/ / Belgorod region. Sightseeing: Churches, Museums, Ecotourism

Belgorod region. Sightseeing: Churches, Museums, Ecotourism

Belgorod is located 695 km from the capital, in the southernborder of the Central Russian Upland, on the bank of the Seversky Donets River, 50 km from Ukraine. Belgorod is an ancient city famous for its rich and heroic history. Recently, the Belgorod region is considered one of the most popular tourist routes. The landmarks of the region made him famous not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Belgorod region attractions

History of Belgorod region

A settlement in this region originated in the firstmillennia. Eastern Slavs were founded in these places. As a fortress city, Belgorod was founded in the 10th century by Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, in order to protect the inhabitants from the Pechenegs. In 1596, a fortress was built near the main Tatar roads. The fate of the outpost was not simple: it was attacked by the Crimean khans, Tatars, and Polish-Lithuanian magnates. After one of the raids, the city was completely destroyed. In 1662, the fortress was rebuilt.

Белгород и окрестные поселения сильно пострадали during the Second World War. There are almost no buildings left, everything had to be rebuilt. In our time, the city is considered one of the most comfortable and clean cities of Russia.

Alekseevka Belgorod area sights

Temples of Belgorod

Иностранцев и россиян уже давно привлекает Belgorod and Belgorod region. The sights of the region are very interesting and truly unique. The city has many different temples. Transfiguration Cathedral was built in honor of the victory over Napoleon in 1813. Here are kept the relics of St. Joasaph and the miraculous icon of Ratny Nikolay. One of the oldest temples of Belgorod is the Smolensk Cathedral. The Uspensky St. Nicholas Cathedral, the Intercession Church, the Marfo-Mariinsky Monastery and others are also worth seeing.

Museum-diorama "Battle of Kursk"

This museum is located in Belgorod.Here is a huge artistic canvas (height 15 meters, length 67 m), it illustrates the July tank battle of Prokhorovka in 1943. The museum exhibition contains many artifacts from the Second World War. Near the museum, on the open area there is an exhibition of military equipment. The diorama museum often hosts thematic exhibitions.

prokhorovka belgorod region sights

Kholkovsky Holy Trinity Monastery

How many different places can show youBelgorod region! Attractions are not only in Belgorod, but throughout the area. 120 km from the regional center there is the village of Yezdotskoye (Chernyavsky district), here is located the most beautiful monument of the church history of Russia. This monastery was cut down in the chalk mountain in the 16th century. Later it ceased to exist under Catherine II and was restored only in 1999. In the chalk layer there is an underground temple and monastic cells. The modern monastery is at the top. Guests of the village can go down to the caves and walk around the picturesque surroundings.

"Prokhorov field"

One of the most significant battles in scalethe history of the whole world took place in the village of Prokhorovka (Belgorod region). The sights of the village are a museum-reserve, where for a couple of thousand hectares there are museums of Prokhorovka and the neighboring village of Yakovlevo, the Belfry, the command headquarters of General Rotmistrov, a large number of monuments, the Peter and Paul temple and an exhibition of tank vehicles. All these objects are better to go around by car.

map of Belgorod region


180 km to the east of Belgorod isdistrict center Alekseevka. The settlement is located on the picturesque river Silent Pine. Rumor has it that the ancestors of Dmitry Medvedev lived here - in the city of Alekseyevka, Belgorod Region. The sights of this place are the local lore museum and beautiful natural landscapes.

Grayvoronsky District

In these places thanks to the enthusiasm of the masterscraftsmen and collectors of cultural objects created an excellent ground for the development of the now popular “rural tourism”. On the basis of their own households, residents of the area organized guest estates and workshops of traditional handicrafts. Here you can live like a real peasant - sleep on the stove, enjoy freshly baked bread, milk livestock, take part in field work and just enjoy the picturesque local nature. Such entertainment is especially popular with foreign guests.

"Oak Khmelnitsky"

This is not all that famous Belgorodregion. Sights of the region - it is also an old oak tree, which is more than 300 years old. According to legend, he was planted by Bogdan Khmelnitsky himself as a sign of the reunification of Ukraine and Russia. Near this mighty tree is the temple of the Mother of God. On the wedding day, many newlyweds come to hang the lock on a chain and tie a ribbon.

belgorod temples

These are, of course, not all amazing places.region. To get better acquainted with this southern edge, you will need a map of the Belgorod region and a desire to discover many new and very exciting things.