/ / Nightclub "Mod", St. Petersburg: photos and reviews

Nightclub "Mod", St. Petersburg: photos and reviews

St. Petersburg is a graceful city.People of any age category, without exception, will love the northern capital. The kid will be delighted with the rides in the local parks, the aquarium and the water park. Mature tourists will enjoy the greatest architecture, historical sites and sights with pleasure. What to do the younger generation? For such, there are many entertainment centers. It is recommended to look at the club "Mod" in St. Petersburg. A good impression of this wonderful city will be guaranteed.

brief information

club mod St. Petersburg

Проект клуба «Мод» в Санкт-Петербурге создавался for several years. The developers had the same goal - to create a universal entertainment complex in which people with a wide variety of interests could have a rest. Now he works in three main areas:

  • modern theater;
  • musicians, visitors from all over the world;
  • live performances of the most famous and completely unknown performers.

When the project was still at the stageplanning, he had the working title Modernist. The creators wanted to break stereotypes by creating a universal, unique club in their field. In this name, they reduced to three letters Mod, finding this option more convenient for visitors.


One of the most popular is the Mod Club inSt. Petersburg. Photos of the institution are presented in our article. They show that the halls are always crowded. This club has a convenient location - in the heart of the city. Next to it there are public transport stops, a metro station and ample parking. The entire entertainment complex can be divided into several main areas:

club mod St. Petersburg address

  • Concert hall.
  • Dance floor.
  • Summer terrace.
  • Pizzeria.

On its territory there are three bars in whichYou can buy a delicious drink at an affordable price. Each site has installed modern equipment. The total capacity of the club "Mod" in St. Petersburg - 800 people.

Additionally organized Vip-zone. Here people can sit in a calm atmosphere, celebrate an important event and even conduct business negotiations.

For all visitors provided free internet. On the territory of the institution has an age limit. Not allowed to persons under 18 years old.

About graphics

The club is open daily from 16:00 to 6:00 in standard mode. Live concerts and other entertainment events usually take place on Friday or Saturday.

club mod st petersburg how to get

Часто здесь организуются тематические мероприятия:New Year's parties for children and adults, mask shows, holidays, dedicated to March 8 or February 23. Information about upcoming parties is published on the official website or on the social network. Usually on such days, a thematic dress code is introduced. If desired, you can coordinate with the administration of holding your own celebration.

Every Thursday at 18:00 The invited guest Ilyas Muratov, a contemporary artist known all over the world, comes to the Mod club in St. Petersburg. He creates his creative works in front of a large audience.

Price policy

The first thing that worries any person whoplanning to visit an entertainment complex - how much money does he need to take with him? On weekdays and some weekends admission is free. It is important to like the guard and pass face control. Paid entry is created only in those days when the stars of the national stage and world-class perform on the stage. The cost of one ticket can be from 150 to 5 thousand rubles.

club mod St. Petersburg capacity

The bar is the best prices.For example, the drink "Sambuka" can be bought at a price of only 200 rubles. A stack of vodka "Putinka" costs 50 rubles. For the same price, you can buy Campari. The cost is per 50 grams of drink. Not everyone comes to the club to drink alcohol. People who observe a sober law, you can enjoy a cup of coffee for 80 rubles.

Employee feedback

club mod st petersburg reviews

Every month on the official website publishrecent vacancies at the Mod Club in St. Petersburg. Administrators invite new employees to the position: cook, pizza maker, waiter, bartender and dishwasher. Wages range from 25 to 50 thousand rubles. The main condition is a pleasant appearance and a desire to work. The absence of bad habits is welcome. Existing employees highlight a few positive points:

  • Flexible work schedule.
  • In the entertainment center there is always a friendly team.
  • There is an opportunity to earn good tips.
  • You can go to all concerts for free, and many employees even manage to communicate with the stars.
  • Salary is always paid on time. Employees are issued bonuses several times a year.
  • Official employment, vacation pay and sick leave.

Negative about this place is extremely rare. Some workers do not like the noisy atmosphere, the need to work at night and a large crowd of people.

Positive feedback from visitors

 club mod St. Petersburg photo

Students from all over arrive in the northern capital.cities of the country. This is where young people merge in order to work or just relax. Do not forget about the indigenous people. Some part of this young generation are regular visitors of the Maud Club in St. Petersburg. Feedback from them can be heard only the most positive. Basically, praise the entertainment program. There are more than 10 events per month that you should definitely visit. Pleased and prices for such a popular entertainment complex. We should also talk about unusual design. There is a feeling that the creators have put a piece of the soul into these walls. Being in the club, each visitor feels warm and comfortable. This atmosphere creates and working team. The staff is always friendly and happy to communicate with each guest.

Negative feedback from visitors

Negative reviews about the club "Mod" inSt. Petersburg is extremely rare, but still they are. Basically, those who did not manage to pass face control negatively speak about him. They consider this place too pathetic, and the reason for the visit ban is biased. Some people do not like the drink, made in a bar, a passing event or a general atmosphere.

club mod st petersburg jobs

Despite the small shortcomings, in this entertainment complex, even on weekdays, there are a lot of people.

How to get there?

We should also talk about how to get to the club "Mod" in St. Petersburg. As mentioned earlier, it is located in the heart of the city. Accordingly, the route will be extremely simple:

  1. Wherever you are, you should walk to the nearest metro station.
  2. The terminus will be the station "Nevsky Prospect", "Admiralteyskaya" or "Gostiny Dvor".
  3. Next you need to roll, moving along Griboedov Avenue.
  4. It will be necessary to pass by the museum of M. M. Zoshchenko and the Benois Corps.
  5. On the left side of the road will be grayThe building is an old design, inside which is an arch. This is the famous club "Mod" in St. Petersburg. Now it remains to go past the arch into the courtyard and find the entrance.

The journey time from the station "Nevsky Prospect" is 5 minutes, from "Admiralteyskaya" - 15 minutes, from "Gostiny Dvor" - 25 minutes.

In addition to the metro, you can get to this place by car, by bus number 3, 3M, 3MB, 7, 22, 24, 27, 191 or trolley bus number 1, 5, 7, 10, 11 and 22.


Summing up, it is worth saying that there are several good reasons why you should visit this entertainment complex:

  • The guards carefully carry out the procedure of face control. Together with you will rest only the most decent people.
  • The creators strive to stand out, to become not like their competitors. Only here you can attend the brightest and unusual party.
  • The best DJs from all over the city will delight you with energetic tracks.
  • Every month there are performances of the best stars from all over the world stage.
  • Unusual bright and stylish design.
  • Warm atmosphere.
  • The administration of the complex values ​​its reputation. For them, the opinion of each visitor is important. You can be sure that you will be served at the highest level.

If you want to visit the best party, then come to the club "Mod". Address: St. Petersburg, Griboyedov Canal Quay, 7.