/ / Swimming pool "Dynamo" in Novosibirsk

Swimming pool "Dynamo" in Novosibirsk

Everyone knows that sport is an indispensable attributeway of life of a healthy person. In many cases, thanks to physical exercises, people were able to get rid of many diseases. Of course, not all sports are equally useful. For example, weightlifting or rigid contact types of martial arts are shown generally only to a narrow circle of completely healthy people. We're talking about such a massive sport as swimming. It perfectly coaches, develops and, if necessary, in many cases heals its admirers. And what kind of swimming classes are possible without a swimming pool? Especially when it comes to Novosibirsk, which is the capital of harsh Siberia. Now in many, even much smaller cities, there are swimming pools that are no worse than the famous "Dynamo" swimming pool in Novosibirsk.

Swimming pool Dynamo Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk - the federal center of navigation

Back in January of far 2010 Novosibirskgets the status of the federal center of navigation. Why was this decision made? There is nothing surprising. Every year the number of swimming pools put into operation increases in the city. We can say that for the year on average two new ones are being built. Of course, for a city with a one and a half million this is not so much, but a lot. Now there are about a hundred rooms for swimming. There are children's, adults, and combined. Most of all, Novosibirsk is famous for its "Dynamo" swimming pool, as well as "Spartacus", the Dolphinchik children's health center and the children's pool "Starfish", "Goldfish", "Water World", "Brigantine" etc. are also present in the city. and not to list. Consider one of the most famous and popular swimming pools.

Dinamo swimming pool in Novosibirsk

Swimming pool Dynamo Novosibirsk address

"Dynamo" - a very good pool, havingsix tracks, the length of each of twenty-five meters. Working hours: Monday - Saturday from 7 am and until 20:45 (last call). On Sunday, the swimming pool is open from 9:15 until 21:00. Of course, you need to arrive no later than 15 minutes before the start of the swim, as you need to have a shower, without which you will not be admitted to the water.

There is a swimming pool "Dynamo" in Novosibirsk onto the address: st. Communist 60. With respect to the staff, visitors have almost one positive feedback. All staff are polite and attentive. Honored trainers have great experience and find an individual approach to each ward. The pool itself is light, the water is clean. In general, the pool "Dynamo" in Novosibirsk will be an excellent choice for lovers of swimming.