/ / How to choose swimwear for teens

How to choose a swimwear for teens

Choose swimwear for teens does not seema difficult task, but this is not entirely true. After all, the first bathing couple in life is another link in the way of growing up a girl. Try to approach the issue of how to choose a swimsuit, seriously.

What to focus on

Swimsuits for teens
The most important quality that must haveswimwear for teens, is the quality of the fabric and tailoring. Before you go to the store for shopping, study information about trademarks. Read reviews from moms who have already purchased swimsuits and can share experiences. The product must have sufficient elasticity, do not fade, and have even seams. Children, unlike adults, do not like to just lie on the beach, getting sunbathing. Remember that your baby will be very active, play, run. Therefore, the model you choose should be very comfortable for the child. For example, choosing a sports swimsuit, you need to probe each seam. They should not be strongly felt by a skin, to rub.

How to choose a model

If you have decided on a brand or store, wherewill purchase swimwear for teens, then the next stage will be the choice of the model itself. It's better to connect your child here. It will be very pleasant for the little girl that you choose things together, giving her the opportunity to feel herself independent. Usually swimsuits for teenagers have bright colors, multiple decorations in the form of frills, ruches, bows, color prints. It's important for a girl not to look bored. Therefore, do not choose monochrome boring models, it is better to give preference to joyful, color models. It is acceptable to decorate a swimsuit with the help of pictures of famous characters. But remember that, most likely, such models will be of interest to the child for not more than one season.

Piece or split

How to choose a swimsuit
If your child is still very young, thendefinitely give preference to the piece-work model or just panties. But for a teenager a piece swimsuit can seem boring. They want to look more mature, so they choose separate models. But you need to remember that you choose a swimsuit for a teenager. In this case, you should avoid too open models (for example, thongs). Choose panties closed or on the strings. Very popular in recent years have become monokines. This model is quite suitable for a teenager. It is something middle between a piece and a separate swimsuit, but at the same time fashionable and modern.

Sport swimsuit
Choosing a swimsuit for complete

It must be remembered that the child has a tendermentality. If your girl has some flaws in the figure (for example, completeness), do not point it out to her. And very carefully send her choice to the right one for the complete model. For lush forms, of course, the most correct model is an indoor swimsuit or monokini, but necessarily the most closed panties (the bottom of the swimsuit). Actually, the vertical inserts on the sides of the product will look. The color should be laconic, preferably dark. Unnecessary presence of additional details in the waist (frills, skirts).