/ / What muscles work when pulling on the bar - description, set of exercises and reviews

What muscles work when pulling up on the bar - description, set of exercises and feedback

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar - not onlywell-known, but also quite ancient exercise for training the body. In ancient times, when there was no such variety of exercises and simulators, our ancestors used hard physical work to strengthen the muscles of the body, and later the warriors began to use the simplest physical exercises in their training.

And pull-ups took pride of place indaily training of soldiers. What muscles work when pulling up? First of all, it is a back, and a wide back is a standard of courage, protection and support. That is why the ancient men so hard trained this part of the body. It remains for us to take advantage of their knowledge and experience, to persevere, to at least a little closer to the cherished V-silhouette.

Why is pull-up more important than a bench press?

muscle antagonists

Newbies in the gym always stand in frontdifficult choice: pull-ups or a barbell press? Both exercises are considered basic and work on increasing the power indices, but alas, on completely different muscle groups. Why should you give preference to the first? Let's remember what muscles work when pulling up on a horizontal bar? Everyone knows that this is the back, as it is the largest muscle group of our body. The size of the antagonist muscles will depend on the size of the back, in this case the chest acts in their role. And by no means the opposite!

First, the back grows, and only then it is caught up.chest muscles. That is why it is necessary to throw all the forces on the pull-ups, and to start the press a little later. If you dig deep into the history of mankind, we will see that people are descended from a primate family that spent a lot of time on tree branches. After studying their movements, you can find out what type of load they received and what muscles worked. When tightening the same joints and muscles are involved, it means that this kind of training is more physiological for us.

What muscles are trained on the bar?

Information that when practicing on the crossbarrunning back, a good athlete will not be enough. For effective training, it is important to specifically know: what muscles work when pulling up on a horizontal bar. Wings take the lion's share of the valuable load. They must raise our body up. But these muscles are not so well developed by everyone, so apart from the wings, a huge amount of stabilizers are involved in the pull-ups, which help the back:

  • trapezium (especially the middle and lower bundle);
  • biceps;
  • rear deltoids.

If you want to quickly gain an athletic and embossed back, then begin to pull up today.

Forward and reverse grip: reviews of workers

Picking up suitable exercises, beginnersfaced with a huge flow of information. After all, there are a large number of modifications of this exercise: with reverse grip and straight, narrow and wide pull-ups. What muscles work in each variation of training? First, let's deal with the grip. It is worth referring to the experience of professional workouters, they have learned firsthand the subtleties of this exercise. What do the reviews say, what's the grip to choose?

  1. Direct grip. This is when your knuckles are turned to you.According to reviews, this is the most comfortable option for pull-ups. If you are a beginner, it is better to start with the classics. In addition, in this embodiment, it is much easier to turn off the biceps and pull at the expense of the broadest.
  2. Reverse grip.This is when your fingertips are turned to you. In this position, the brush is supinned, which means that the load moves on the forearms and biceps. Here you need to decide what is more important to you? If the priority is pumping back, then this grip is not suitable. But to train your hands is better training and not come up.

Difficult choice: narrow or wide?

And again we are talking about setting hands. Surprisingly, how much the essence of the exercise changes, even if you move your palms only a couple of centimeters. There are two main types of training:

pull-ups narrow grip

The closest possible setting hands.What muscles work in pull-ups narrow grip? The upper and middle wing segments are actively included in the training by increasing the trajectory and amplitude. But at the same time, the biceps is connected to the exercise. Even though part of the load goes away, this kind of pull-ups is more complicated.

pull-up wide grip

And what muscles work in sweeping widegrip? The entire load goes to the wings, and specifically to the middle and lower segments. This is exactly the part of the back that forms the V-silhouette. The amplitude is shorter and doing the exercise is much easier, which means that in such a statement of the hands you can take additional weight and precisely beat the broadest.

Description of technology: how to pull up?

pull-up technique

We have already disassembled which muscle groups are working with tightening, it remains to become familiar with the technique.

  1. At the beginning of the movement of the hand should be straightened, but do not just hang on the crossbar. Keep a little tension in the muscles.
  2. You already know which muscles work in tightening with narrow grip, and which when wide, so choose any technique you like.
  3. Slowly free the diaphragm from the air and lift your body up, try to do it by reducing the broadest, and not pull the weight with your hands.
  4. It is necessary to keep your back straight, let's say only natural deflection in the lower back.
  5. As in all strength exercises, inpull-ups need to learn how to catch the moment of peak contraction of working muscles. At the point of the strongest load, you need to make a small pause and fix, and only then begin to move down.
  6. Not only the lifting phase is important, but also the negative pull-up phase. Do not dramatically relax your hands and jerk down. This should be done smoothly and gently, while maintaining tension in the muscles.

Classic genre - pull up to the chest

If you are just starting to master the pull-ups,you should start with the classic version of the exercise. So it will be easiest to master the technique and develop the necessary strength for more advanced options. And what muscles work when pulling up to the chest? It all depends on how hard you take the case back. The farther, the lower the load goes, involving first the middle and then the lower segment of the broadest muscles.

Complicate the task - pull-ups for the head with a wide grip

pull-ups on the horizontal bar

If you are physically fit,You can go to a more advanced version of the exercise. In this modification, we set the bar behind the head and try to touch the horizontal bar with a line of shoulders. To understand the biomechanics of exercise, you need to know which muscles work in the pull-ups behind the head. In this version of the training involved the upper parts of the broadest, round muscle of the back and trapezium.

Insert pull-ups in daily training: a set of exercises

Having examined the technique in detail and found outwhat muscles work during pull-ups, it's time to change your training program. If you combine this type of training with other ways of pumping back, the result will be much better. The complex of exercises on the back can be something like this:

First option:

  • Exercise with a bar: tilting in;
  • deadlift (Romanian version);
  • pull-ups: wide grip;
  • pull-ups for the head.

The second option:

  • exercise with one dumbbell: thrust in the slope from the support;
  • hyperextension with burdening;
  • pull-ups: narrow hold;
  • pull-ups: reverse grip.

According to reviews, you need to alternate optionstraining between each other and work through all parts of the back evenly. The number of approaches and repetitions is recommended to install under their own power. It is best to include this complex on the day of breast training, because the antagonist muscles are best pumped together so that some may catch up with others.