/ / Sorochinskoe reservoir: description, problems, rest

Sorochinskoe reservoir: description, problems, rest

Сорочинское водохранилище располагается в eponymous city of the Orenburg region. The date of its foundation is 1997. This reservoir is laid along two rivers - Samara (28 km long) and Big Uranus (its length is 18 km). Its area reaches 35.56 km², average depth - 3.6 m, maximum - 12.8 m.

Sorochinsk reservoir

History of construction

In the late 60s of the last century beganserious problems with water supply in the described region of the Orenburg region. Therefore, projects were developed for the application of the Samara River and all streams flowing into it in order to address this situation. These plans were repeatedly corrected, because various examinations were carried out regularly. Only in 1976 did the construction of this reservoir begin on the r. Samara. The Sorochinsk reservoir has been forming for a very long time due to delays in the delivery of special equipment, insufficient deduction of funds and other reasons. In addition, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, construction was stopped altogether. However, in 1994 it continued and ended in 1997. This was announced by the local administration.


In 2005, all possibleexpertise, project adjustments and restoration work. They were fully funded by the Federal Water Resources Agency. Every year, the local government carries out measures to control such an important facility as the Sorochinsky reservoir. The basic work includes the following: checking the quality of water, the functional of the hydraulic regime, measures in the pre-flood and flood periods, sanitary and technical and water protection studies.

Sorochinskoye reservoir rest

Control features

Control of the state of the water impliesthe following: samples are taken for analysis, quality indicators are determined, are recorded in the relevant tables, reports are made on the chemical composition of the waters in the reservoir being described.

Check the operation of the hydraulic mode, whichSorochinskoe reservoir is characterized, carried out as follows: a group of engineers of the enterprise collects data on the level of filling, its inflows and outflows, water discharge every day. On the basis of the information received, analytical work is carried out to study the situation of the economy in this reservoir and make up the balance.

Events during the flood seasonproduced in the following way: prepare special hydraulic equipment, then carried out engineering control and collect all the necessary analytical data.

Sanitation and water protection measuresalso produced by local government officials. They investigate the Sorochinsky reservoir (there is a photo of the object in the article) according to all the rules established by law. Necessary indicators are collected, systematized and analyzed. Much attention is paid to how abundantly the coastal area of ​​the reservoir is overgrown, whether wetlands have formed, partly the coast has collapsed, or adjacent land has not been flooded. And in those areas that are subject to water protection, special signs are installed with appropriate explanations. Considering all the collected analytical indicators, higher authorities decide whether to carry out additional repair or restoration work. These include, for example, the following: upgrading areas where you can relax, cleaning the reservoir bed, removing wetlands, fire prevention research to protect nearby forests, strengthening coastal slopes, repairing broken equipment and damaged structures.

Sorochinsk reservoir photo

The current state of the reservoir

Sorochinskoe reservoir, the rest on which is notis in special demand, in recent times is in a deplorable state. The fact is that waste from nearby industrial enterprises and settlements is dumped here. Also, tourists coming to this area often do not clean up the trash. The local administration does not carry out timely work on its disposal. Even if travelers do not throw rubbish directly into the reservoir, it is brought from the shores either by wind or by storm showers. Of course, waste disposal activities can be carried out, for example, by attracting students to community work days, as in some other reservoirs of the Russian Federation.

Sorochinsk reservoir recreation center

Unpleasant consequences

This adverse situation is negative.impact on the environment. What consequences can this lead to? Of course, to the fact that nearby settlements risk being flooded. But the problem here is not in the Sorochinsky reservoir itself. The fact is that the construction of the above-mentioned settlements is carried out without special observance of the established rules for planning and other activities. Such neglect and led to the sad consequences - the flooding of local territories. In addition, the effluents of industrial enterprises do not undergo the filtration procedure, which leads to an undoubted worsening of the general situation in the area of ​​the reservoir.

Sorochinskoe reservoir fishing

Recreation at the reservoir

Due to the fact that the Sorochinsky reservoirlocated near Orenburg, it, despite all the problems and pollution, has become a place of rest for the urban population. These areas are well lit by the sun, nearby forests have beautiful green hues, the water warms to an acceptable temperature, which - if not the above mentioned problems - is ideal for comfortable bathing. Remarkable natural conditions help citizens to rest and gain strength before the new working week. It is a pity that a person does not appreciate what mother nature gives him, and with his own hands spoils the environment. But there are all opportunities for good fishing, because pike, zander, burbot, carp, carp, perch live in this reservoir. However, due to the prevailing circumstances and the indifference of the authorities, rest on the Sorochinsky reservoir is the prerogative of only local residents who do not have the opportunity to go on vacation outside their native land, who have to put up with the absence of normal conditions and violations of sanitary standards.


Given the above advantages, it is easycome to the conclusion that this reservoir has become one of the main attractions of the Orenburg region. It is possible to get to the described reservoir from the center of the region, and from Sorochinsk, using local transport. It is possible to drive a private car on asphalt roads.

rest on the Sorochino reservoir

Tourists, albeit without much excitement, comeon the Sorochinsky reservoir. The recreation center is absent, however, if you wish, you can give preference to “wild” rest. Why is the coast not equipped? This is due to various kinds of pollution. Small groups of tourists, who can be found on the shore, are residents of nearby cities. They choose this reservoir because of the convenient location. It will definitely be cheaper to stay here. Also often come back for a few days with tents. Fans sit on the beach with a fishing rod and often come to the Sorochinsky reservoir. Fishing is not bad here. There are many underwater inhabitants, so no one will be left without a catch.