/ Seville, Spain. Sights of the capital of Andalusia

Seville, Spain. Sights of the capital of Andalusia

Seville on the map of Spain is located at the very southcountry. It is the capital of the province of Andalusia. It has a huge historical center, which occupies more than three hundred hectares. Therefore, tourists come here all year round, and there is practically no “low season” in the city. It is difficult to name a person who would not like the beautiful Seville. Spain - a country in which there is no end of the guests. But Andalusia is something special. Amazing atmosphere in which woody languid Moorish notes and baroque Catholic piety, music and the smell of citrus, white houses and blue patterns, patios, entwined with the color of pomegranate ... Mysterious and passionate Andalusia, like Carmen. What can she offer us?

Sevilla Spain

Huge, third in Europe in sizeThe Gothic cathedral, built at the beginning of the fifteenth century on the site of the mosque, and its Giralda bell tower are the sights that come to mind most of all with the sound of the word “Seville”. Spain (southern in particular) is known for such an interesting architectural style as Mudejar. It is characterized by a fusion of Saracen and Christian motifs. The cathedral and the bell tower are the clearest example of this style. The “door of forgiveness” (the gate of the temple) is still left of the mosque that stood on this spot. And then the visitor enters the interior, which suddenly seems to be expanding from a stunning play of light and shadow due to the mirror built into the floor.

Seville on the map of Spain
Many silently stand, shaken by the decoration,eyes scatter from golden statues, carved wood, stained glass and columns. The “Orange Courtyard”, where most of the tourists leave the cathedral, as well as the Giralda minaret, which was almost a hundred-meter-high, also remained from Muslims. This tower, where a statue of the Faith was erected as a sign of the triumph of Catholicism, became a symbol of the city of Seville.

Spain is still a kingdom.Andalusia has always been a favorite place where the royal family spent time. Not far from the cathedral you can visit the amazing Real Alcazar Palace, which the Saracen rulers began to build in the tenth century. After all, Seville was the capital of their kingdom. Spain seized these territories in the thirteenth century. The Arab buildings themselves were not preserved, and the royal residence was first built in the Gothic style. However, the beautiful openwork art of Moorish architecture had such an effect on the imagination of the Spanish conquerors that Arab masters were invited from Granada (then Muslim), who created this miracle similar to the Alhambra palaces. And, as is usual in the east, around the royal "palacio" broke a huge, wonderful, verdant in winter and summer garden with artificial ponds, fountains and waterfalls.

Spain seville vacation

Another amazing place everyone wants to go.those who come to Seville are the Toro del Oro, the Golden Tower (former Moorish customs, now the Maritime Museum), standing on the banks of the Guadalquivir. Southern Spain is also often associated with this river. Seville, the rest in which became the dream of many Russians, is washed by the waters of the Guadalquivir, and cruise ships are now plying over it. They depart just from the Golden Tower. And tourists and residents of the city love to walk through the beautiful Seville parks, in particular the Infanta Maria Louise. Statues, decorated with tiles fountains, gazebos entwined with roses - all this has a romantic promenade. And the nearby Plaza of Spain with colonnades, pavilions and benches that coincide in size with the provinces of the state is just a country in miniature.

There are many more places to look into.Seville to a curious tourist. This amazing city is difficult to describe in two words. But, believe me, when you visit there, your heart will shrink with the words of a classic: “Night marshmallows make the air. Rumbles, runs the Guadalquivir. ”