/ / Cities of Belarus: Orsha sights

Cities of Belarus: sights of Orsha

Some tourists to visit historic sitesthey are going to transcendental distances, although in their native land there are unique monuments of antiquity, allowing them to look into the distant past and touch the history of their people. Practically all cities of Belarus can boast of such interesting objects. There is one among them, called Orsha, a visit to which will certainly leave a lot of enthusiastic impressions.

Sights of Orsha

A few words about the story

Since time immemorial, has been his chronicleBelorussia. Orsha, located in its eastern part, is the same age as Minsk. The first time it is mentioned in the famous "Tale of Bygone Years". It is about 1067, when the trusting prince Vseslav of Polotsk crossed the river to Orsha by boat in order to meet with the princes Yaroslavichi. Those guests were captured and imprisoned. Only then it was not a city, but a village, called not Orsha, but Rsha (Rzh). “O” was added later. Since then, a lot of bad and good have seen these lands. They were part of the Principality of Polotsk, the Lithuanian, the Russian, until finally, after the October Revolution, they did not become part of the Belarusian Soviet Republic. The transition from one owner to another has always been accompanied by heavy fighting. Preserved historical evidence of the bloody massacre, called the “Battle of Orsha”, which occurred during the war of Russia and Lithuania (1514). Napoleon also trashed and burned Orsha. By the way, then the commandant here was Marie-Henri Beyle, more familiar to us as the great Stendal. The last wave of destruction and horror swept over the city during the Second World War. The fascists brought much grief, but Orsha rose again from the ashes, and now hospitably meets all of its tourists.

Location and road traffic

 city ​​map of Orsha

There are several localities withname Orsha. So, in Russia there are three villages in the Pskov and Tver regions with the same name, the city of Orsha (Belarus) is located about 200 km from Minsk to the east, and 80 km from Vitebsk to the south. The city stretched out in the mouth of Orshitsy, on the banks of this river and the Dnieper. The city has always been on important trade routes from Russia to Poland and Ukraine. Now it is called the "Eastern Gate" of Belarus. Two international highways (M1 and M8) pass through Orsha. The route M1, called the people of the Olympic, is paid. In addition, Belarus’s routes to Krichev, Mogilyov, Vitebsk, Lepel, Dubrovno and Shklov go through Orsha.

Railway transport

railway station Orsha

You can get to Orsha by rail.As early as 1871, the first railway line connecting Smolensk and Brest began to be laid here. This event was a turning point in the history of the city. And although Orsha has always occupied an important place as a trade and economic hub, the “piece of hardware” served as the very factor that led to the fantastically rapid growth and development of the city. That is why the attractions of Orsha include on their list an old steam locomotive, standing on a place of honor near the Central Station. And the building itself, built in 1912, is an architectural monument. Before him, there was another wooden station, but to date it has not been preserved. Orsha is the largest railway junction where international trains run from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vilnius, Lviv, Kiev, and Chisinau. There is also a commuter link connecting Orsha with many cities and towns of Belarus.

The oldest monument

Orsha Belarus

Гуляя по улицам Орши, гости удивляются обилию buildings with signs "Historical and cultural value." It turns out that almost every house here is a landmark. However, there is one particularly revered place, which indicates almost every tourist map of the city of Orsha. This is Castle (or Site). Many centuries ago, there was Orsha Castle, from which the city began its life. Five centuries ago, he was a formidable handsome man with five towers, he was armed with guns, arquebuses, and warriors. Unfortunately, now only images on old maps and a sign in the form of high gates remained from him. But for the townspeople this place is holy. They say that there is even a special boulder that can cure any ailment. And they say that there are still secret passages under the castle, stretching to the “White Kovel” - another half-destroyed castle in the neighboring village of Smolyany.


sights of Belarus

Monasteries, acting or not, alwaysattract attention. It can be said that these are the most ancient sights of Orsha. There are several of them in the city. Kuteinsky male Holy Epiphany, built on the Kuteinka river in 1620, survived the heyday and complete oblivion. Once, it was here that the printing house was opened and the first Belarusian “Primer” was released. Today, the monastery and the Holy Trinity Church have been restored with it. Less fortunate monastery Basilian, of which there was only one dilapidated building. Trinitarians from the monastery have also been preserved a bit, but within its walls a city registry office is now located and a remarkable fresco is kept, so it will stand for a long time. But the Assumption Monastery, survived the defeat and conflagration, restored and acts again. The Dominican monastery has also been restored and reconstructed. Now it is the church of St. Joseph the Worker.

Famous Collegium

Speaking about the sights of Orsha, it is impossibleignore the Jesuit College. Founded in 1612, it operated until 1820. The collegium building is very beautiful. It is not only fully restored, but also complemented by a colorful clock tower. Now there is a gallery, a library for children and part of the city executive committee. And in the 17th – 18th centuries, a school for children of the city nobility, the Orsha Theater, and a church functioned here. At the monastery there was a Bursa, a good library, a boarding school for students from distant villages. Nowadays, fairs, all city festivals, festivals, music and entertainment shows are held near the collegium.

Belarus Orsha

Sights of modernity

Monuments and monuments dedicated to the heroicthe struggle of citizens with the Nazis, also make up the sights of Orsha Belarus sacredly keeps the memory of its defenders and liberators, because in this country the Nazis destroyed three-quarters of the population. Of particular interest to the younger generation and tourists is the memorial complex "For our Soviet homeland" (the second name is "Katyusha"). It was in Orsha that these weapons were tested, which horrified the Germans. In 1941, within just 8 seconds, several experimental projectiles were fired, which completely destroyed trains with German equipment. Being in Orsha, it is impossible not to lay flowers on the Mound of Immortality, where there is a handful of land from the Brest Fortress.

А детям, без сомнения, понравится прогулка по the wonderful park "Fairyland", where you can see Gulliver, crocodile Gena, singing a accordion about his birthday, fairy gin and many other favorite fairy tale characters. There is even a small railway in the park, and a cheerful train rolls the kids along the alleys that are full of flowers and greenery.

Cities of Belarus


The story about the sights of Orsha would be incomplete without mentioning the museums located in the territory of the city and the region.

The Mlyn Museum of Ethnography, which is located in the building of an old mill, is always popular with tourists. It is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 6 pm.

Most recently opened and immediately became a favoriteWooden Sculpture Museum. All his exhibits are made by the most talented carver Semyon Shavrov. Sculptures look so realistic that they seem alive. At the museum there is a workshop in which the followers of a talented master teach the art of carving everyone.

Not far from the city, in the village of Levki, the Yanka Kupala reserve complex works. It is open to the public all days except Monday.

And one more place that must be visited is the museum of the partisan Zaslonov, the former leader of the partisan army in the Orsha district.