/ / New York ... Attractions that are not forgotten

New York ... Attractions that are not forgotten

New York is considered not only the largestthe city of the United States, but also the largest metropolis in the world. With a population of more than 8 million people, it is located in the southeastern part of the eponymous state on the Atlantic coast.

New York, whose attractions are knownalmost everyone, was founded several centuries ago, at the very beginning of the 17th century. It is interesting to note the fact that the Dutch colonists founded it, and therefore until 1664 the city was called New Amsterdam.

Section 1. New York. Attractions of the harbor.

  • The Statue of Liberty, once a symbol of the state, was once presented to the US
    New York City Attractions
    France.The city administration made a decision to install a monument on. Freedom. It is believed that this monument welcomes all arriving in America (both numerous immigrants and curious tourists). The statue is a 46-meter woman with a burning torch in her right hand. In the left, in turn, there is a sign on which the date of signing the Declaration of State Independence is engraved in huge letters. In the crown of the monument you can see 25 windows. It is there and is a world-famous observation deck for visitors.
  • Остров Эллис Айленд, до 19 века считавшийся the point of reception of immigrants, once belonged to a single person Samuel Ellis. Now it has turned into the city's favorite park. There are several museums on its territory, and you can get here by ferry.

Section 2. New York. Attractions in Manhattan.

  • Battery Park is one of the quietest and cleanest corners of Manhattan,
    Central Park New York
    filled with a huge number of smallparks, esplanades and squares. It houses luxurious residential skyscrapers whose roofs open indescribable views of the Hudson River. Territory, which is considered a real oasis among city bustle.
  • Ground Zero (Ground Zero) - a place on which were destroyed in the terrorist act of 2001, the Twin Towers. Now a memorial of memory has been built here.
  • The historic area of ​​South Street Port is located asonce in the place where Fulton Street smoothly passes into the embankment of the East River. Here you can actually feel the connection of centuries. History lovers will like a walk among the oldest architecture in the city, moored sailboats will amaze with the grandeur of romantics, and modern skyscrapers simply can not help admiring. After visiting here, you can also go to the former fish market, wander around the port museum, look at the boat station, and visit a variety of exhibitions, souvenir shops and eateries. From everywhere you can see the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • Чайнатаун - это достаточно своеобразный район с the dominant number of the population of Chinese nationality. Center of commerce and tourism. In Chinatown, you can buy a lot of inexpensive souvenirs, a snack or a tasty and cheap to eat, and, taking advantage of one of the many proposals, go on city sightseeing tours.
  • Probably thinking about this city, you remembera huge perfectly rectangular forest form in the heart of the metropolis. It is his, as a rule, shown in American films. Central Park New York is one of the largest parks of the planet, and only a year it is visited by approximately 25 million people.

Section 3. New York. Attractions in Brooklyn.

New York in winter
Этот район города хорошо известен тем, что здесь there is a huge number of immigrants from the CIS and the former USSR. They say that you can even live here all your life without ever learning English: signboards are mostly in Russian, price lists in shops with translation.

The highlight of Brooklyn is considered the peninsula.Coney Island Among the locals, he is known mainly for his beaches and amusement parks. Many tourists like to rest in this area, especially those who are lucky enough to visit New York in the winter. The beaches covered with ice crust, the splashing ocean, the spacious embankment - all this allows you to relax and fully relax both soul and body.

Those who come to the city with children are also advised to visit the huge aquarium transferred to Coney Island from the above-mentioned Battery Park.