/ / Summary of the story of Vasatkino Lake by Viktor Astafyev

Summary of the story of Viktor Astafiev "Vasyutkino Lake"

The story "Vasyutkino lake" written by VictorAstafev in 1956. The idea of ​​creating a story about a boy lost in the taiga came to the author when he was still at school. Then his essay on the free theme was recognized as the best and published in the school newspaper. Many years later, Astafyev remembered his creation and published a story for children.

Vasyutkino lake

Summary of the story "Vasyutkino Lake"

Vasiutka, a thirteen-year-old, in the days of summerholidays often fished with a brigade led by his father. While the adults repaired the boats and nets, the boy went to the taiga to collect cedar cones. Once on such a walk, he decided to shoot the grouse. In pursuit of a wounded bird, the boy lost his way and got lost. At first, panic seized him, but then, remembering everything his relatives had taught him, he began to think how to get home. He prepared firewood for the night, fried wood grouse, and in the morning set off.

summary of the story vasyutkino lake

Vasyutkino lake

By evening, the boy accidentally came across the lake.Here he shot a pair of ducks. Only in the morning he decided to get his prey from the water. And here he awaited the opening. In the lake there were fish apparently invisible. And the river flowed into the lake, which stretched along the forest. He hoped that she would lead him to the Yenisei. However, Vasyutka was unlucky, as the weather turned bad and it started to rain. The boy hid under the branches of fir, ate a slice of bread, captured from the house, and fell asleep, clinging to a tree. In the morning the teenager lit a fire to keep warm.

The rescue

Неожиданно Васютка услышал тихий звук, resembling a ship squeak. He realized that it was buzzing steamer. The boy got ready and went to that sound. Forces left him, but he did not forget to take care of food. He fried two geese and went on. Soon Vasiutka came out on an unfamiliar shore. While he was wondering where to go further, in the distance there was smoke from the ship. After waiting for the ship to swim closer, the boy began to wave his hands in the hope that the passengers would see him. One man waved back. However, the boy realized that people, most likely, did not attach any importance to this greeting, because on their journey passengers had repeatedly seen those who waved their hands on the shore. Vasyutka seized despair. He began to prepare for the night, but suddenly he saw a fishing boat and began to shout loudly. Finally, he was noticed, taken on board.

afanasyev vasyutkino lake


On the boat the boy was fed and taken home.Everyone was glad to see him return, for he was no longer hoped to be found alive. The boy told his father about the wonderful lake, where there is a lot of fish. In the morning the whole team went to the place indicated by the teenager. This place was decided to call it “Vasutkino Lake”. There were really a lot of fish there. I had to call another brigade to bring the whole catch. Today Vasyutkino Lake can be found even on maps.


At school, children read a lot of good literature.These are the works of such authors as Korolenko, Solzhenitsyn, Afanasyev. "Vasyutkino lake" - one of any works of adolescents. After all, it tells about the courage and courage of an ordinary boy, who has fallen into difficult life circumstances.