Для путешественников чаще всего ключевую роль plays a place of rest, its characteristics and features, rather than the name. In this case, the principle of "not the name paints the terrain, and the terrain name", and in this regard, we often fall in love with the names of those cities in which we were best. Beautiful city names are most often found in Europe, they are pleasant and melodious for our ears. But this category also includes many Russian settlements, the names of which sound charmingly in our native language.
Romanesque museums
It is believed that the most beautiful city namesThe world is concentrated in a historical area in the Mediterranean. It is noteworthy that this region is located between two parts of the world - Europe and Asia, and all the settlements that have ever been or are here still have very beautiful names. Many cities of the former Roman Empire have survived to this day. Among them are Rome, Florence, Venice. Along with them, you can highlight the very beautiful names of the regions: Liguria, Tuscany, Sicily. Agree, delight for the ear?
Italy's neighbor - Greece, also has beautifulnames of cities that are located on its territory. This is Athens, Kallithea, Heraklion. It is noteworthy that, in addition to the most beautiful names, these settlements have managed to preserve on their territories of stunning beauty architectural monuments. You can admire them forever, and gradually they will become synonymous with the names of cities.

Ancient East - refinement and beauty
Amazing that beautiful city namesthe ancient world were much more melodic in the territories of the Middle East. Firstly, the city of Ashur is the center of origin of the Akkadian civilization. Centuries later, the majestic Nineveh replaced him. In the south of the same Mesopotamia was located the king of all the powers of that time - Babylon, with its famous, still not dug out of the golden sands, tower. In Egypt, one can distinguish two cities with the most beautiful names - Memphis and Alexandria. In today's Turkey, which once bore the name of Anatolia and Cappadocia (also very attractive names for hearing), was the legendary city of Troy, famous for its history with a wooden horse.
But Syria has such beautiful city names,like Damascus, Alalah, Amarna and others. It is noteworthy that most of the above titles have survived to this day. An exception can be considered Memphis, who changed the name to no less beautiful - Cairo.

Spain - a modern fount of uniqueness
Country located in the southwest of europeancontinent, famous for having beautiful city names. We will not list their list, but just go through the most famous ones, which are unique not only for their sound, but also for their architecture.
It’s probably worth starting a trip to Spain.Catalonia, where the metropolis of Barcelona. For many centuries this name has been rattling all over the world and it appears now in the creative sphere of life, now in sports, now in tourism.
Ниже расположена Валенсия, а еще ближе к югу stretched area of Costa Dorrada, Costa del Sol, Costa Brava. Among the cities of this country can be distinguished complex, but very beautiful name - La Manga del Mar Menor. It is important to note that the Spanish colonization of the country of South America caused the spread of this culture to more extensive territories. So, the beautiful names of cities that are pronounced and written in this language can be found in Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and many other states.

Far and mysterious North
The most beautiful and recognized namesScandinavian settlements. It is important to note that the Romano-Germanic and Finno-Ugric peoples coexist on this peninsula, therefore the names of local geographic units are fundamentally different. The capital of Sweden - the city of Stockholm - is filled with severity and grandeur. Along with him appear Ostersund, Malmo, Skelleftea and Sundsvall. Finland is famous for the famous cities of Helsinki, Viitasaari, Tornio, Rovaniemi and Nilsiä. The most important thing is that in many localities of these cold countries, even in the smallest ones, the primitiveness of the traditions and culture of these peoples has been preserved, which gives them even more charm and charm.

Surprise of the new century - South Africa and its wealth
Who would have thought that in the vast southernthe points of the African continent will grow real urban jungle, which will have beautiful names. Among the cities that are more reminiscent of America with their panoramas, we single out Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria, Port Elizabeth and East London. These unique names of these settlements are obliged to the synthesis of local dialects and English, which appeared here after the British colonization.
Russia and its uniqueness
For our compatriots the most beautiful are the names of the cities of Russia and mainly the home capital of Moscow, which is unique and individual in each of its letters.

St. Petersburg is an old and incredibly beautiful city.
Distant megacities also have beautiful names:Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk, Kaliningrad. It can be said with complete confidence that there are more places, regions and cities with beautiful names in Russia, but it’s simply impossible to list them in one article.