/ / Rock Club (St. Petersburg): history of creation, activity, new life. Club "Mani-Hani"

Rock Club (St. Petersburg): history of creation, activity, new life. Club "Mani-Hani"

The Leningrad rock club opened at the end of the 20th century. His activity was mainly aimed at organizing concerts. A few years ago, a rock club was revived.

About the club

Leningrad rock club was created in 1981.It was a concert organization. The rock club was not quite typical for this type of organization. Rather, it was a mixture of the Union of Composers with the House of Culture. It had its own membership system, charter and musical advice. The president was Nikolai Mikhailov. Members of the club were many rock bands that became famous. Some of them work successfully to this day. Following this rock club began to create other similar organizations. It was originally located at the address: Rubinshteina Street, 13 (St. Petersburg). Rock club in 2012 changed the habitat. Now he is on Flower Street, in the house number 6.

Club history

Attempts to create a rock club (St. Petersburg wasone of the pioneers in this direction) were undertaken as early as the 70s of the 20th century. It was needed in order to legalize the concert activities of musicians in this area. Initially, the club included ten rock bands. In 1981, the club was legalized. He was based in the Inter-Union House of amateur art. In the same year, the first big concert of Leningrad rockers took place. Nikolay Mikhailov headed the organization in 1982.

rock club st petersburg

Soon the most prominent members of the club were excluded fromKomsomol. The activity of the rockers was supervised by the KGB, since, according to the authorities, originality and dissent could lead to espionage or dissidence. Employees of the State Security Committee attended each concert of the club and watched what was going on there, identifying potentially dangerous musicians, in their opinion.

Club activities

In addition to organizing concerts, rock club(St. Petersburg) also held various festivals. The first was held in 1983. Thanks to these festivals, the public learned about such groups as “Kino”, “Alisa”, “ChayF”, “DDT”, “Civil Defense”, etc. In the early 90s. rock club held two major promotions. But when the USSR collapsed, such organizations began to gradually close. In their place came nightclubs and discos.

Leningrad rock club

In the early 90s, the Leningrad rock club occasionally held concerts. Then it opened a bar, and then - a music store. And by the beginning of the new century, the activity here completely disappeared.

Club groups

What groups were included in a rock club? St. Petersburg has become a launching pad for many. These are the following groups and performers:

  • "Rain season".
  • "Aquarium".
  • "Movie".
  • "A storm warning".
  • "Alice".
  • "Civil uprising".
  • Alexander Bashlachev.
  • "Dangerous Neighbors".
  • "St. Petersburg".
  • "Diamonds from Nekkerman".
  • "Puppet Theater".
  • "DDT".
  • "Secret".

And many others.

XXI Century

In 2008, the rock club (St. Petersburg) undertookattempt to rebirth. Former members were invited to a meeting in the DC on the Obvodny Canal. The meeting was organized by Andrei Antonov. He heads the production center "Music of the XXI century" and is the administrator of the recreation center named after Tsyurupa. On the agenda was the revival of the legendary rock club. Present at the meeting and the former president of the organization of rockers - Nikolai Mikhailov. The meeting did not lead to anything.

Rubinstein 13 St. Petersburg Rock Club

A second attempt at rebirth was made in2010 Then it was planned to hold a concert. He had to pass in another, no less famous rock club called Money-Honey. But this initiative was also unsuccessful.

There was a revival in 2012. Rock club settled in the building on the street Flower.


Another Leningrad rock club that wasopened in 1994 - this is "Mani-Khani". He still exists. The club is located at Sadovaya Street, building No. 28/30, building 13, near the Gostiny Dvor metro station.

Every evening, “Mani-Khani” invites viewers torock concerts, promotions, theme parties and discos until the morning. In the bar you can have a tasty and inexpensive meal and drink. On weekdays, the entrance to the cult club is free. Here you can break away to the full extent, bring friends with you, or meet new interesting people.

mani hani

Первый этаж оформлен в ковбойском стиле.Guitars and pistols are hanging on the walls. The furniture here is comfortable and wooden. The ceiling is decorated with lamps in the form of wheels from the cart. On the second floor there is a concert hall, which has recently opened. It is decorated in a different way, more modern, but no less stylish than the first floor. The concert hall is designed for 250 people. Here are the trendy DJs, rock, electric and hard bands.