/ / Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky: the filmography as a biography

Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky: the filmography as a biography

In the Soviet art of the 20th century, many namesoutstanding figures of literature, theater and cinema. But among them stands out the name of the bright and unsettling star. This is an actor Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky, whose filmography presents us a sample of true talent.

Consider the films with Vysotsky in more detail.

high-rise filmography

Work in small roles

The actor began acting in the movies quite early, still inof youth. His first work was a 1961 film, which was called "Career of Dima Gorin", where Vysotsky played the role of "his in the board" of the hero's chauffeur. This film was popular with young audience of spectators, however Vysotsky's role was, more likely, passing.

In the same years, films began to appear one after anotherwith the participation of Vysotsky, but his role was small, so the greatest acting talent of Vladimir Semenovich simply could not be presented in full.

Then came out on the screens the following films with Vladimir Vysotsky:

  • "Seven Hundred Thirteenth Asks for Landing" (1962) - in this film the actor played the role of an American sailor.
  • "Leaving on shore" (1962), where the actor played the sailor Peter.
  • "Living and the Dead" (1963) - Vysotsky here played the role of a soldier.
  • "In tomorrow's street" (1965) - the role of foreman Peter.

As you can see, the first works in the movies of VS Vysotsky were very modest.

Vladimir high-rise filmography

First heights

And yet many roles played in his life Vysotsky, the filmography of the actor is very extensive.

The first color film, where the actor performed, letand not the main, but still memorable role, was the film "Stryapuh", filmed in 1965. In it, Vysotsky, painted in white, plays the local accordionist Andrey, a cheerful and fervent "shirt-guy", he sings a lot, but the song for Vysotsky was performed by a completely different artist.

The first glory brought Vysotsky film "Vertical"(1966), shot by a young director S. Govorukhin. It was the role of the young radio operator Volodya that became the visiting card of the actor. And this happened not only because for the first time Vysotsky managed to play a hero strong and courageous, but also because of his talent and crazy male charm.

For the first time in this film appeared the actor Vladimir Vysotsky, whose filmography then many more times pleased the audience with bold and strong works.

After "Vertical" Vysotsky acted in several more passages for himself films, but his subsequent works have forever entered the classics of Soviet cinema, including through his work.

Vladimir Vysotsky: filmography, a list of star roles in the late 60's.

To the remembered spectators film of the late 60's.became the film "Short Encounters" (1967), in which Vysotsky played the role of young geologist Maxim. The tape was generally melodramatic in nature, but in it the actor was allowed to sing his songs, which was a rarity he valued very highly.

The next film was an adventure film"Intervention" (1968), in which Vysotsky played the main role. This color cinema attracted the audience not only with musical accompaniment, famously twisted plot, but also with the bright play of the actor.

A lot of time was done during this period by actor Vladimir Vysotsky, his filmography - a vivid confirmation of this.

Finally, another role of this time Vysotskyforever conquered the hearts of Soviet viewers and spectators. It was the role of the "white" lieutenant in the film "Two Companions Served" (1968). It turned out that such a role of an intelligent and courageous but internally broken man was especially successful for Vysotsky, whose acting potential was much greater than the directors thought about him.


Works in the first half of the 70's.

In the early 70's. Vysotsky, whose filmography was known throughout the vast country, was invited to the main roles.

And these were very different roles. He could play and good characters, as in the film "The Master of the Taiga", and bold adventurer-revolutionaries, devoted to the party idea, as the film "Dangerous Tour."

Of course, in the role of a cheerful singer-zavodili he knew better, and even Vysotsky's talent as a bard approached this image.

Vysotsky managed to play the role of scoundrel in the film"Bad good man" (1973), and this role succeeded brilliantly, although it did not attract approval from the public, who was accustomed to seeing Vysotsky as an exceptionally positive hero.

Movies of the second half of the 70's.

What kind of characters did Vladimir Vysotsky play in the movies, the filmography of the actor of the second half of the 70's. is rich in the main roles. And this is a very diverse work.

For example, in the 1976 film Vysotsky playedthe famous ancestor of Pushkin arap Hannibal (work "Tale about how Tsar Peter therap married"). And the actor played his role so talently and bravely that it does not matter at all what national purity the authors of the film could not convey.

Vysotsky starred even in foreign cinema with his French wife Marina Vlady (the film was called "Their Two").

 actor Vladimir high-rise filmography

In 1979, he played the role of Don Guan in "Little Tragedies", and this role was brilliant for him.

But of course, the immortal film "The meeting place can not be changed" became the most important and last actor's work.

"Meeting place ..." as a small masterpiece of Vysotsky

How many played the great roles of Vysotsky, his filmography is impressive, but the actor left very early.

And yet at the end of his life the actor had timeto star in a film that millions of people still see, knowing it almost by heart. This is the detective "The meeting place can not be changed," where Vysotsky played the role of an uncompromising fighter against the crime of investigator Gleb Zheglov.

Until now, the very image of Zheglov causes heated debate: for some, he is an example for imitation, and for others - a man cruel and terrible.

movies with vladimir vysotsky

Quotations from this film spread throughout our country, which indicates a special popular love for this film.