/ / How to make a map of desires, so that they come true

How correctly to make a map of desires, so that they come true

how to draw a wish card correctly

At first glance this seems to be something magical andincredible. Indeed, the arguments about how to properly map the desires, so that they come true - are represented by something from the sphere of spiritualism and other purely ritual actions. However, we all know the effect of a diary or "plan of life." Whether we start all on Monday or from New Year, we need to have in mind what we aspire to. And this is by no means a transcendental fantasy and far from a fiction. Thinking this way, we forget about the mighty reserves of our psyche, which leads us through life to the realization of the goal. Someone will call it fate, someone - self-actualization, someone's karma. But subconsciously, we have huge resources that we can use to fulfill a mission, mission or dream - how much someone likes.

Why do we need charts and graphs in self-development?We need to structure our consciousness. We do this daily, without noticing it. And the one who compiles lists, plans - intuitively feels how to make a map of desires correctly. On the one hand, there is something in this about neurolinguistic programming. That is, when drawing up a plan, we consciously tune into its implementation. And voicing it (or displaying graphically), only strengthened in our intentions. On the other hand, it can have a powerful effect for our internal development. After all, from unformed aspirations, we, studying how to correctly

make a wish
make a map of desires, isolate the main thing.We draw up and consolidate our dreams. Now they - presented on paper - are becoming targets. One of the techniques that analyze how correctly to draw a wish card, recommends drawing a square consisting of nine smaller, equal. In the center of it we place our life and health. And this is reasonable. Not having enough strength, we can not be realized in something else. Further, arbitrarily, as we are relevant for you, we place: relations and love, money and independence, interaction with other people and friendship, a position in the world (authority), science and curiosity, family and stabilization, children and creativity, enjoyment and the like. For each of us the scheme and the sequence may be different. After all, it directly depends on our priorities, attitudes, education.

draw a map

Nevertheless, remember the magical ritual of childhoodand occult practices. "Make a wish" - and you will get either an answer as to whether it will come true or a program for the future. It is understood that the very idea creates reality. Thinking deeper, you can not disagree. "Draw a wish card" - is equivalent to the advice "plan your time." As you know, each of us is not assigned too much. We will not be able to read all the books, travel all countries, know all the women (or men). But if we try to structure our consciousness, we can try to direct it to search for optimal solutions for us. And if, for example, we can realize that for us in the first place is family and stability, we are unlikely to be given with the same zeal to give up a career. Realizing that creativity is our life goal and goal, we will not bind others (for example, wives) with empty promises. After all, the desire to "be like everyone else, but even better" - is absurd. It is taken from averaging. If we know how to properly map the desires of our own, we will be able to find a way to implement them.