/ / List of cities in the Kirov region by number and popularity

List of cities in the Kirov region by number and popularity

In the Volga-Vyatka District in the Volga DistrictKirov region is located, the population of which is 1,200 thousand people, of which 76% is the urban population. The list of cities in the Kirov region includes 18 settlements, the largest is the administrative center - Kirov. It was founded in 1174 as the city of Vyatka, then it was renamed in 1457 in Khlynov, and in 1780 the former name was returned. Only since 1934 began to bear the name of Kirov, where currently lives 500 thousand people.

Cities of the Kirov region: list

Currently, the region includes only 18 cities, including Kirov, with a different population: from 6 to 73 thousand cities, not counting the regional center.

list of cities in the Kirov region

The second largest city in the list of citiesKirov region is Kirovo-Chepetsk, where 73 thousand people live, although it was founded only in 1935, as a working village. This is an important locality for the region, since industry is developed here: chemical, mechanical engineering, production and distribution of electricity.

In addition to these two cities, the region includes the following:

  • Nolinsk.
  • Urzhum.
  • Murashi.
  • Pocket.
  • White Kholunitsa.
  • Orlov.
  • Zuevka.
  • Sosnovka.
  • Sovetsk.
  • Yaransk.
  • Omutninsk.
  • Kotelnich.
  • Vyatskiye Polyany.
  • Slobodskaya.
  • Malmyzh.
  • Kearse.

Cities of the Kirov region: list by population

As already mentioned, the largestare Kirov and Kirovo-Chepetsk. In Vyatskiye Polyany and in Slobodskoy lives 32 and 33 thousand people respectively. Both settlements were established in the 16th century and have a rich history.

of the city of Kirov region: list

Once upon a time in the place of the Vyatskiye Polians was locatedUdmurt settlement, and besides this people lived Tatars and Mari. Then the village was formed in 1595, as the patrimony of the Vyatka Dormition Monastery, and only in 1942 it received the status of a city.

Slobodskaya was founded in 1489 and already in 1780became a city. It is founded as a fortress, as it is on the bank of the river, where on one side there is a cliff, and on the other - it is easy to track down enemies. The first buildings date back to the 13th century, but before the formation of the settlement the buildings were rebuilt several times. A little later, the Kremlin and the Posad were built, where people lived, and then the Epiphany Monastery. The trading network developed very quickly and already in 1628 there were 35 shops and 40 commercial establishments, the construction of churches from wood quickly went on.

The list of cities in the Kirov region with the number ofless than 30 and more than 15 thousand people included only 4 cities: Sovetsk, Omutninsk, Yaransk, Kotelnich. The oldest is Kotelnich, which was established in 1181 and belongs to the list of small historical cities in Russia.

The smallest cities

Closes the list of cities in the Kirov region with small settlements, such as Murashi and Orlov, home to just over 6,000 people.

Despite the fact that Murashi was founded in 1895year, as a settlement at the station, it does not have a rich history. Today, thanks to the presence of the railway station enterprises and timber processing factories, people still live in this place.

Kirov region, cities, list by number

The city of Orlov was founded in the 12th-13th centuries andbecame famous for the fact that during the reign of Nicholas II was the place where the revolutionaries were exiled. In 1923, it was renamed in honor of the revolutionary Stepan Khalturin and was given the name of Khalturin, and only in 1992 they regained the former name.