A credit card is a very convenient tool for paying for services and an easy way to get a loan. Let's look at how it is formalized, and how to use it.
All credit cards of Sberbankit is possible to use a grace period that lasts for 50 days, that is, no interest is accrued on this period of time. Also it is necessary to consider one nuance. If the purchase was made some time after receiving the card, the grace period will decrease. Also, if the money was taken by cashing them through an ATM, then such a benefit can not be expected.
How to issue a credit card for Sberbank?
Get a credit card is the right of any citizenRussia aged 21 to 56 (women) and 51 (men) of the year. An exception is made only if the client has a salary card in the same bank. There must be a registration in the region where the bank is present. And how to get a Sberbank card if you do not have enough work experience? No way. The total work experience should be at least one year in the last five years, with the last work the client must work for at least six months.
The application for a credit card must be submitted by customerspersonally, directly in the branch of the Savings Bank, and to do it better through the local office. You can also order a credit card through the Internet, but you still have to visit the office for registration. An exception can be made for you if you are an employee of an enterprise that participates in the salary project of the Savings Bank. Then the credit card can be made out not at you in "native" branch, and there where your employer is served.
For registration the following package of documents is required:
- passport;
- Reference 2-NDFL for the last six months;
- a copy of the work book, which the employer must certify;
- questionnaire with the indication of personal data.
How long does the card take?
A credit card can be issued several timesweeks. The bank will deal with the decision for about three days. Although if you transfer the salary to the Savings Bank card, the decision can be made on the same day. The result will be communicated by the manager over the phone. Then the card will be sent for release, and it will be brought to the department. This procedure lasts about two weeks.
Where and how to get a Sberbank card?
The card is issued in the branch of the bank where it was issued. The term of production of this tool for payment is minimal, after a day you can use the card.
The card must be activated at an ATM.To do this, insert the card, enter the PIN code, which is provided to you in a sealed envelope. It is further used to conduct all transactions through an ATM. Also, in some cases, it is required to enter the code when paying for purchases in stores.
How is the map updated?
Replenishment can be made through an ATM,cash desk or online banking. Replenishing the card via the Internet is much more profitable, but this requires a debit card or a special current account from which you can transfer funds.