Spain is one of the most popular countries fortourism and recreation, not only for Russian citizens, but also for Europeans and Americans. Due to the enormous size of Russia, it is inconvenient for many residents of regions far from Moscow to reach the consulate in order to receive the cherished visa. For this reason, the Spain Visa Application Center was established in Novosibirsk. Now residents of Siberia can quickly and easily get a tourist visa to Spain.
Service and Visa Center of Spain in Novosibirsk
The main activity of the center isservice Siberians who want to get a visa to Spain. In Novosibirsk, the visa center accepts applications both electronically (without the presence of the applicant himself) and personally from the citizen.

The center itself, of course, does not make decisions aboutissuing or denying visas, and acts as an intermediary between the consulate and the potential visa holder. All necessary documents are accepted here, which are sent to the consulate in Moscow, and there they are already deciding whether to issue a visa or refuse.
When the decision is made, the service and visa center of the Consulate of Spain in Novosibirsk notifies the client about the decision and, in the event of a positive answer, issues a ready-made visa.
Visa center services
The main activity of the Spain Visa Application Center inNovosibirsk is to serve people who want to visit the Spanish resorts. Here, not only is the acceptance of applications and the issuance of ready-made permits, but the whole process of collecting the necessary documents is carried out.

Experts will advise you on anyissue regarding a visa or holiday in Spain. And you can get a primary consultation in person by calling or emailing. E-mails are sometimes delayed for a while, so it’s best to use the phone.
The prices for the provision of services is better to inquire in advance.
Schedule and location
The Spain Visa Center in Novosibirsk operates on a five-day schedule, serving clients daily from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 16:00 in the evening.
Depending on what reason you areapply to the visa center, specify the reception hours, since the center rooms work differently. It is also better to inquire about this in advance so as not to get into the non-reception hours.

Visa Center of Spain in Novosibirsklocated at the address: Sibirskaya Street, house 57. Getting there is not difficult. It is enough just to take the metro in the right direction and get off at the station "Krasny Prospect", "Sibirskaya" or "Garin-Mikhailovsky Square".
By the way, the Spanish visa center in Siberia is notonly in Novosibirsk, but also in Irkutsk and some other cities. Therefore, people living in Eastern Siberia and the Far East do not have to go to this visa center, which greatly simplifies and simplifies the process of obtaining and obtaining the coveted permission to visit Spain. Given the fact that among Russians there is a very large number of people who want to spend their holidays in a sunny country, this is very convenient.
Spain is among the resorts with the mostfavorable conditions for recreation and tourism. The warm subtropical climate, palm trees, azure sea, medieval buildings, castles, palaces and temples - all this attracts tens of millions of tourists from all over the world. Russia is also no exception.
Of course, for the average RussianCitizen holiday in Spain is quite expensive. This is due to many factors: the remoteness of the country, high prices by Russian standards, etc. But still, hundreds of thousands of Russians come every year to Spain to enjoy its natural and architectural beauty.

Большое количество визовых центров Испании по the whole of Russia is well stimulated and fuels the interest of Russians in mysterious Spain, albeit a bit, but simplifying the process of preparing for rest in this wonderful country. In addition, the Spaniards themselves profitable to attract as many tourists from faraway Russia, because tourism is one of the key sectors of the Spanish economy. And Russia has a rather large potential, which is not yet fully revealed.
If there were no visa centers throughout the country,then a significant number of potential tourists would be lost, because not everyone wants to get, say, from Khabarovsk to Moscow, in order to get a visa - it is quite expensive and time consuming.