/ / Danilovo Lake (Omsk Region): rest, legends

Danilovo Lake (Omsk region): rest, legends

In the summer hot days residents of Novosibirsk and Omskregions come to rest on Danilovo lake. Here you can not just enjoy nature, but gain positive energy, as many tourists who visited this pond have noted. But why is Danilovo Lake (Omsk) so popular with holidaymakers, and how do local people react to it?

Description of the lake

In the Omsk region, this reservoir is the most famous and belongs to the group "Five Lakes". He was located in the Kyshtovsky District (Novosibirsk Region), bordering the Muromtsevsky District (Omsk Region).

Danilovo Lake Omsk

The diameter of the lake reaches one kilometer, and itsthe maximum depth is 17 m, which is 10 m more than the Tara River, which flows nearby. It is easy to conclude that in this region this reservoir is the deepest one.

Danilovo Lake (Omsk region) has convenient,gently sloping banks, many of which are covered with reeds and cattail. The picturesque landscape is created by aspens growing nearby, birches and pines. Also, the coastal area is distinguished by two low shafts, rising by one and a half meters. Each other they are located at 10 m.

Many people like it here, because DanilovoLake (Omsk region) is more like a mountain pond. It is much deeper than the others, and also clean, its transparency is up to 5 meters. Also there is very little underwater vegetation. It is these characteristics that distinguish it from the neighboring lakes of the Omsk and Novosibirsk regions.

Lake Danilovo Omsk Region 2014

Legends of the lake

Since Danilovo Lake (Omsk Region)stands out against the background of other water bodies, legends go about it. He is credited with healing properties, they say that his waters can be endowed with an extraordinary surge of energy. According to legends, it is believed that in this area a meteorite fell and split into five parts, forming five holes. Over time, they filled with water and entered the system, now known as the "Five Lakes". It is believed that thanks to the meteorite, water contains a large amount of silver, which is why it is so clean. Local residents are sure that this reservoir is curative, and treat with it various diseases. But for scientific research this theory does not yet have evidence.

Rest on the lake

Although the miraculous properties of the reservoir are notare proved, many people every summer choose to rest the lake Danilovo (Omsk region). The photo shows how beautiful the country is here in order to rest from the daily bustle. Everyone who comes here can not just sunbathe in the sun and take a dip, but make a pleasant walk among the fascinating trees and breathe the purest air.

Lake Danilovo Omsk Region Photo

Residents of the region often come here to one of thedays off. In the evening, vacationers return home. You can come here with a tent, but we must not forget that in the summer there are a lot of mosquitoes and gadflies here. Therefore, most vacationers prefer to stay in a nearby furnished house. Also on the shore of the lake there is a recreation area, in which you can rent scuba diving, catamarans, boats.

Recreation centers

As already mentioned, Danilovo Lake (Omskregion) not far from its shores "sheltered" the guest house. Residential building can accommodate 20 people. Here you can stay in a warm period - from May to September. Power is not provided.

A kilometer from the base there is a grocery store.The territory is equipped for a good rest. There are gazebos, barbecues and barbecues. There are also playgrounds for volleyball and paintball. Table tennis is provided. To the beach from the recreation center you need to go two kilometers. If you want, you can take a stroll to the neighboring lakes.

Danilovo Lake Omsk Region

It should be noted that similar recreation bases andmini-hotels near the lake a few. Some of them have their own baths. If you prefer a vacation with tents, but you do not have your own, at the rental office you can rent any number of seats as much as you need.

Not far from the recreation centers there are cozy cafes, where lunches are offered.

Fishing on the lake

Lovers of fishing can also throw their fishing rods and enjoy their favorite pastime. Pike, as well as tench and perch, are found in the pond.

Human intervention

As the lake gradually began to grow shy, in 2002the authorities decided to make a channel from the Tara River. The goal of this step was to enrich the lake with fish and waters. Unfortunately, this action led to the fact that the reservoir began to gradually clog. But it is worth noting that the surrounding area, as a rule, is kept clean, because it regularly organizes activities related to the protection of nature.

lake Danilovo Omsk region reviews

Lake Danilovo (Omsk Region): reviews of holidaymakers

For many years on this famous pondvisited thousands of tourists. Each made up his own opinion. According to some tourists, the most beautiful place is Lake Danilovo (Omsk region). 2014 was no exception, although many say that on certain days there were many mosquitoes. There are medicinal mud nearby, but it is here that most of all annoying insects.

Some holidaymakers stay in the villageThe mound. Residents here are friendly. In the morning you can get up and walk through the forest, which will lead to the lake Danilovo (Omsk region). The reviews also say that water is really healing and can save skin and other diseases. But there are holidaymakers who dispute the wonder of local water. Therefore, the best way is to go here yourself and make up your own opinion.

But in recent years, many tourists have become here thatmakes the shores of the lake too noisy, trampled and sometimes dirty. But since the entrance to the beach is paid, for the cleanliness of the staff of the beach trying to follow.