In the world there is no crystal honest person.In any given situation, every person is not telling the truth, and this is not surprising. After all, there are situations when it is not possible to say everything, and simply not needed.

Explain why people lie, and what it representsBy themselves, the concept of lies, many sciences are trying, and in most of the conclusions they, by the way, converge. Thus, psychology believes that a lie is a normal way of self-defense of a person who, in a similar way, tries to protect himself from various kinds of negative situations or consequences. But this does not mean that a lie must be justified and promoted in the spread of a similar phenomenon. So after all, why do people lie?
Reason 1. Desire to like
Часто причинной лжи становится тот факт, что man simply has nothing to tell about himself. So you have to invent interesting facts from your own biography on the go. Here you can simply invent events, and somewhat modify them, wanting to embellish reality.

Also the most common cause of liesis the fact that in this way a person simply achieves the desired. Having promised something, you can get the desired item or service. But here to execute the promised liars, as a rule, do not hasten. This kind of deception is common among children, for whom it is easier to say what their parents expect from them in order to get what they want. Time of execution of the above often simply does not come.
Reason 3. Avoid embarrassing situations.
Understanding why people lie, you can come toconcludes that many simply need to avoid awkward situations. If you do not want to put yourself in a bad light or be left with nothing, a lie in this situation is the first assistant. Also, the reason for lying can be the desire to simply not offend a person by telling him the whole truth. This method of deception, by the way, is common among women, when there is a rule between friends to admire each other, even if there are no good reasons for this.
Reason 4. Avoid punishment
Another reason why people lie canto be willing to avoid responsibility or punishment for a particular act. Lied, the person thinks that he automatically becomes pure and throws off all the blame. This type of fraud is common among people who are interrogated in court or in the prosecutor's office.

One of the most common phenomena islie for good A person thinks that by deceiving a loved one, he simply saves him from pain and suffering. This kind of lie is simply hiding information. It is believed that if a person does not know about this or that fact, then he, therefore, was not. The most common type of fraud in family life is when spouses hide uncomfortable information from each other.
Reason 6. Everybody does
Также обманывать можно, прикрываясь фразой «все people lie, and I will do that. ” This can also be attributed, and deception of boredom, when a person invents a variety of situations to do something and get the attention of others.
Lies accompany people for almostall the way of life. And this is not going anywhere. Various types of fraud are disclosed in the literature, about this remove the transfer and films. For the sake of interest, you can watch the new film “All People Lie”, where the theme of harm to lies for a person’s life is perfectly revealed.