/ Reus. Spain and the traditions of modernism

Reus. Spain and the traditions of modernism

Reus of Spain

The city of Reus (Spain, Catalonia) is, in our opinion,small district center. It is the second largest city in terms of population and size of the locality of the province of Tarragona. It does not stand on the sea, but slightly on the hill. Nevertheless, a lot of tourists come here every day. What attracts them Reus? Spain is a country of great artists, sculptors and architects. One of them - the genius of the twentieth century - is Antonio Gaudi. Guides say that he was born in this city. However, not one Gaudi is famous Reus - especially since there are no houses designed here. But here you can see whole ensembles and architectural delights of the Catalan modernist school.

How is it better to come to Reus?Spain has a well-developed infrastructure, and here both long-distance trains and trains stop and buses stop. The station is closer to the center, and from the bus station it takes about a quarter of an hour to go up the main avenue. Since everywhere there are pointers and marked paths, you are unlikely to get lost. Most tourists come by bus, because they are easier to get to the city from the beaches of Costa Dorada, especially from Salou. Some of the routes pass through the old city, and those who can not wait to walk along its amazing streets, go to Gusinaya Square.

The city of Reus spain

Итак, мы вышли из автобуса и осматриваемся.The first thing that catches your eye is the tourist center. Here you can take a card for free to inspect Reus. Spain earns a lot of money on tourism, and so here everything is thought out so that the visitors are comfortable. The map is also difficult - it indicates various routes around the city, depending on the interests of the visitor. Let us now dwell on the "modernist way". It can be completed in a few hours, and it is designed so that you can inspect the houses with the most beautiful and quaint facades. In addition to Gaudi, they were designed by an architect, such as Domenech-i-Montaner. Of course, it is more instructive to go on this route together with the guide, however for our compatriots who do not know either Spanish or Catalan, this is possible only in the summer. In the "low season" tours are only on weekends and only in the official languages ​​of the province.

However, let us imagine that we are going armedonly a map, and want to inspect the modernist Reus. Spain (or rather Catalonia) is populated by fans of this style in art and architecture. However, Reus gives odds to other cities. However, acquaintance with it, as a rule, begins with the parish church of San Pere, with a Gothic bell tower with a height of 60 meters. It is known that Gaudi believed that it is better than it is not in the world. In this church, by the way, and baptized the famous architect. Perhaps Gothic inspired the imagination of the rest of the Catalan modernists. This temple is next to the Mercadal Square (Market). There is a museum (or Center) of Gaudi, a town hall with dragons and world famous mansions - Navas and Pinole. And then you will be dizzy from the abundance of floral motifs and ornaments from wrought iron, columns, bas-reliefs and consoles in the form of women's heads ...

sights of reus spain

Here and Casa Laguna's house with the "wrong" mosaic andCeramic medallions, and delicate balconies Casa Serra and Marco, and the laurel jewelry Casa Grau with semicircular arches, and the modernist Fortuny Theater, and much more. Do not even list in such a short review the modernist attractions of Reus. Spain in general is rich in such small, but bright towns that attract tourists by themselves, regardless of the sea, the sun and shopping. Although the latter is also beautiful in Reus.