/ / Parks of St. Petersburg: where to walk in winter with a child and with a dog

Parks of St. Petersburg: where to walk in winter with a child and with a dog

Walking in the fresh air in good weather is always pleasant and useful. In St. Petersburg there are many parks and squares, where you can have a good time always.


The palace and park ensemble "Alexandria" isa favorite place for rest of townspeople and tourists, this is a perfect combination of the exquisite architecture of Peterhof and natural beauty. Walking along the alleys of the park makes it possible to enjoy the magnificent view of the Gulf of Finland and the genius of the masters who created such architectural masterpieces as the snow-capped Chapel.

parks of St. Petersburg where to walk

Fairy Park

There are city parks in St. Petersburg, wherewalk with the children will be very fun, for example, a fabulous park named after Babushkin. This oldest city square, founded under Catherine the Great, despite its venerable age, amazes crowds of children all year round. Numerous attractions and playgrounds are filled with small visitors in the summer. In winter, children enjoy skiing on ice slides.

Summer and Nikolsky Gardens

And what other famous parks do you have?St. Petersburg? Where to walk is necessary? For example, the Summer Garden. This is a favorite place for visits and romantic walks, the orchestra plays here, the ancient statues look down on their visitors, the fountains soothe the murmur of the water, the sun winks through the green foliage, but it's all in the summer. In winter it remains to enjoy the view of a small pond and a walk along the park lanes.

Nikolsky Garden - a place that keeps sadthe history of the Battle of Tsushima. Here is a mass grave and an obelisk in memory of the fallen at this battle. Walking in the park, you can not help admiring the beauty of the St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral, sitting on one of the shops, you can rest and ponder.

Parks of St. Petersburg where to walk with a dog

Izmailovsky Garden

Izmailovsky Garden - in Peter's times on histerritory was the homestead of the military commander Rumyantsev. Under Catherine II, the estate passed to her favorite Platon Zubov, who turned it into a beautiful blooming park. The garden owes its name to the nearby barracks of the Life Guards of the Izmailovsky Regiment. In 1835 the park was purchased by the merchant Tarasov and leased it, the tenants improved the public garden, built a stage for the performance of the orchestra and a restaurant.

Parks of St. Petersburg where to walk with the child

The inhabitants of the city no longer asked themselves the question,where are the best parks in St. Petersburg, where to walk, it became clear. After all, there is the Izmailovsky Garden. It will be a favorite vacation spot. In 1898 the park was leased by the merchant Tumpakov, thanks to his reconstruction. Then in the park a new theater building, called Buff, appeared on its stage by the famous artists of those times. Nowadays the park continues to be one of the most favorite places for recreation, it was reconstructed and a new theater was opened.

Parks of St. Petersburg where to walk photos

Moscow Victory Park

Now consider the popular parks of St. Petersburg, where you can walk with your child at any time of the year.

Moscow Victory Park is a wonderful park forfamily recreation and sports lovers. Here you can play tennis, mini-golf, volleyball and basketball, go biking and rollerblading. Children enjoy great pleasure, visiting modern attractions and playgrounds. Also in the summer time you can make a boat trip, renting a boat or a catamaran, and in winter it is worth to visit the ice rink, open to all. Here you can skate on a lot of ice skates, a storm of emotions cause fluffy inhabitants in children, the ubiquitous squirrels cheerfully scurry around the park and gladly eat right from the hands of people walking.

Central Park

Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after SM.Kirov - a great place to relax from the city bustle. It hosts a variety of fun activities, there is a playground, rollerblading and biking will bring great pleasure, as well as a boat trip in the summer. And in the winter, a walk in the park and watching gay proteins will bring no less pleasure.

Divo Ostrov

Amusement park Divo-Ostrov - the name of itspeaks for itself. Asking about the location of the best parks in St. Petersburg, where you can have fun, you should pay attention to this place. Such a park will take a worthy place in the list of the best. Here you will find a huge number of various attractions: from extreme for daredevils to simple ones for small children. Park rides are among the top ten of the world. It should be noted the beautiful landscape design of the park, just a walk along it will also bring pleasure. On the stages and venues there are performances and concerts, boat trips on boats will help to distract from city bustle and give pleasure to children. For them, here is built a fabulous town of entertainment, funny animators will carry away kids with a variety of games and fun contests. No doubt, this park can be called a favorite place for children.

Parks of St. Petersburg where to take a walk with children

Zelenogorsky Park

What other parks are known in St. Petersburg, whereto walk in winter it is interesting and cheerful? Of course, this is Zelenogorsk Park of Culture and Recreation. It has its own history, it is very interesting. Even in winter there are various events and excursions. In the process, you can learn the amazing history of the park. Beautiful nature will charm with its landscapes and will not let you get bored.

"Lapland Park"

Looking through various options and thinking about whatchoose in winter the parks of St. Petersburg, where you better take a walk, you should pay attention to the "Lapland Park". This is a real whirlwind of winter entertainment. Here you can skate plenty. The park's creators provided everything, therefore at the box office there are skates, helmets and special figures "Bobby" for children who are hard or early to skate. With their help, adults can ride kids on the rink. There is a farm with reindeers here. It will be interesting for them to observe, they can be fed with yagel and even photographed for memory. And then you can imagine yourself as a reindeer herder and get into his hut, become a participant in the fair, treat yourself to hot tea with sweets, and then relax in a cafe.

Parks of St. Petersburg where to walk in winter

Seaside Park

Seaside Victory Park - one of the main parkscity, laid in honor of the victory over fascism. Opened in 1945 and immediately fell in love with the citizens and guests of the northern capital. The park has a large well-groomed area, which is simply designed for outdoor activities. On smooth paths it will be pleasant to ride on rollers and a bicycle, and in winter skiing and skating will cheer up. Children will be happy to come to a small zoo, which is located in Primorsky. There you can watch the animals and feed them.

"Gagarin Park" is located on the territory ofMoscow Victory Park. It includes a wonderful complex of attractions. In winter time he invites everyone who wants to ride on the ice skating rink under provocative music.

Parks of St. Petersburg: where to take a walk

Primorsky district is one of the largest districtsmetropolis. Here is the Specific Park. Walking along it will be a wonderful alternative to a bustling city. Secluded and picturesque corners will please the eye, from the heart you can have fun, watching the squirrels and birds. Fans of active leisure ride on bicycles, and in winter on skis.

Park of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg - picturesqueA place that attracts lovers of hiking. A well-equipped quay with smooth paths, allowing fast driving on roller skates and skateboards, is a favorite place for young people. For a quiet rest, many benches have been prudently delivered, the fountains are pleasing to the eye, and the beauty of the Gulf of Finland can be admired at any time of the year. The park often hosts various city holidays, events and competitions. In the summer, the square becomes the venue for music festivals with the participation of domestic and foreign celebrities. For the youngest there are simple attractions. The park continues to improve, but now it is one of the favorite places of rest among the townspeople.

Walking with a dog

We found out what beautiful parksSt. Petersburg. Where can I take a walk with a dog? Which public gardens are suitable for this? You can walk with a dog in any city parks, except for places where the sign "Pacing animals is prohibited" is installed. But, of course, the dog should be muzzled and leashed, and the owner needs to stock up with bags and a scoop for cleaning the products of his pet's livelihoods. But it is clear that the dog wants to run wild and frolic, unfortunately, there are no specially equipped parks. Therefore, people get out as they can. In sleeping areas it is easier to solve this problem. The hosts find unpopulated places and let their pets walk, in the center it's more difficult. Resourceful dogs on Pulkovskaya Street arranged a platform for walking on an abandoned piece of land. There it is very clean and even there are sachets for waste.

Parks of St. Petersburg where to walk the seaside area


Now it is clear what they are - parksSt. Petersburg, where you can take a walk, you can make a photo, it became clear. As you can see, in the metropolis there are many interesting, beautiful squares. In many of them you can walk not only with the child, but even with the dog.