/ / Portal bridges: device and purpose

Portal bridges: device and purpose

На сегодняшний день можно привести множество examples of refinement and tuning of off-road vehicles. Some make a backlash of the body and suspension, the second change the wheels, and others do both. However, today we will consider a very unusual way of tuning, through which you can increase the throughput of the car more effectively than any 20-inch wheels. This wonder device is called the portal bridge.

portal bridges

What he really is?

Portal bridges are side-mounted mechanisms.the reducers having a P-shaped design. Due to the gearbox, the axle rises several centimeters above the wheel. It is also worth noting that with such bridges the main gear and the crankcase are reduced in size.

Why "portal"?

Some drivers think the name"Portal" this axis was due to its characteristic design. In fact, this is so, but the name “portal” itself has a foreign origin and in this case denotes a spatial supporting structure.


On SUVs such devices are not usedso long ago The main connoisseurs of these bridges are lovers of off-road tracks. This is explained by the fact that gantry bridges can significantly increase the vehicle's ground clearance, which, in fact, is their main function. And due to the fact that the design uses several gearboxes at once, the transmission of an SUV does not tolerate such heavy loads as the gearbox of a conventional jeep.

portal bridges uaz

It is also worth noting that portal bridges,in addition to its special design, have a special gear ratio. Often this value differs from the standard in a more “traction” side. Thus, the car becomes more serviceable on the roads and less dynamic on the asphalt surface. However, for owners of off-road vehicles, who for the most part exploit them on unpaved roads, the loss of speed is a minor drawback.


First of all, as we said, portalBridges significantly increase the car's ground clearance. And since the location of the beam between the wheels plays a crucial role, thanks to this axis, you can increase the clearance by at least 10 centimeters. For example, if the car “Hunter” UAZ bridges are located from the road surface at a distance of 21 centimeters, then after installing the portal, this value increases to 38 cm.

UAZ bridges

But this is not the only reasonmotorists install gantry bridges. Also, thanks to this device, you can significantly increase the torque, that is, to make the SUV more tyagovity. Such a vehicle can overcome absolutely any obstacle, even if it is carrying cargo or towing another vehicle. Dirt, snow, heat and frost - not a hindrance for such a machine. It is worth noting that the portal bridges have a larger size of the teeth of the main pair. Due to this, the SUV becomes more reliable. Also, portal bridges (UAZ “Bars” including) evenly distribute the load between the onboard and main gear.