/ / "I hate myself!" How to love yourself again?

"I hate myself!" How to love yourself again?

In our information age, filled withglossy magazines and public labels, it is very difficult to maintain the psychological state in the form. From a young age, people are imposed with all sorts of ideals and images, without which he cannot do without in a more conscious age. As a result of the deformation of his own personality, a person begins to perceive himself through the negative prism of emotions. The launched mechanism can no longer stop, and destructive self-hatred arises.

“I hate myself!“- often such words can be heard not only from the mouth of a teenager, but also from an adult, self-sufficient person. This is not selfishness and no desire to attract attention with such statements. This problem has much deeper psychological roots.

I hate myself

Often the phrase "I hate myself and want to die"can be heard from the mouth of an excellent student, a forerunner, a beauty or a handsome man, a first-class athlete, a better manager, etc. Usually people who are prone to perfectionism and idealize themselves suffer from hate syndrome. For example, a student is used to the fact that he is always in the forefront, that he is an excellent student, and for him any exam is not a problem. But once he stumbles, once makes a mistake, the whole world collapses. For example, an excellent student in any exam will receive an average grade instead of the usual five - this situation will turn into a tragedy for him. And the only conclusion will be the phrase: "I hate myself, I am a loser!" The student will get out of a rut for a long time, he will start to engage in self-flagellation. Sometimes, when a person cannot get out of the veil of self-hatred, he can commit suicide.

Чтобы жить в этом мире с любовью к себе и другим, you should never idealize yourself, your life situation or other people. After all, a person who idealizes himself, at the slightest mistake, will break, because he will have to change his rose-colored glasses to a realistic world view. The reason for self-hatred is the usual anger directed inward: I don’t match my ideal, so I hate myself.

i hate myself and want to die

Usually attacks of this kind of hate dullvision of oneself. A person begins to lose touch with the real world, he is completely immersed in his own offenses, ceases to adequately respond to the impulses of others. Any phrase or casual glance seems to him insulting and degrading his dignity. Attempts to help him react irritably and aggressively. You can often hear from him: “Leave me alone! I want to be alone! How are you tired of me! I hate myself! ”Life begins to seem an eternal struggle with the outside world. But in fact, there is a struggle between the “real self” and the “ideal self.”

i hate myself

Stories are not familiar with one case where hatred ofmyself projected onto the world and close people. In this case, the person became a tyrant for friends and family. Choosing a victim, he begins to morally destroy it. Moreover, the more painful he insults an innocent person, the more he receives pleasure from this process. In this way, “self-hating” asserts itself and harbors the pride of his “ideal self”.

The above symptoms can lead to severeconsequences for yourself and others. Therefore, you need to burn your own ideal and fall in love with the “real Self” just as it is: with all its weaknesses, tardiness, speech mistakes, extra kilos and so on. After all, life is given once, and it is best to live it with open eyes on a realistic and diverse world.