health, but once a week in good company you can please yourself with this yummy.