/ / We're figuring out how to wash the baby's nose

We figure out how to wash the baby's nose

Kids are often sick, so moms need to know,how to help your baby in a particular situation. So, if a child has a cold, what should mom do? Clean the nose of mucus. But how to do it right?

how to wash your baby nose


Studying as a child to wash his nose, it is necessarytake into account that you can do this in two stages: first dripping a special liquid into the nostrils, and then cleansing the nasal passages from the mucus. With regard to cleansing, you can do this in two simple ways: both using an aspirator - a special device for sucking mucus from children's noses, and using a conventional pear with a soft tip (this is necessary so as not to injure the baby's mucosa).

Stage One

Having figured out how to wash a nose with a child, it is necessaryto master first the first stage in this difficult matter - burying a certain liquid. What could it be? There are several options. This can be done even with simple warm water. It is good to use special salt solutions, which do not dry out the mucous membrane and do not do any harm to the baby. You can prepare yourself a special liquid based on salt (1 teaspoon of sea salt or salt dissolves in a glass of boiled water), but in this situation it is very important not to overdo it, because if you cook it incorrectly, you can even burn your baby's nasal mucosa. How else can I wash my nose? Fizrastvorom, it is also recommended by doctors. The selected liquid must be poured into the child's spout, the pressure jet can vary depending on how much the child is an adult and is ready for the procedure.

how to wash your nose with saline

Stage Two

We figure out how to wash the nose of a child.Stored in the nasal passages, the optimal amount of fluid should naturally leave. Therefore, the baby needs to tilt his head slightly forward. It should be noted that all of the above manipulations are best carried out in the bathroom. So, the baby's head is tilted forward and along with the liquid poured into the nose, mucus (both through the nose and through the open mouth) should exit. For a better cleaning effect, the jet should be quite strong. However, this procedure is unlikely to please the baby, so it's better to start with a mild infusion. If the mucus does not completely come out, it can be pumped out with an aspirator or a rubber pear.

how to wash a nose to an infant


Separately, you need to figure out how to rinse your nosethe baby. The technique in principle will be the same: you need to pour in the liquid and pump it along with the mucus. But there are certain obstacles in this matter when it is necessary to treat a small patient. Since the child is still very small, you need to perform these manipulations in the position of the baby lying on his back. Bay saline (water, saline solution), it should be pumped out almost immediately with an aspirator. This device for the youngest is somewhat different - it is a long hard tube with a soft mouthpiece, with which the mother sucks mucus.


Each mother should know how to wash the nose of a child, because this is one of the most effective ways to cope with the beginning of a runny nose and avoid drug treatment of this problem.