/ Location of seats in a reserved car. Traveling with comfort

Location of seats in a reserved car. Traveling with comfort

Tourism to date is one of the favorite activities for many people. This hobby, which allows you to expand your horizons, get acquainted with the sights of many cities and countries.

arrangement of seats in a reserved car

People began to travel since ancient times.Thanks to many brave pioneers, we were able to learn about new worlds, countries, about the traditions and rules of other peoples. Modern tourists for travel time takes much less than travelers a few centuries ago. Today, in a matter of hours, you can find yourself in any country and even
other end of the world.

location of seats in a reserved car

People travel in various ways:on foot, on cars, planes, boats, trips. To ensure that the trip was successful and convenient on the train, it is better to know in advance the location of the seats in a reserved car. If you go on a journey with young children, it will be more convenient on the lower shelf. In Russian trains in the reserved cars fifty-four seats. All even numbers of shelves are lower, and odd numbers are upper. It is also important to know that the numbers from the first to the thirty-sixth are regular shelves, but from the thirty-seventh to the fifty-fourth - these are already side. This is the standard arrangement of seats in a RZD reserved seat car.

Most people like to travel by trainof people. This movement allows you to see different cities, places, admire the beauty of nature on the territory of our country. If you know in advance the location of the seats in the reserved seat of the train, you can be sure of the convenience of the trip. It is more convenient when the shelf is in the middle of the car. Also, passengers traveling in the lower places are given the opportunity to use the table for lunch, reading and entertainment.

location of seats in a reserved car of a train

The location of seats in a reserved seat car playsrole in the convenience of movement, although each room is in its own way convenient. If you do not need to travel long, side seats will be convenient. The side bottom seat easily folds into a table, behind which you can just sit quietly, and there will not be several neighbors nearby. There is only one inconvenience in the side: it is much shorter in size and does not fit tall people, for example, with a height of eighty centimeters.

Many do not want to buy places neartoilet - from the first to the fourth number, the fifty-third and the fifty-fourth, and also from the thirty-third to the thirty-eighth. They are not only near the toilet, but also near the doors. It is believed that there is always an unpleasant smell and a large crowd of people.

Location of seats in a reserved car, inprinciple, is thought out in such a way that it is convenient for most people. The designers carefully thought out the layout of the places. But if the trip is planned in advance, then, of course, it is better to take care and choose more suitable places. If the trip is planned long and with the whole family, the ideal option will be when the seats are located nearby and in one compartment. Then you can safely enjoy the journey, closer to communicate with loved ones. Convenience of movement plays a big role. Let your trip be successful, and from it there will be only good impressions!