/ / How to choose a sports heart rate monitor (reviews)

How to choose a sports heart rate monitor (reviews)

For many, the choice of multifunction deviceturns into a headache. It's so desirable for a symbolic cost to get a decent device with a large set of useful functions. And if we are talking about a heart rate monitor? Judging by the reviews of the owners who have acquired such a device, many functions of the heart rate monitor have remained unclaimed. How to make the right choice? The focus of this article is the heart rate monitor. Reviews of buyers and sellers will help determine the choice of devices that currently exist on the market.

heart rate monitor reviews

List of device requirements

Before selecting a model of the heart rate monitor, you needget acquainted with the functionality. It is clear, the more possibilities the device has, the higher its price. Therefore, the list of requirements will be compiled by the utility of functions from top to bottom. The division of the list into groups will allow you to define three price categories - cheap, medium and expensive.

  1. Method of measurement and type of signal.Wristwatches with analog and wireless chest strap have a low price. A sensor built into the watch and taking a reading from the wrist is more expensive and inaccurate. A digital data transfer requires decryption on a computer, but it is not susceptible to interference from electrical appliances.
  2. Thresholds trigger. By setting the upper and lower heart rate thresholds, you can devote yourself to training. An overload or weakening of the load on the heart will alert the owner with a sound signal.
  3. Pedometer is useful for calculating the distance traveled. However, watches with a heart rate monitor and a pedometer do not count the distance when traveling on skates and a bicycle.
  4. Calculating calories is interesting for people who are losing weight, but it is not always accurate.
  5. Speedometer, barometer, altimeter, odometer - for many, in general, new words in circulation.

heart rate monitor beurer reviews

A simple solution for reasonable money.

According to statistics, the best selling device onThe Russian market is considered a Sigma PC 3.11. Reviews about it are mostly positive. The presence of great functionality, it does not shine, but most of it is enough:

  • analog wireless data transmission from the chest sensor;
  • huge and clear display;
  • built-in stopwatch to tenths of a second;
  • waterproof aluminum case.

Inexpensive device will suit all athleteswho just need to see the heart rate. In terms of price-quality it is better not to find anything than the PC 3.11 heart rate monitor. Feedback of a negative nature, such as the provision of false data in close proximity to the orbitrek, is not taken into account, since it is officially stated by the manufacturer in the certificate to the device.

Interesting offer

Раз мы говорим про пульсометр Sigma Sport, отзывы which most of them describe the advantages of the device, rather than disadvantages, you should pay attention to the models of the tenth series (10.11) and above (14.11, 15.11). Yes, the price has doubled compared to the cheapest model, but the functionality has increased significantly:

  • thresholds for a given heart rate range with an audible alarm;
  • counter circles, calories, training time outside the training area;
  • a stopwatch, a huge screen backlight, and in some models, the presence of a vibration signal.

Of all the above functional attentiondeserves only the possibility of installing a training area. By calculating your maximum age and pulse rate for efficient fat burning, you can train more productively.

heart rate monitor polar reviews

XXI century device

About the Polar heart rate monitor reviews of the owners andsellers contain more indications of merits than disadvantages. The functionality of the device corresponds completely to the price, and if you compare it with Sigma Sport, you will find that the devices are almost identical. The difference is only in appearance. The Polar Pulsometer looks like a device from a distant future - the futuristic look of each model is unique and, judging by the feedback from sellers, attracts the attention of buyers.

Pleasant functions, except thresholdsset pulse, you can consider the presence of an alarm clock and the relationship with a personal computer. Working with a PC is not only about keeping a training log and writing reports. Branded software allows you to create entire training programs and record them on a heart rate monitor.

heart rate monitor sigma sport

German quality

Affects the review and the German heart rate monitor Beurer.Reviews of these devices are quite interesting from the sellers themselves, and from buyers. The advantages include ease of use. That from the sensor, that from the clock on the hand there is no discomfort - put on and forgot about their existence. Some device models (updated series) are equipped with a measuring sensor on the watch case that allows you to read data directly from the athlete's finger. The upper and lower limit of the pulse with an alarm in the middle class of heart rate monitors is the norm, but the difficulty in setting up and controlling causes negative users. It is unlikely that it will be possible to set up a measuring device from the first time even if there is a Russified instruction. Also, users note the poor quality of chest sensors, which often refuse to work when swimming under water. The same applies to the control buttons of the wrist device; when pressed on them under water, the dial of the device mists up, which indicates moisture ingress. In such cases, the service center fails to guarantee.

heart rate monitor pc 3 11 reviews

Serious approach

Separate attention deserve the device fromexpensive segment. Pulsometer, the feedback from sellers about which is only positive, has a built-in navigation system, and its own design. We are talking about the famous American brand Garmin. It is easier for happy owners of a heart rate monitor from this manufacturer to write, what functions are not enough, rather than to list all its advantages. In fact, on the athlete's hand is a full-featured laptop, which, thanks to the built-in sensors, can produce all sorts of calculations and give the result to the surface of the screen.

However, judging by the customer reviews, the interest inpulsometer functionality quickly disappears. Actively used only a warning about the pace of training and reporting on the distance traveled, measured by GPS. If you read more about the instructions of the Garmin heart rate monitor, everything will become clear. It is incorrectly positioned on the Russian market, because its main consumers are travelers, not sportsmen.

heart rate monitor sigma pc 3 11 reviews

Apple fans will be pleased

Apple Watch is also capable of readingowner's pulse. Only, unlike the pulsators from the review, the data on the device comes directly from the wrist, on which the watch is attached. Already very smart Apple got a heart rate monitor. Reviews in the media regarding the use of this device in the process of training is far from positive. First, the price of the device is high, and protection against moisture and shock is too low to use the Apple Watch during intense workouts. In addition, all the functionality of the heart rate monitor depends directly on the software that must be installed on the same phone, tablet or laptop, because the clock is just a sensor. For use in sports, the device looks very doubtful.

watch with heart rate monitor and pedometer


In fact, it’s impossible to find the perfect one.heart rate monitor. User feedback is subjective and not always helpful. But it is worth noting that all the reviews in the media and the reviews of potential owners agree on one thing - a good heart rate monitor should have the function of thresholds for triggering preset heart rate. Everything else is a waste of money that is not justified by anything. Also, regardless of the brand, attention is paid to models that have a robust case and moisture protection, because in the gym, in addition to the intense load causing excessive sweating, plunging the clock and the sensor into a wet environment, it is possible that the heart rate monitor will accidentally hit foreign objects.