/ / The best universities in Russia: we are determined with a choice

The best universities in Russia: we are determined with the choice

Every year, hundreds of applicants and their parentsface a serious question: "In what university should I enter?". Many of them first select the best universities in Russia, then to make the final choice, based on the wishes of the future student and the financial capabilities of the family. Our rating will tell you which universities have long established themselves and in which the quality of education is one of the highest.

Initially I want to note that any listthe best universities in Russia are not always objective. After all, for each, as a rule, one of the criteria is taken into account. For example, the demand for graduates from employers. And although this is a serious indicator, for those who want to link their lives with science, it does not matter. And for someone important future salary. The rating below, which lists the best universities in Russia, is based on the budget admission to higher education institutions of the country based on the results of the USE. That is, the higher the checkpoint and the average points in a particular educational institution, the higher its position on the rating.

the best universities in Russia

Let's start with the classical universities.Here, the first and second place was taken by one of the largest: MSU and St. Petersburg State University. At the same time, the third place went to the Novosibirsk State University, followed by the Moscow PFUR.

The best Russian universities that leadtraining of technical specialists is the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, and also the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. But the first place among technical universities went to the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

MGIMO became a leader among humanitarian universities,then the Higher School of Economics follows. The third leader in this rating section was the Russian Economic Academy, which was named after GV Plekhanov. It is important to note that the best universities in Russia are also branches of various universities in the province. For example, the branches of the Higher School of Economics in Nizhny Novgorod.

list of the best universities in Russia

If to speak about medical high schools, hereexperts take into account their popularity among applicants, that is, the number of applications submitted to one place. Leading in 2012 was RNIMU, located in Moscow. Together with him, the first place was shared by the Moscow Medical Academy, which bears the name of I.M. Sechenov. Next is the State Pediatric Medical University in St. Petersburg.

the best universities in Russia

When choosing a particular university, you also needrely on a specific faculty and specialty. If there is no opportunity to study in the capital, do not be upset: in the province there are worthy options. To determine which university in your region is most prestigious, it is enough to pay attention to the amount of advertising, exhibitions held, as well as feedback from students and acquaintances.

Always remember that getting into the bestUniversities in Russia are far from being a guarantee of qualitative education. In this situation, everything, in the first place, depends on the student, his desire to learn, abilities and perseverance.