/ / Tver region: Ostashkov sights

Tver region: Ostashkov sights

Ostashkov is the administrative centerOstashkovsky district and is located on the shores of the picturesque Lake Seliger. The history of the city has about five centuries, so it is very attractive for tourists. The sights of Ostashkov are numerous temples, churches, parks, museums and simply unique buildings.

sights ostashkino

Historical essay

If you describe the city in a nutshell, you cansay that this is a typical county town, which has retained the features of the past centuries. A settlement in this region originated as early as the 14th century on Klichan Island, but it was not destined to exist for a long time. Already in 1393 it was looted and burned by the people of Novgorod. Again, life here began to boil only after the foundation of the Nilo-Stolbnetsky monastery. People began to settle around this shrine, workshops and workshops opened here, and the city began to revive, grow, and flourish. Already in the XVIII century Ostashkov became the largest shopping center, the settlement began to rapidly build up. Particular attention here deserves the layout of the city, which is now preserved almost intact. In those days, it became exemplary, however, most of the county towns in our country were built on this principle.

City temples

As mentioned, the sightsOstashkov - is primarily churches and cathedrals. By the way, there are quite a lot of them for a small city. Be sure to visit the Znamensky Monastery. Now it does not function according to its main purpose, but here you can see the picturesque Ascension Cathedral, and there is a huge number of old houses near it, where various structures operate or people live.

Ostashkov city sights

Mother of God monastery is another reasonvisit the city of Ostashkov. Attractions of this place amaze even the most discerning tourists. The temple was founded in the XVIII century by order of Peter I. On its square you can see several churches that were built in the same period. Today, the temple is undergoing reconstruction, and after a couple of years the monastery can be seen in all its glory.

If you are in Ostashkov, do not forget alsolook into the ancient Trinity Cathedral. It was founded in the XVII century, but its internal and external appearance was changed many times, in its original form, unfortunately, it was not preserved.

Стоит отметить, что не только святынями может boast the city of Ostashkov (Tver region). The sights of the village - it is also numerous museums. The local history museum is best to tell about the history of the region and local traditions.

Ostashkov sights photo

В городе есть также небольшой музей рыбы.This institution is quite young, he is not even ten years old. However, there are very interesting and informative excursions. The guide will tell you about the local inhabitants of Seliger, about the traditions of fishing and cooking.

Ostrog Museum is located in the building of the former prison.His expositions, of course, are devoted to the prison case. Here are a number of items from the history of Ostrog. At the request of tourists they are carried out in all the premises of the former prison.

Nilo-Stolbetskaya desert

It was created at the end of the XVII century.And immediately became an attractive object for hundreds of pilgrims. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, more believers came here than to any other shrine in Russia. The exterior of the temple is really amazing: the complex consists of 20 buildings, which are made in the pompous palace and Petersburg style. Be sure to visit this beautiful monastery if you decide to look into Ostashkov! The sights (the photo of the bell of this shrine is shown below) of the temple do not end there. Anyone can climb the bell tower and from there look at the amazing panorama of the city, villages, lakes and other temples.


Достопримечательности Осташкова – это также scenic parks and squares. On Klichan Island there is a unique park-museum, where all the nature of the region is collected in miniature. It’s better not to find a place for walking and relaxing in the city.

Ostashkov Tver region attractions

Unusual buildings

Очень примечательным зданием является постройка, where the fire brigade was located. In 1843 the first voluntary fire brigade was organized in the city. It is this structure that the local fire service still uses today. Since then, it naturally changed its appearance, however, even considering this fact, it was not deprived of the status of a historical monument.

У вас есть еще один прекрасный повод посетить Ostashkov (Tver region). The sights of the city are a number of buildings built in the XVIII-XIX centuries. True, most of them are not in the best condition, as they were built of wood, but it still does not hurt to admire their amazing views.

Ostashkov city Tver region attractions

Vals post

Излюбленной достопримечательностью Travelers is the Val Pillar. It was installed after the Ostashkovskaya fortress burned down in this place in 1711. This monument is made in a classic style. On its walls you can see icons and paintings. Not far from the fortress was a chapel. For a very long time, the icon of St. Barbara, who is considered to be the patron saint of sailors, watermen and fishermen in Orthodox worship, was kept in it. Near the icon there was a lamp, where the fishermen prayed and asked for a good catch. After the nationalization of the chapel was savagely destroyed.

The Pyramid of Hunger

Достопримечательности Осташкова, конечно же, Of great interest, however, in the vicinity of the city there are also lots of amazing places. In Ostashkinsky district, near the village of Hitino, there is a massive pyramid, the silhouette of which can be seen from the road. This structure is named after Alexander Golod, who all his life engaged in the research of the pyramids and the proportions of the so-called golden section. At first it may seem very heavy and built of stone, but if you go inside, it immediately becomes clear that the building is made of a very light material. The unusual structure was created in 1997 and has a height of twenty-two meters. There is an opinion that if you stay in the middle of the building for a long time, you can get rid of many ailments and feel a surge of energy. True, evidence of the fact that the pyramid can heal, does not yet exist. But it is reliably known that in this structure there are indeed certain vibrations that can affect a person. Now the pyramids of Alexander Golod are located in many cities of Russia. Many scientists believe that there is an anomalous zone in this structure, therefore, the most unusual phenomena can occur here.

Ostachkov attractions

Source of the Volga

В деревушке Волговерховье берет начало the majestic river Volga. This small spring is a picturesque chapel. Not far from the source is also the Olginsky Monastery and the picturesque stone fortress. 1.5 km from the village is the village of Mosets, where the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress are preserved. Here you can see a very beautiful painting.

After all that you have read, you must have already thought about how to visit the city of Ostashkov. The sights of this region certainly deserve your attention.