/ / The Spassky Tower of the Moscow Kremlin: that's exactly what is worth seeing

The Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin: that's exactly what is worth seeing

The Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful buildings of the whole ensemble, and tourists from all over the world are never tired of admiring its beauty and capturing millions of photos.

The Kremlin's Rescue Tower

The Spasskaya Tower, whose history begins withthe end of the 15th century, was built simultaneously with the tower of St. Nicholas. Initially, it was called Frolovskaya. These two strongholds were needed on the northwest side of the Kremlin for the simple reason that there were no natural barriers there. I must say that before this place was the main gate of the whole ensemble.

In past centuries, the tower above the main gatecity ​​heart struck visitors with its proportions, elegance and harmony, exquisite white stone ornaments of facades - turrets, carved columns, columns, figures of fictional animals. At the corners of the quadrangle there were pyramids, crowned with gilded wind vanes.

Надо сказать, что до 17-го столетия Спасская the tower of the Moscow Kremlin was decorated with white stone reliefs, possessed double walls, made up of a unique large brick. Between these walls was a staircase that connected all five tiers of the tower. As for the gates of the stronghold, they were protected by means of a diverting strelnitsa, connected with the tower by a wooden bridge, and two side bastions.

interesting place of moscow

Никольскую и Фроловскую башни Кремля народ даже considered not just important, but almost sacred. So, for example, through them it was impossible to ride a horse or go without a headdress. It was through these structures that they left the city and entered into it kings, ambassadors, and regiments that were sent out on a campaign. Above the gates - inside and out - on the white stone, inscriptions were made, which set out the history of the building, and each inscription was also duplicated in Latin.

Since the middle of the 17th century, the superstructurethe Kremlin towers. The Kremlin - the main attraction of Moscow - has become even more harmonious and impressive. Frolovskaya Tower was especially in harmony with the St. Basil's Cathedral, which was built in the middle of the 16th century to commemorate the glorious victory of Ivan the Terrible over the Kazan Khanate. Over time, an imperial emblem was installed on the tent of the Frolovskaya Tower - a two-headed eagle, and then the same arms were fixed on Nikolskaya, Borovitskaya and Troitskaya towers.

the rescue tower story

Name its Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlinreceived in April 1658, when the royal decree was signed, renaming all the Kremlin strongholds. That's how the Frolovskaya tower turned into Spassky. The name appeared because of the icon of the Savior of Smolensk, which was placed over the gates of the tower that overlooked Red Square, as well as the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, fixed above the passage from the side of the Kremlin.

At the top of the tower - in its tent-shaped part,which was designed and built by the craftsman Bazhen Ogurtsov, - they placed the main clock of the whole state. Later, already under Peter the Great, they were replaced by huge Dutch watches, equipped with music and decorated with a twelve-hour dial. However, the fire of 1737 ruined them. Modern chimes, which are so famous today Spassky Tower of the Moscow Kremlin, were installed in 1851 by the brothers Butenop. Later they were modernized and restored.

The beauty and uniqueness of the Spassky Tower make it the main decoration of the ensemble of the whole Kremlin.