/ / How does the population of New York affect the atmosphere and development of the city

How does the population of New York affect the atmosphere and development of the city

What a tourist does not dream of seeing New York!"Big Apple", the city of the Yellow Devil! New York has many names, it's many-sided and incredible! Remember the phrase from the popular movie - "New York - a city of contrasts!"? This is also very much about him. And, of course, the atmosphere of any city is primarily formed by its inhabitants. In this sense, the city is also unusual, because the population of New York is unique in its

The population of New York
heterogeneity, and for the most part not indigenousat all, and immigrant. It is thanks to the immigrant population (from more than 180 countries of the world) that New York has one more big name - "Capital of the World"! Many immigrants who come to America, seek exactly in the city of Liberty, due to the high standard of living there and the corresponding wages, tolerance and tolerance of residents, and low crime rates.

Curious fact, but the population of New York City everyten years is renewed for the third part. And it should be noted that the Native Americans are gradually leaving the city. Moreover, the wealthiest and the poorest people move.

Of course, the trip to New York will leave in the showereach tourist the most indelible impressions. And indeed, there is something to see in the city, because besides being one of the largest cities in the USA, it is also an important economic, political, trade and financial, scientific and cultural center. In addition, many of New York's attractions are among the most visited places on the planet.

Trip to New York
Here are just a few high-profile names - Brooklyn Bridge, Wall Street, Fifth Avenue, Empire State Building!

Strict planning of streets, "straights", "avenues" andCutting this rigorous geometry of the legendary Broadway. Museums of world importance, national galleries, theaters, Carnegie Hall, neon Times Square - it is thanks to this that New York has earned itself the fame of a cultural center of world significance.

Here's what the journey to New York will do at allunforgettable, so it's the air of freedom! The United States, on the whole, is a very conservative country, and New York in this sense is knocked out of the general system and stands apart. Here, people really feel themselves completely free - this applies to the manner of communication, and clothing. And again, all this is largely influenced by the multinational population of New York and the standard of living.

Можно как угодно относиться к американскому hypertrophied patriotism, but sobbing with emotion at the foot of the Statue of Liberty, the main symbol of the United States, a middle-aged American provided for is a common phenomenon.

Travel to New York
And this is not a show-off, but sincerity, worthy of respect.

The famous Manhattan business is a stone jungle of skyscrapers, striking in the first moment with its unrealness to such an extent that the spirit captures from the height and scope of human power and will.

"To see New York and die!" And not only this phrase took New York from Paris, but also the title of the Capital of High Fashion. It is here that new trends in the world fashion are being formed.

Впрочем, город сам по себе достаточно велик – the population of New York has long overcame a mark of eight million, and every tourist will find, beyond all doubt, for himself here something unusual and striking imagination.