/ Vysotsky Monastery in Serpukhov. Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery: reviews

Vysotsky monastery in Serpukhov. Serpukhov Vysotsky monastery: reviews

Almost a hundred kilometers from Moscow, on the banks of the Nara,in the place of its confluence with the Oka, there was an ancient monastery, which made famous Serpukhov. Male Vysotsky Monastery with the blessing of Sergius of Radonezh in 1374 was founded by Prince Vladimir the Brave - a relative and associate of Dimitri Donskoy. The monastery rises on a hill surrounded by high and dense forests.

Vysotsky monastery in Serpukhov


Высоцкий мужской монастырь – не единственное, чем This small town is famous. The first mention of it can be found in the spiritual diploma from Ivan Kalita, dating back to 1339. Built on the Oka frontier as a fortress during a long confrontation with the Mongol-Tatar conquerors, and later - becoming an obstacle for the Polish invaders, this town has long been considered the outpost of the principality of Moscow.

Serpukhov is famous for its history: Ivan IV and Boris Godunov conducted troop reviews here; Vasily Shuisky and peasant leader Ivan Bolotnikov gathered regiments.

Today there is a male Orthodoxthe monastery and Vladychny convent, as well as the cathedral in honor of Nikola Bely and many temples. Here is the only miraculous “Inexhaustible Chalice” on the territory of our country. Serpukhov annually accepts thousands of pilgrims and just people who come to the icon to heal them from many ailments and "sorrows", including from addiction to alcohol.

Background History

Inexhaustible bowl Serpukhov
The beginning of the device of the monastery coincided with the indigenoustransformations that began in ancient Russia after the Battle of Kulikovo. This period is marked by the time of the ministry of St. Sergius. The Vysotsky Monastery in Serpukhov was founded in 1374, when, as chroniclers testify, Prince Vladimir began to develop this settlement. Having fenced it off with oak walls, Vladimir appointed his viceroy in him. At the same time, the prince turned to the Monk Radonezh with a request to give a blessing to decorate the capital city with a holy structure. Sergius at that time lived here, in Serpukhov.

About when and who was founded Vysotsky Monasteryin Serpukhov, an inscription narrated in detail, which was made on the outside of the church, erected in honor of St. Sergius and Athanasius of Athos and existed in the ensemble until 1967. The holy elder recited a prayer, which is still being offered daily here during the divine service.

Афанасий и стал первым настоятелем святой обители.His - his beloved disciple - was appointed by the Rev. The name of the monastery received from the place where it was built. It was founded on a beautiful high hill, which was popularly called “High”.

First abbot

Even while serving in the Holy Trinity Monasterythe disciple of Rev. Sergius acquired the fame of a book-writer and scholar who worked hard in the name of reviving the spiritual traditions that Russia lost during the years of the Tatar captivity. Thanks to this, under his leadership, the Vysotsky monastery in Serpukhov gained fame as the center of Byzantinism.

Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery how to get there

In 1374, Nikon Radonezh becamethe first bearer in this holy abode. Over time, Prince Vladimir Andreevich built a cathedral in the monastery, a warm church, a refectory, which at that time was very rare.

Historical meaning

One of the features of the Vysotsky monasteryhis frontier position is considered: he was on the southern frontiers of the Moscow principality. Up to the 17th century, the Oka, being a border, divided the Russian lands with the Steppe. Defensive lines were created along it, which defended the state from the frequent attempts of devastating raids by restless neighbors from the south.

Serpukhov Vysotsky male monastery

Vysotsky monastery in Serpukhov was often used as a fortress, so he was constantly under threat of destruction.


В 1382 году хан Золотой орды Тохтамыш, напав на Russia tried to force her to pay tribute again. During the war, along with Dmitrov, Rostov and other cities, Serpukhov was destroyed, and the Vysotsky monastery was devastated.

The semi-paramilitary paramilitary position of this holythe monastery could not but affect her life. Here, for a long time, a very active inner life has subsided. From the point of view of her external beauty, the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th centuries did not become the time of her prosperity: the powerful ktitor support decreased with the death of Prince Andrew.

Hard times

In the era of Ivan the Terrible economic lifethe cloister settled down again. The first king visited Vysotsky monastery in Serpukhov three times. His pilgrims were accompanied not only by rich contributions, but also by the provision of benefits. By the 50s of the 16th century, the monastery on Vysokoy possessed 4 graveyards, almost 90 villages and boron.

Boris Godunov was no less sorry for her.However, the royal favors were relegated to the background in the face of foreign invasions. Particularly difficult for the monastery was the end of the XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries. It was at this time that not only the monastery, but the entire Serpukhov okrug was destroyed and burned.


Serpukhov male Vysotsky monastery
This period for the monastery began in 1991,when the Holy Synod made a decision about the mandatory restoration of monastic life in it. On April 10, the first nuns were tonsured by the metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomna Juvenal.


The main building of the monastery is a summer cathedral church, erected in the name of the Conception of the Virgin Mary. Existing and now, according to architectural traditions, it belongs to the style of the middle of the XVI century.

The cathedral is built in the shape of a regular square.His double-roofed quadrangle is placed on a high basement, in the clutch of which there is the foundation of the temple predecessor, which burned down during the next invasion of the Golden Horde. The altar ledge adjoins the eastern part. This apse has a unique faceted appearance, decorated with narrow slit-like windows. On three sides, a covered stone porch is stretched around the cathedral in two tiers in the form of a bypass gallery. Different-sized arches of the gallery are based on square massive pillars.

Initially the entrance was arranged using stonestairs. However, by the beginning of the 20th century, only one of them remained - located on the south-western facade of the cathedral. The lower part of the cathedral was once used as a tomb. At the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries, the Naryshkins rebuilt the upper part of the cathedral with the help of the Naryshkins, changing the arches and setting up the four-sided roof.


Up to the end of the 20th century, the Vysotsky MonasterySerpukhov was in desolation. And only since 1995 it began to carry out full restoration work. In September 2001, on the day of remembrance of St. Athanasius, the procedure of the great consecration of the cathedral took place. Chin was performed by the Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna Juvenal in the service of several bishops. This is how all those who come to see Serpukhov see it.

Vysotsky Monastery - how to get there

Pilgrims and tourists come here by bus number 3,№8 and №20, departing from the city square station. From the stop to the cathedral two minutes walk. By car, you can get to Serpukhov first along Simferopol, and then along Borisovskoe highway. At the first intersection of the traffic lights, turn left onto Tsentralnaya Street, then to the right - at the Progonnaya Street, and then onto Second Moscowskaya Street. From it to the first big turn to Bolshaya Vysotsky Lane just three hundred meters.

Vysotsky monastery in Serpukhov reviews

Miracle-working icon

The monastery is known for being hereInexhaustible Bowl is located. Serpukhov annually receives thousands of pilgrims who come here in the hope that it will help get rid of alcoholism and tobacco smoking, drug addiction and many ailments. Initially, this icon was installed in the local Vladychny nunnery, but was subsequently lost. There is a version that it, along with other images of the saints, was burned on the bank of the Nara during the years of hard weather.

In the 90s of the last century, two were writtencopy-list of this icon. One of them is now in Vladychny nunnery, and the second is in the men's Vysotsky. In this case, it is believed that both of them are equivalent, since the icons do not have copies at all, they all have the same power.


Male Orthodox Monastery
Vysotsky monastery in Serpukhov, reviews abouta visit which shows that he is in excellent condition, not only well restored, but also looks perfect. That is what many visitors and pilgrims think. Immaculate order always reigns on the territory of the monastery. There are not always many people here, so you can safely walk around, thinking about something personal, sit in the silence in the temple, pray to God.

Male pilgrims can stay inmonastery for three days. For each day you need to donate from 280 rubles, and for this you can get not only an overnight stay, but also lunch and dinner. Those who want to extend the time they spend in this holy monastery will need to turn to the dean and receive his blessing. After that, the pilgrim will turn into a worker who does not donate money, but is obliged to work as hard as possible in the monastery.