/ / Waterfall White bridges (Yukankoski) - enjoy the beauties of Karelia

Waterfall White bridges (Yukankoski) - enjoy the beauties of Karelia

Waterfall with unusual and unusual for Russianman named Yukankoski is not somewhere, but in the territory of Karelia. It is considered one of the highest cascades in this area. Local residents call it this: White bridges.

waterfall white bridges

Briefly about the waterfall

Waterfall White bridges (Yukankoski) is striking with itsscale. Its height varies from 15 to 19 meters, the water descends by raging cascades. It is much higher than the more famous waterfall Kivach, a local landmark, whose height is only 10.7 meters. Yukankoski is located on the Kulismaioki River in a picturesque place amidst a dense forest, where it is necessary to travel along uneasy roads. The nearest settlements are the village of Leppäsilta, which is 10 km away, as well as the town of Pitkäranta, 33 km from the village. White bridges. Despite the beauty of the waterfall itself and the magnificent landscape in general, it is not particularly famous and is visited by tourists quite rarely.

waterfall white bridges yukankoski


The name of the waterfall came from a smallFinnish settlement, which once was located on the river Kulismajoki. The settlement was called Yukankontu, which in Karelian means "yucca manor", and the name of the waterfall is translated as "yucca threshold".

But in the 70s of the last century, local residentsdecided to rename the Yukankoski. They called it more easily pronounced - the waterfall White bridges. This name appeared due to the Finns who built the road, and then bridges of white stone across the river. One of the bridges passed straight ahead of the waterfall. Today they are left only ruins, which are difficult to find among the large number of stones lying around. Sometimes a waterfall is called "White pillars", but this is not the correct name.

Seasonal changes

Waterfall White bridges vary depending onseason. In spring, the turbulent flow of the river with peat impurities stains the water in yellow. The waterfall furiously brings down massive water streams from all its height into the foaming boiler at the foot.

In summer, the amount of water is significantly reduced,its color changes from yellow to crystal clear. Now you can distinguish individual trickles of water, which quickly roll down the cascade and form a foamy lace at the foot. The water quickly warms up, so in summer a lot of people bathe in the waterfall.

In autumn Yukankoski is gaining strength again, waterstreams become more powerful, but not the same as in the spring and only until the first frosts. With the onset of cold weather, the waterfall is hammered by thin ice, and with the arrival of strong frosts it becomes covered with ice deposits. Despite this, water continues to flow constantly under the ice.

white bridges waterfall coordinates

Picturesque surroundings

Waterfall White bridges are surrounded by incredibly beautifullandscapes. The river Kulismajoki passes along ancient boulders covered with moss, on the left bank the centuries-old fir trees rise. Not far from Yukankoski is a beautiful glade where you can camp.

Around the waterfall and the nearby areaan area of ​​87.9 hectares created hydrological monument of nature "White bridges". But tourist trips to this area are not prohibited, with the condition of careful attitude of man to nature.

Wild places

The very presence and influence of a person onthe neighborhood of Yukankoski is minimal. From the Finnish settlement, which gave the name of the waterfall, there were only ruins. Therefore, wild animals in these places are relatively free. If you are careful and try not to make noise, then you can meet a wide variety of representatives of the Karelian fauna.

waterfall white bridges

Waterfall White bridges - how to get

Чтобы добраться до водопада, необходимо доехать before turning to Lake Ruokojärvi. You can get here from the cities of Sortavalla, Pitkyaranta or Yarn. This turn to the lake is quite noticeable, at the intersection of Sortavala-Petrozavodsk, a car repair area was built. The road itself is unpaved and departs to the left of the highway.

Проделав этот путь, чтобы посетить водопад Белые bridges, then it is necessary to go straight, without turning to forks, some of them are wide enough and can be misleading. If a lake appears on the left side, then the direction is chosen correctly.

After that, the road becomes sandy and beginsgo up the hill, you should keep to the right until you see signs with the words "White bridges". From them to the waterfall is still 2-2.5 kilometers, they can walk on foot, admiring the magnificent landscape and nature, almost untouched by human hands, or drive by car.

In summer, the road to the waterfall is passable.for almost any car, but it is rather narrow and there are often very close places in the forest, so there can be problems with traveling with oncoming traffic.

Thanks to modern technology, many problemsfinding a certain place disappear by themselves. Now it’s enough to use a GPS navigator to visit the White Bridges (waterfall). Coordinates: 61 ° 45 "12" N; 31 ° 24 "37" E.

Yukankoski Falls is unique and incredible in its own way.beautiful at any time of the year. The only thing that makes it difficult, and therefore less popular, is forest roads. But having been in this picturesque place, and seeing the waterfall itself, you can get pleasant memories and long-term positive emotions.