/ The White Lake. Ryazan Region and its pearl

Lake White. Ryazan Region and its pearl

The nature of the Meshchersky region is sometimes strikingimagination. Dense forests, a variety of flora and fauna, clean water. One of the pearls of Meshchera can be called Lake Beloe (Ryazan region). 22 kilometers from the town of Spas-Klepiki (150 km from the capital) is located this pond of karst origin. Millennia ago, water paved its way in the mountains, forming secret caves. Over time, they collapsed, and in their place appeared a huge pit with water. The reservoir in the Klepikovsky district of the Ryazan region is unusually deep and clean, like all lakes formed in this way. There are many of them in any territory. Their names are traditional for all areas. Practically in any region you can find the Holy, the Light or the White Lake. The Ryazan region boasts one of the most picturesque similar sources.

Lake Beloe, Ryazan Region

Forest massifs on all sides border the watersmooth surface. The depth of the lake is 52.5 meters. Although there are places where measurements are 101 meters. It is thanks to this depth that it freezes the very last in this region. Its area is more than 33 hectares, the coastline stretches for 2.2 km. The vegetative and animal world of the reservoir is diverse and unusual. For example, a half-moon - a plant that has been preserved since the Ice Age - is a witness of a long-ago era. It can be found only in three areas: Ryazan, Vladimir and Moscow - at the bottom of karst lakes. But as for the fauna, it is also rich in Lake Beloe (Ryazan Region). Fishing here will be very, very exciting. Of course, it will be difficult to catch anything in the summer in the depths, but near the shore the prey can be very abundant: pike, line, yazi, roach, and perch. True, a large number of holidaymakers may well disturb the peace and quiet necessary for fruitful fishing. And when there is ice, lovers of winter fishing will feel completely in their element. Fans of frothy beer in the season can please themselves with freshly caught crayfish.

lake White Ryazan region fishing

Holidaymakers here can be found at any timeof the year. And there can be several options for pastime. Enjoy a stunning nature, and at the same time you can get a little medical treatment if you come to a sanatorium. Lake Beloe (Ryazan Region) is also a haven for tourists who prefer a "wild" holiday in tents. With the arrival of warm days on the banks begin to appear tents. Fans of scuba diving with pleasure sink to the depth. True, local residents try to limit access to the lake to strangers, build fences that reach the water itself, and therefore it is only possible to approach the lake from the south and west. On the other hand, a large flow of tourists leads to a gradual contamination of the reservoir, although the gardeners contribute "their own" by dumping waste into the water. Such a deterioration in the environmental situation forced the local authorities to take urgent measures. Thanks to this, at the moment, vacationers have stopped washing cars in the lake and leave them far from the water, on the banks are equipped with fireplaces, and garbage is stacked in specially designated places.

health resort Lake Beloe, Ryazan region

Far beyond Meshchera Lake of Beloe is famous. Ryazan region with its pearl attracts many guests who come here for beauty and new impressions.