/ / Iriklinskoe reservoir - rest in the Orenburg region

Iriklinsky water reservoir - rest in the Orenburg region

In the 1950s, the Orenburg region feltthe urgent need for constant water supply and drainage in the eastern and central part of the Southern Urals. In this regard, in 1958, the construction of the largest reservoir within the Urals, located at an altitude of 245 m above sea level, was begun and in 1966 completed. By the way, built Iriklinskoe reservoir on the river of the same name. Its length is 73 km, and the length of the coastline is approximately 415 km. The average depth is 12.5 m, the greatest is 40 m. A map of the Iriklinsky reservoir has been added below, which will help tourists get to the reservoir.

Iriklinskoe reservoir rest

A few words about the reservoir

The appearance of the reservoir is accompanied by manylegends that will gladly tell you the locals. They say that the name of this reservoir in translation means "heavenly place." Indeed, the time spent here is similar to the time spent in paradise - clean air, clean water, wonderful views ...

A huge deep lake with rocky shores andthe many bays are the Iriklinskoe reservoir. Rest in these places is remembered for a long time. The one who saw this magnificence once, will remain impressed by him forever. So say the locals and travelers, the end of which is not in all seasons.


About 40 species of fish inhabit the pond,the variety of which the experienced fisherman will be impressed: burbot, bream, roach, pike, whitefish, trout, silver carp, carp, carp, sterlet ... And this is not the whole list! It is worth noting that earlier Iriklinskoe reservoir (recreation with a fishing rod in these places is quite popular) was famous for populations of predatory fish species. Who knows, maybe the lucky fisherman they will meet again.

The huge variety of the underwater world allowsThere are several successful fishing companies in the area: the Volna Fish Farm, a state fish breeding center, a community of fishermen, and a state-owned fish processing enterprise.

Vegetable world

Also in this area you can find manysmall islands, peninsulas, lagoons, capes, streamers and bays. Flora consists mainly of poplar, alder, elm, juniper, birch and aspen. Artificial gardening is actively practiced here, new trees and shrubs are constantly planted.

In the summer Iriklinskoe reservoir (rest in thisthe most sought-after season takes on an emerald green hue. This transformation occurs due to the blooming of water. And the reason for this phenomenon is the high content of various nutrients in it. No wonder this place is called the pearl of the Orenburg region!

Iriklinskoe reservoir recreation


В этих краях очень развита инфраструктура.Numerous houses, equipped with all necessary, clean beaches, in a word, the most comfortable conditions await tourists coming to Iriklinskoe reservoir. Recreation centers, which are located in close proximity to the water, are the famous “Seagull” and “Cherry Slides”. They are suitable for lovers of thoughtful recreation. On the territory there is a cafe-bar with karaoke. Equipped with a dance floor. For lovers of sports there is a volleyball and football field. Also at the recreation centers, you can use the grill and grill.

And for those who do not wish to enjoy the benefits of civilization, preferring to them unity with nature, there is an opportunity to set up a tent camp.

No wonder the place is constantly filledtourists and nature lovers. Also for lovers of yacht sports there is an opportunity to visit a local club located also on the territory of the reservoir. If you choose Iriklinskoe reservoir, rest, you can be 100% sure, will be fun and unforgettable.

map of the Iriklinsky reservoir

The creation of this reservoir allowed to preventand reduce the effects of flooding in the Orenburg region, significantly increased the chances of fishing development and improved the ecological situation of the area.