/ / Master of Sports of Russia: benefits

Master of Sports of Russia: benefits

The title "Master of Sports of Russia" can be awardedfederal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports. It is given individually for the fulfillment of certain standards in generally accepted sports classifications.

When did the title of "master of sports" first appear?

As already mentioned, this title is given for certain achievements in sports and was first used in 1935.

master of sports of Russia

It is no secret that the title of "master of sports of Russia"deserve not easy. And one of the conditions, in order for it to be assigned, is that the applicant must participate in competitions, where at least three judges with national or international category will be in the judging.

How can you become a master of sports?

Before becoming a master, an athlete will have todo a long way in your career. Almost all sports provide for consistent achievements in sports categories, so you have to first earn the third adult level, and then reach the first one, but even this turns out to be not enough, because before becoming a MS, it takes some time to be a candidate master ( CCM).

But there are exceptions, when especially talented athletes receive the title of "master of sports of Russia" ahead of time, jumping over the above steps.

title of master of sports of Russia

Basic requirements for the title of Master of Sports

To become an MS, you need to achieve certain results in sports activities. Let's take a closer look at the achievements that will help become the master of sports of Russia:

  1. The title is given to an athlete who has managed to take a prize in official competitions and fulfill all standards.
  2. An athlete can win several victories over an opponent in a certain period and get the title. As a rule, only those victories that were received during the year will be counted.
  3. Assigning the sports title Master of Sports of Russia is considered the most common in weightlifting, in which case the athlete must reach a standard level at a competition.

master of sports of Russia benefits

Features of the title

It should be noted that for each dischargeprovides for a certain minimum age. An athlete who participates in competitions where grades or titles are awarded must remember that the rules play a significant role, the composition of participants, the judges are taken into account, the exact number of games is established.

It is also important to remember that the sporting titleThe “master of sports of Russia” can be awarded to a citizen of a given country, besides getting a rank is not enough, it is required to confirm it every two years with his participation in competitions.

Why do you need to get the title of master of sports of Russia?

Каждый спортсмен, который старается стать Master of Sports, pursues his specific goal, but it should be noted that any of them, as a reward for his perseverance, can receive the following privileges:

  • The first thing to talk about is satisfaction.from the result, because the title "master of sports of Russia" deserves respect. Only the best of the best can count on it. This means that the person who received the title was able to meet all the requirements and fulfill all the conditions at the highest level.

Assignment of sports title Master of Sports of Russia

  • The master of sports can do his favorite job -to go in for sports and get paid for it. Even when time passes, and over the years an athlete will not be able to perform in his sport, he always has a chance, after additional training, to remain in demand as a coach. Some athletes can try themselves in other roles, for example, to become excellent sports commentators.
  • Предоставляются спортсменом со званием "мастер Sports of Russia "benefits that continue to serve them all their lives. For example, it is easier for them to get a higher education, you can count on free service in special medical institutions of the state type, and also use free travel on public transport.

What is the most popular sport?

The biggest list of masters of sportsRussia in powerlifting, as modern young people and coaches give their preference to strength sports. Most recently, the sports association presented the strongest athletes who honestly earned the title of MS in powerlifting:

  1. Oleg Livshits - takes the honorable tenth place and is a prize-winner not only national, but also in international competitions.
  2. Vladimir Kalinichenko is a record holder in triathlon and is engaged in extreme force.
    what gives the title of master of sports of Russia
  3. Kirill Sarychev - is the master of sports in bench press and the absolute world champion.
  4. Alexey Serebryakov. He is the winner of the Russian Cup.
  5. Alexander Klyushev is considered one of the most powerful people in the world.
  6. Andrei Belyaev - is the absolute world powerlifting champion.
  7. Andrei Malanichev - repeatedly confirmed his title of master of sports not only in Russia, but also in Europe, won the Titans Cup five times.
  8. Vladimir Bondarenko - is considered a real legend in the sport. He is a member of the "gold" team of Russia.
  9. Konstantin Pozdeev is an absolute record holder in the deadlift.
  10. Mikhail Koklyaev - became the champion of Russia 8 times.

The list of athletes who have become masters of sports in Russia can be continued indefinitely not only in the direction of weightlifting, but also in other sports.

What benefits can an athlete count on today?

Speaking frankly, in the USSR for mastersSports provided far more privileges than today, since now athletes can only rely on a small monthly allowance, which is paid as a bonus.

Over time, when the master of sports retires, he can also count on additional payments that are accrued to him by providing all the necessary supporting documents.

list of masters of sports of Russia on powerlifting

Understanding in more detail the question that givesthe title of "master of sports of Russia", it is necessary to take into account that such a person has every chance to make an excellent career even after he retires, for example, he can become a coach. In addition, the State is obliged to provide all housing for the MS at the place of residence.

Now they are very actively fighting for a sports image.life, so athletes are trying in every way to support and attract young people. To this end, special organizations are being created that help athletes to improve their health every year and receive medical care in the best clinics of the state.