/ / List of cities in Germany: major metropolitan areas, small settlements and the most interesting things about German sights

List of cities in Germany: major metropolitan areas, small settlements and the most interesting things about German sights

The list of cities in Germany, as well as, in principle,The list of settlements in any other developed country is quite extensive. Many small, but also many large ones. This topic is detailed and interesting, so it is worth focusing on it.

list of cities in germany

Briefly about the topic

First of all I would like to note thatmodern Germany is divided into 16 separate federal states. Many people mistakenly believe that each of them is a separate state. But no, it’s just federal land - just like here in Russia.

The land does not include Berlin, Bremen andHamburg These are separate cities. The similarities with Russia are also captured: after all, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol are in the same way separated from us by status. Although the above German cities are equal in importance to the land.

A bit of history

Before listing a list of citiesGermany, it is worth a little deeper into the story. Until the middle of the nineteenth century, the nineteenth century, small individual states existed and flourished on the territory of this country. They often changed their own boundaries. Initially there were 11 of them, but then, when the three states (Baden, Württemberg-Baden and Württemberg-Hohenzollern) united, it became nine. At the same time there were counties, which numbered 14. But in 1990 there were changes. The eastern and western parts of the German capital united, and in the eastern part of the country they decided to restore everything as it was. So the land has become 16.

German cities alphabetically in Russian

Free lands and cities

Before voicing the list of cities in Germany,I would like to talk about the land. So the first is Baden-Württemberg. It was formed in 1952, when the three lands united (this was discussed above). Considered one of the most prosperous and developed, Stuttgart is the capital.

Bavaria is the largest land in Germany.Its capital is the famous Munich, the birthplace of BMW and Bavarian traditions. Berlin - the main city of the whole country, until 1920 was part of the state of Brandenburg. And she, by the way, is located in the northeast of the state. The capital is Potsdam, a small but cozy town.

Бремен – свободный ганзейский город, является the smallest land in the country. It consists of only two cities. This, in fact, Bremen and Bremerhaven. Just like Bavaria, this is the oldest education in the country. Hamburg, by the way, is also a free Hanseatic city. In addition, the largest port metropolis in Europe! Located where the Elbe flows into the North Sea.

Germany cities list

Other lands

Above were listed quite famous cities in Germany. The list in alphabetical order in Russian is provided in full below. And now - in more detail about the rest of the land.

In the heart of Germany is located Hesse.This is the land with the capital Wiesbaden, whose name originated from the ancient Germanic tribe. Vorpommern (or, as it is also called, Mecklenburg) is located on the Baltic Sea coast. The capital is Schwerin - a city with picturesque castles and amazing nature, located among the lakes.

Lower Saxony is located near Bavaria.The capital is Hannover, a port city with a population of half a million. North Rhine-Westphalia - the land, the main city of which is the famous Dusseldorf. In the southwest is the Rhineland-Palatinate. Its capital is Mainz - a major German media center.

Saarland (or simply Saar) is one of the mostsmall lands of the country. Bordered by France. Dresden is the capital of the free state of Saxony, and Magdeburg is the main city of Saxony-Anhalt. Schleswig-Holstein is located in the north of the country. The capital is Kiel, whose twin cities are Kaliningrad and Sovetsk.

And finally, a free state calledThuringia. This is the so-called green heart of Germany. Located in the heart of the country. Its capital is Erfurt, a university center. All this, in its advantage, the major cities of Germany. The list is quite large. Because listing them all is not worth it.

major cities of germany list

Small settlements

In principle, people are more or less aware of the list.cities of Germany. But when you mention this topic, only the names of large capitals come to mind. But there are many such settlements as the small cities of Germany, the list of which is also voluminous.

For example, Rothenburg oder der Tauber.Cozy, small, with a population of 11 thousand people, with bright houses and narrow streets. Minden is also a small town. Few people know that it is here that the second longest water bridge in Europe is located. Villingen-Schwenningen, Velbert, Flensburg (by the way, the northernmost settlement in the country), Tübingen, Marl, Dessau (Junkers planes were once made there), Lünen, Ratingen (green and picturesque), Ludwigsburg with the famous baroque palace , Eslingen am Neckar (founded in the eighth century), Hanau, Düren ...

This is a list of cities in Germany that are the smallest, but noteworthy. Their population is less than 100 thousand people. By the way, among tourists such towns are very popular.

small cities of germany list

Interesting Facts

Studying the list, it should be noted thatthanks to which these settlements have gained fame. For example, Recklinghausen is famous for the fact that there is a museum of icons in it - the largest museum focused on religious values.

In Bergisch Gladbach, for example, for a long timemined iron ore. In the last century there was just a huge stock of it. Gottingen is well known to Russians, since it is there where a large number of our compatriots live. Pforzheim is the city that suffered most from the bombing raids in wartime. Heilbronn is famous for winemaking and salt mines. By the way, in the places where this city was founded, traces of a man were observed for the first time during the Paleolithic era! Fürth is a city known as the densest in terms of the number of monuments. Noyce is known for a rather unusual fact - in the XVII century, a local witch named Esther Jonas was executed here. Although she was simply engaged in medicinal herbs.

Here, in principle, the most interesting cities in Germany(the alphabetical list in Russian is provided above). As it was possible to understand, small towns, whose names are far from being heard by everyone, can boast something.