It only seems that gender relations are based onequality and partnership. It can only be in theory. In real life, we all manipulate each other to a certain extent. Therefore, there are questions about how to subjugate a man, how to manage another person.

In the old days it was believed that "husband - the head."The wife, therefore, the neck, wherever she wants, will turn there. In this truth lies the main secret of how to subjugate a man to himself. It is necessary to make him feel the main "head". The one and only, for which you are in the fire and in the water. Is the maxim about "the path to the heart through the stomach" correct? Not for everyone and not always. In that case, if you know how to cook your favorite dishes, if you competently use aphrodisiac products, it is suitable. But let us remember a lot of stories about how husbands give up their economic and excellent preparing wives for the sake of others ... For what? In actual fact it turns out that for the sake of those with whom they feel good, not only at dinner or in bed. An important moment for those who want to know how to subjugate a man: let him feel the freedom of expression. Listen and listen again. Agree, do not criticize. Even telling you about feelings for the other, he involuntarily becomes dependent on you: for no one will understand him as you do.

Создавайте и поддерживайте атмосферу доверия.Let him do what he is not allowed to do at home. For example, throw socks around the room or smoke in the living room. If you immediately use the mandative tone or find fault with trifles, your goal - the answer to the question of how to subjugate a man - you will not get. But then, when he realizes that you truly support him, you can begin to carefully pursue your interests. Again, convincing him in passing that, besides him, no one can help you. Do not make any demands. Try to have all your desires expressed in the form of a request, or even better - a slight regret: "Oh, how good it would be ..."

The secret of how to subjugate a mansimple enough. Let him confirm his significance, his uniqueness. This, in general, is valid for any person. There is only one "but": even if you flatter him frankly, never let him feel your insincerity. Try yourself to believe in all the virtues that you praise. Everything else does not really matter. It is necessary to make one more reservation: never tell a man that you "mean nothing". There are few psychologists among them who are ready to increase your self-esteem. Most likely, your partner will believe you and look for the one that will be of a better opinion about yourself.