/ / A trip to Petergof on a meteor

A trip to Petergof on the meteor

The famous Peterhof is a unique historicalmonument. Literally translated from German means "Peter's court". All who once visited the northern capital, visited Peterhof. This museum-reserve is located on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. It has a luxurious park complex created during the reign of Peter I. This place will not leave anyone indifferent! Excursions to Petergof on the meteor are very interesting.

in Peterhof on the meteor

Cultural heritage on the shore of the Gulf of Finland

In the vast territory of the complex are the mostvarious fountains. They work in the summer. They close with the onset of autumn. The huge statues, covered with gilding, sparkle in the rays of the summer sun. However, in late October, these beautiful sculptures are hidden for wintering from the eyes of visitors. The Palace of Peter the Great is not in the center of St. Petersburg, but outside the city. You can get to the "Russian Versailles" in many ways.

To drive a car is sometimes long and tedious.And what can you see when you travel solely on the highway? Nothing special. The train route also does not promise anything spectacular. But there is one kind of transport in St. Petersburg that will take you through the water with a breeze, bypassing all the traffic jams! We present to your attention a meteor! This is the fastest and most reliable way to get to the palace, but also the most expensive. Do not feel sorry for the money to ride on it. After all, the meteor route passes through various historical monuments of the city. A walk in the fresh air along the St. Petersburg River will be remembered for life. A trip to Petergof on a meteor is fantastic!

in the Peterhof on the meteor 2014

Purchase a ticket for a trip on a meteor

Buy a ticket for this type of transport is notlabor. They are sold on online sites, as well as at the box office of the city. The trip takes about 30 minutes. The first meteor goes on its way, usually at 10:00. The latter leaves the Gulf of Finland in St. Petersburg at 18:00. When buying a ticket, you need to tell the cashier how much you plan to leave the palace and park complex. The intervals for the movement of the ships are different for each firm. In general, they range from 15 to 60 minutes. Note that the movement of the meteor is strongly tied to weather conditions. With a strong and squally wind, they, as a rule, do not swim. By the way, go buy a ticket is best on the Palace Embankment. There are more options.

In St. Petersburg, there are several companies,selling tickets for motor ships. But prices are almost the same everywhere. The trip to Petergof on the meteor (2014) was 500 rubles one way. Two years later, in 2016, ticket prices rose. Now their cost is 750 rubles or 1300 rubles, if you go there and back. There are benefits for certain categories of citizens. So, the ticket to Peterhof on the meteor is sold at a discount to retired people, veterans, children, disabled people and students. Important! The ticket for a meteor does not include a visit to Peterhof. Tour of the palace must be paid on site separately.

excursions to the Peterhof on the meteor

Where do the ships sail?

Meteor showered from two embankments - Dvortsovayaand English. Slowly the ship turns in the waters of the Neva and gradually gathers speed, leaving behind St. Isaac's Cathedral and Vasilievsky Island. From the river bed, the ship enters the water area of ​​the cold Gulf of Finland. Your view opens a beautiful seascape of the suburbs of St. Petersburg.

Features of the meteor inside

Inside the hull of the ship is divided into three compartments.Each corresponds to the classes: first, second, third. The higher the category, the more expensive the ticket. The first class, the most comfortable, is arranged on the principle of "minimum seats - maximum space". Looking at the panoramic window, you will feel like the captain of the ship. The second class is arranged similarly, only there are more seats. The third (economy) - the cheapest. It is less comfortable. In this class, you can feel the vibration. Sinks not much. But before the trip tightly eat is not worth it.

Between the compartments there are observation platforms withlow bumps. On a sunny day, you, of course, will be wearing glasses. On the observation platform, the wind blows them away in a split second. Places here occupy on the principle of "where I managed, I went there and sat down." A meteor arrives at the pier, located near the Lower Park of the Palace. Many believe that this is the fastest way to get to Peterhof.

a trip to Petehof on a meteor

Features of climate in St. Petersburg

There are climatic features in St. Petersburg.The weather is capricious, like nowhere. If the sun shone in the morning, then after a while the rain may begin: pouring or drizzling from dawn to dusk. Store strong raincoats, because in Peterhof there is nowhere to hide and hide from the rain. By the way, on the territory there are restaurants with high prices in the menu. Therefore, if you plan a long walk for a few hours, then be sure to bring your rations and drinks. But, despite the vagaries of nature and a certain high cost, a trip to Petergof on the meteor is an unforgettable and fascinating pastime in the cultural capital of our state!


Travel agencies conduct excursions to thePeterhof on the meteor. At the pier you will be met by a guide. It will show you all the fun, and also tell you amazing and interesting stories of the place you are visiting. All along the way, the guide will dedicate tourists to the secrets of the Peterhof Palace. There are various excursion routes to Kronstadt, Shlisselburg, to the island of Valaam, etc.