/ Population and area of ​​the Tver region. Geography, cities, coat of arms and flag, education, history

Population and area of ​​the Tver region. Geography, cities, coat of arms and flag, education, history

Tver region is a region located inNorth-Western part of the Russian Federation. It is within its borders that the famous Russian river, the Volga, is born. The area of ​​the Tver region is 84.2 thousand square meters. km, and the population is 1.3 million people. The region includes 23 cities in which numerous enterprises of the chemical complex, manufacturing industry and electric power industry operate.

Tver region: a brief description of the region

Общая площадь Тверской области составляет 84201 square kilometer (the region ranks 38th in size among the subjects of the Russian Federation). The territory of the region is located in the northwestern part of the country (marked on the map in red). The administrative capital of the region is the city of Tver.

The population of the Tver region has about 1.3 million people. Settlement density: 15 inhabitants per square kilometer.

area of ​​Tver region

The region within its present limits was formed in1935 on the basis of the previously existing Tver province. The governor of the Tver region, Igor Mikhailovich Rudenya, assumed this position in September 2016. His predecessor was Andrei Shevelev, who was dismissed by decree of the President of Russia. By the way, the current governor of the Tver region had worked hard in the food industry and agriculture of the country before.

The economy of the region is based on electric power industry and a developed manufacturing industry. In addition, a number of enterprises producing construction materials, glass and textiles operate in the region.

Education Tver region

The history of the modern region began on January 291935 Its predecessor was the Tver province, which existed on the map of the Russian Empire for more than a century - from 1796 to 1917. It is worth noting that the area of ​​the Tver Oblast today is much larger than the size of the historical province of the same name (almost 20 thousand square kilometers).

The first settlements in the regionemerged in the IX century. This is evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. In 1135 the city of Tver was founded, and by the middle of the XIII century an autonomous state formation appeared on the political map of Europe - the Principality of Tver. For a long time, it competed with Moscow for the right to act as a consolidating core in the process of uniting Russian lands.

During the XV-XVI centuries, the principality was onefrom the main centers of crafts and trade in Russia. The land was already famous for its skillful craftsmen - painters and builders. It was from Tver in 1468 that the world famous wanderer and merchant Athanasius Nikitin set off on his grand journey.

population of Tver region

Not very bright events brought these landsXVII and XVIII century. Tver suffered more than once from devastating raids of Poles and Lithuanians, as well as from several serious fires. After one of these fires, which occurred in 1773, the city had to be rebuilt almost from scratch.

Another important fact from the history of the region: from the beginning of 1935 to 1990, the region was called Kalinin, and its regional center, respectively, was Kalinin.

Tver region: coat of arms and flag

At the beginning of the XVIII century gerbotvorchestvo in RussiaIt has become not only fashionable, but also very necessary. The first historical coat of arms of the land of Tver was made by the French Count Francis Santi, who came to the country precisely to help create "land emblems". The main elements of this image - the royal headdress on a golden chair - are preserved on the coat of arms of the region to this day.

Tver region coat of arms and flag

The flag of the Tver region was approved on November 281996 It consists of three vertical stripes: two yellow and one red (in the center). On the red background is a princely golden throne with a Monomakh hat on his green pillow. The same figure can be seen on the modern coat of arms of the region.

Common features of nature

The geography of the Tver region is characterized by three main points. These are: flat terrain, dense network of rivers and lakes, as well as poor mineral resources.

The territory of the region is flat.Only in the western part of the area rises a little, and then again goes into lowland (Plokosh). The highest point (“Makushka Valday”, 347 m) is located in the Firovsky District. The climate of the territory is moderately continental, the amount of precipitation does not exceed 650 mm per year.

governor of the Tver region

В пределах Тверской области насчитывается свыше 1700 lakes and about 800 rivers, the main of which is the Volga. It originates within the Ostashkov district. Many in the region and artificial reservoirs - reservoirs. The largest of them are Rybinsk, Ivankov, Upper Volga and Uglich. More than half of the region’s area (about 54%) is covered by forests.

The territory of the Tver region is poor in minerals. Of all the variety of mineral resources, the subsoil of this region can offer its residents only peat, limestone, brown coal, clay and sand.

Demographic issues

The demographic situation in the region is one ofmost critical in the country. The population of the Tver region, unfortunately, is rapidly declining. Over the past 25 years, according to statistics, the region has lost almost 20% of its inhabitants. In absolute terms, it is almost 350,000 people.

За 2015 год естественная убыль населения в The region has made up nearly 6,500 people. It is not reduced only in Tver and several other villages of the region (in particular, in Maksatikha). Another serious problem in this region is the extinction and degradation of villages. The number of abandoned villages in the region is already in the tens. So, one of the leaders in the number of extinct villages and farms is Staritsky district of the Tver region, located in the central-southern part of the region.

Tver region

No less sad trend of the region is the outflow of youth. Students and skilled workers are actively leaving the cities of the Tver region, moving to the neighboring, more promising areas of the country.

Administrative division and cities

Administratively, the Tver region is divided into 35 districts and 8 urban districts. The largest areas in terms of the number of inhabitants are: Konakovsky, Kalininsky, Bezhetsky and Bologovsky.

Within the region there are 23 cities, 20 pgt and319 rural settlements. The largest cities are Tver, Rzhev, Torzhok, Kimry, Vyshny Volochyok. There are relatively young cities in the Tver region that received such status only in the twentieth century (for example, the Western Dvina or Andreapol). But most of them were founded much earlier. The oldest cities in the Tver region are Torzhok, Bezhetsk, Toropets, Staritsa and Tver.

geography of the Tver region

Tver is the capital of the region, its oldest andlargest city. There are unusually many monuments and architectural landmarks. Many cultural figures of Russia visited Tver - writers Dostoevsky and Ostrovsky, the poet Pushkin, the fabulist Krylov and others.

Culture and tourism

In Soviet times, the Tver region occupiedsecond place in the RSFSR in the number of tourists. Today, the region’s attendance by travelers is significantly lower. Nevertheless, cultural, educational, ecotourism, short-term recreation, and sailing are well developed in the region.

The area is rich in various natural beauties.The following objects and places are especially popular among tourists and vacationers: Lake Seliger, the so-called Moscow Sea (Ivankovskoye reservoir), Bezhetsky Upland.

The natural beauty of the region is successfully complemented.rich cultural life. In the region, wonderful world-famous artists work, there are five theaters and about 40 museum institutions. The region hosts many interesting and diverse festivals every year. The most famous of them - the festival of rock music "Invasion".

Top 15 most famous landmarks of the region

Tver region is about 5000 monumentsarcheology and over 9 thousand historical and cultural monuments. This is the land of magnificent monasteries and old estates. The tourist routes of the Golden Ring of Russia pass through the region. About 250 thousand tourists visit the region annually.

education of the Tver region history

Below are the most visited and most famous sights of the Tver region:

  • Nilova Pustyn (monastery on Seliger lake);
  • Holy Assumption Monastery (Staritsa);
  • Borisoglebsky Monastery (Torzhok);
  • the manor Vasilyovo (Torzhoksky district);
  • the Tolstoy Manor in Novyye Eltsy (Ostashkovsky District);
  • The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin of the 14th century in the village of Gorodnya - the oldest religious building in the region (Konakovo district);
  • unusual and beautiful temple of the Transfiguration (Staritsa);
  • the source of the Volga River (Ostashkov District);
  • Nikolskaya bell tower, half submerged by the waters of the Volga (Kalyazin);
  • monument to Afanasy Nikitin (Tver);
  • Starovolzhsky bridge (Tver);
  • the city of Kimry is the “shoe capital” of Russia with an abundance of wooden estates in the Art Nouveau style (Kimry);
  • the channels of the Vyshnevolotsk water system - the first in Russia (Vyshny Volochek);
  • Lake Brosno, in the waters of which, according to legend, there lives a real dinosaur (Andreapolsky district);
  • Mystical Pyramid of Golod with amazing properties (Ostashkov district).


The area of ​​the Tver region - over 84 thousand square meters. kmOn this territory there are 23 cities along with ancient Tver. This is a region with a deep history, picturesque Russian nature and numerous monuments of architecture and antiquities.