/ / Grand Palace, Peterhof: description, history, architecture and interesting facts

Grand Palace, Peterhof: description, history, architecture and interesting facts

Not so long ago the Grand Palace (Peterhof)celebrated its 300th anniversary. For several centuries the former summer residence of the emperors was inextricably linked with the history of the country. The Primorsky architectural ensemble was erected as a grandiose triumphal monument, glorifying the greatness of the Russian Empire, which in the course of the Northern War won such a necessary access to the Baltic Sea. The Grand Palace is a world-famous landmark that attracts people from all over the world. Created by Bartolomeo Rastrelli, the monument for many years delighted the public with its luxury and solemnity.

Great Peterhof Palace

From the historical information about the palace

The Grand Palace, Peterhof, was conceived assuburban residence of Emperor Peter the Great. Originally it was a very modest building, which bore the name of the Upper (Upper) Chambers. The place for building a modern landmark was selected by Peter the Great himself. The monarch also designated the architectural appearance of the palace. It should have been a palace built in the style called Peter's Baroque, which was widely used in the new capital of the state of St. Petersburg. Peterhof was built during the years 1714-1725. First, Jean-Baptiste Leblon worked on his project, and later - Niccolo Michetti. During the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, the object was rebuilt: the model of the Versailles of architects Jules Arduin-Mansar and Louis Levau was used as a model.

There is another creation dateAttraction. So, the Grand Palace - Peterhof - began to build in 1710. But this start was in the end a failure. Architect Johann Braunstein, who worked on the project, did not take into account the peculiarities of the territory, and the construction began to precipitate. As a result, construction work was entrusted to Leblond. In his project, groundwater abstraction was taken into account, which undo subsidence under the building. The new architect expanded the doorways and windows, making the palace look more majestic. Nichola Michetti had to finish the residence. His merit were symmetrical galleries, provided from both sides along the length of Peterhof.

Today, we see the palace as in the years 1747-1754 it was built by Bartolomeo Rastrelli.

excursion to the Peterhof large palace

Beauty is a terrible power

The Grand Palace, Peterhof - it really isan incredibly beautiful building. It is called an "adherent" of linear symmetry, since 300 meters of the basic facade of the baroque construction of the object is directed to the Gulf of Finland. The platform with the balustrade, located on the terrace of the palace, served as the place from which it was customary to stare at the Grand Cascade or the Sea Canal. The first at the time played out the role of the palace staircase.

The erection and decoration of Peterhof was thought outup to the smallest details, the creation of the object was a brilliant idea, which was realized in life more than successfully. The palace itself was so amazingly blended into the surrounding landscape that the chief architect of St. Petersburg, Leblond, once said that the landmark refers to those miracles that need to be seen in order to have the right to judge their beauty.

general description

The Grand Palace in Peterhof, whose architectmentioned above, is the center of the integral architectural ensemble of Peterhof. This refined three-story building with galleries is located on the edge of the natural 16-meter terrace and reaches a length of 300 meters. The height of the central part of the palace is 17 meters. It is decorated with a relief shield with the monogram of Peter I under the crown of the emperor.

A gilded vase crowns the roof.The church and coat of arms with figured green domes were symmetrically located on both sides of the central building. A rotating weather vane, depicting a three-headed eagle with wings spread and holding a scepter and power in its paws, completes the dome of the Armorial Corps. The Orthodox cross, rising to a 27-meter height, crowns the leading dome of the five-domed Church Corps. One-story galleries connect the central part of the palace with both buildings.

tickets to the Peterhof Grand Palace

Rastrelli's interesting story

Buy tickets to the Grand Palace Petergof worthalso in order to look at the work of the genius Rastrelli. The great architect was invited to the palace by Elizaveta Petrovna, who barely occupied the throne, began to rebuild the residence. In 1745, Bartolomeo began to develop new drawings. The center of the palace was left the way it was under the emperor Peter. The changes affected the side galleries, which supplemented with Gerbov and Church corps.

Rastrelli was ordered to decorate in a special wayDance hall. He was supposed to be as rich as possible, and gilt should be used in him. The architect coped with the task: he created a delightful mansion, surpassing Versailles in its splendor. Elizaveta Petrovna remained the work of a genius incredibly satisfied, but she did not pay a single penny to the architect.

excursion to peterhof with a visit to the big palace

30 halls of the palace

At the disposal of the palace is approximately 30halls that can rightfully be proud and admire. The halls of the Grand Palace in Peterhof contain all the luxury of this building. All the main rooms of the building are located clearly on the "rules of the palace" - on the second floor. So, for example, the Chesme Hall was such a waiting room for the start of a ceremony. The Mirror Gallery of Versailles itself became the prototype for the arrangement of the Ballroom in Peterhof. Mirrored fake window-trompe l'oeil was the highlight of these rooms.

The largest in space was the Throne Room.Its area reaches 330 square meters. This room was equipped for concerts, balls and official receptions. The picture hall is considered to be the oldest palace room. In addition, initially it was the largest front room. Among the ceremonial apartments of the Own half were bedrooms, toilet rooms, imperial offices and lounges. Only approximate persons were allowed access to these premises.

grand palace in peterhof architect

Rooms in the palace

Incredibly interesting for many tourists mayturn out to be an excursion to Peterhof with a visit to the Grand Palace. The Chinese offices and the Oak study of Peter I will cause incredible delight. The first ones are rooms glowing and iridescent with gold, like Chinese lacquered pictures. And the Oak Cabinet has been preserved as a historical relic and restored with the utmost authenticity.

halls of the big palace in peterhof

Palace in the XIX-XX centuries

Grand Palace in Peterhof, whose styledenoted as Peter's Baroque, from 1845 to 1850 it was slightly rebuilt by the architect A. I. Shtakenshneider. He was engaged in the superstructure of the eastern wing and eventually made the composition of the palace balanced and gave it symmetry.

After the end of the Great October Revolutionthe palace turned into a historical and art museum. The Great Patriotic War virtually destroyed the sight: the Nazis stole much of the museum’s exhibits, and the palace building was subjected to fire and shelling.

Architects, historians, restorers and variousmasters in 1952 with their own forces restored the Grand Palace from the ruins. And in 1956, gilded domes were again installed on it. The portrait hall became the first accessible room for inspection at the Grand Palace Museum. The event happened in 1964.

Nowadays sight is a historical and art museum.

grand palace in peterhof style

Excursion to the palace

Excursion to Peterhof, Grand Palace -The event, which during the high tourist season, is not easy for the public to attend. At this time, the landmark is occupied mainly by foreign tourist groups. March and April are those months in the year when Russian sightseers can visit it. In all other months, the object is visited mainly by groups from abroad.

Tickets for the tour are not cheap (from thousandsrubles). Their cost depends on the type of pass purchased. It also takes into account whether a visitor is a foreigner or not and his social identity.